Fan Fiction


Hi friend, I am Arundhati Charan a die heart fan of ZKM . This is my first os which is continuation of current track . I hope u all enjoy it .

Both MahRya are in the city of love in Agra but there heart is sobbing by the pain of separation . Seconds are moving like decades a week passed but they don’t have any news about each other .
At a dhaba a man enters in a hoodie which is making any glance of his face impossible , he orders some food. But after taking a bit he says who cooked it , how can anyone serve food of that kind. Just then a girl in black salwar suit comes there and ask what the problem was to the man and without giving any chance to that man tastes the food and says it’s perfect what rblem do u see in it .The man rises from the chair and removes his cap .
He is Shaurya and that girl is Mahek she is surpried to see him there . Both of them are happy to see each other and hug each other . tears are rolling on there faces . Then Shaurya breaks the hug and cups Mahek’s face she wie Shaurya’s tears and looks sadly upon him..
Shaurya- Why you did so Mahek ? Why you left me all alone ? My life nothing without you, you know that. Then too you left me Mahek .
Mahek – I am sorry shaurya but we can’t leave together my family won’t let us leave tgether . I can’t see you in that stte again .(tears flowing from her eyes.)
Shaurya- I’ll too see who can take my Mahek away from me . I won’t alow you to go away from me . We can’t leave without each other Mahek. Don’t do this with us . u can’t do this
Mahek- We have accept this fact that we can’t leave together no one will be happy , my family may harm you again . No sahurya i can’t see u in pain any more.
Shaurya- (hold her hand ) you love me?
Mahek – Is this a question or answer .
Shaurya – then just come with me.
He take her to his car and open the door and make her sit .
They reachis at the place were mahek was leaveing Mahek looks at him .
He says just have yur belongings we’ll go far away from this land of hatered and start our lives with love .
Mahek do what Shaurya told her and lefts a letter addresing her family that she is safe and going far away because she didn’t want to ruin there lives but she is crying . Shaurya comes there and hugs her.
Shaurya – Every thing will be fine soon , you don’t need to cry . It is for them too as they’ll be sad when they will see our sad faces and torn harts . She hugs him . They move to a small town near otty . No one knew where they are but Shaurya told vicky that they were together and safe.Vicky was to look at Shaurya’s buisness and Mahek too was conected to sonal through net only .MehRya were marreied . For a month they were in a small lodgeing which they took on rent . Shaurya was not much comfartable there but newer saw this to Mahek , they opened a restru there . Both worked there and heired some more people fr there restru .It earned much fame in just 3-4 months of it’s opening .Then Shaurya buyed a not so big but beutifull house . They newer had any fanancial problem but , the reason behind living in that samll lodgeging was to avoid any type of attraction . The simpler you live the lesser you get any attention . They also get an full time maid named Alka who soon became a good freind of Mahek .After coming of Alka the lonliness which made Mahek sad in absennse of Shaurya run away . Shaurya was always on time , he presented giftes to mahek . they went far in valles on evening walk . The children in nagobour loved Mahek very much and she too loved them and played with them . Shaurya became an caring husband and also his behaviour with the staff become smother .

On oher side in Delhi Karuna was worried for MehRya but Vicky consoled her that they were fine and he had got an mail this morning about it . Vicky was lookin after Shurya’s hotels in his absense . Sharma family was upset with KIanta as they belived she was the reson due to which they are parted from there child . Only Sonal told them that Mahek was fine but no one acctully knew where ther were as they told them if they tried to look for them every not of the relation will be broken . Kanta was suffering from the grief of her past deeds . Mahek missed her family very much but newer saw this to Shaurya . MehRya were celebrating there 2nd anniwarsary . It had been more than 2 years since they left Agra .
Every one they knew in this town was there . They celebrated the party Mahek was happy to see Shaurya laying with children and laughing with them . She thought of there first meeting and a smile come on her lips . The party was over and there guests were all gone only three of them were there Shaurya, Mahek and Alka . Mahek and Alka were in kitchen when Shaurya came and hugged Mahek , MAhek was shocked by his sudden ation then he holded her hand and took her to the tarrace he cupped maheks face and ressed her lips by his and kissed her after ome time they broke there kiss .
Shaurya – I love you Mahek . You are my whole world. Promiss me you won’t leave me ever again like you did that time . If this time you left me i’ll d. Mahek puts her hand over Shaurya’s lips and sops him from completing the sentence .
Mahek – We have left our past and moved . so , why are we discussing that . And you how dare you try to say that and start crying Shaurya tey to console her . She huggs him . Mahek- don’t you dare speak this again .
Shaurya- Sorry Mahek i didn’t meant it . They were interupted by a knock at the door of tarrace . Alka was stanmding there she told them that the manager was waiting for them in hall . So , Mahek and Shaurya went down .

Manager- sorry sir , i ditrubed you at this hour but it was important .
Shaurya – No problem Nikaitan , i can understant it might be something really important which takes you here at this hour of night .Tell me what happen.
Mahek- Is every thing all right , Is there something to worry tell us .
Nikaitan / Manager – Ma’am there is nothing to worry about . Sir it’s a good news . Acctually i got this letter at restru just at the closing time it addresed the hotel . So, i opened it you won’t believe your eyes when you read it . It is an invetation from the hotel and restru summit of this year .
Shaurya and MAhek were happy to know that thererestru was included in one of the best restrus . the manager left after giving them that nvetation. As soon as they opened the envolope therehappines disappeared . The summit was in Delhi how could they go there , Shaurya threw it and and was really furious how could we go in that hatered again we won’t . He hugged mahek and said i won’t let anyone part us . Mahek hugged him back.
Mahek- no one can part as shaurya . I won’t leave you this time at any coast . And now we’ll go delhi back and i’ll show everyone that my Shaurya loves me very much and that he is the best husband . They said you can’t be a good husbnd now i’ll show them that my Shaurya i best .
Shaurya looked at her face when she said that . They dsecided to go it was just after 4 days . they left for the summit in the morning as they didn’t wanted to stay there for long .

At summit **__ ** both khanna and sharma families were there . As sharma’s had eared a name in mobile restru’s now they had more tha 10 food truck in delhi .
The best restru award was going to be presented , And the announcment was made ” Best restru award for this year goes to a new restru in otty which serves a great varity of cousines with best hospitality and it is Meera’s Magic ” every one was shocked by the announcment. but , a great shock was a waithing that it was that the winner was nonne other that Shaurya Khanna he come to stage and said thank you every one but i don’t deserve this award . The success i own is just because of my love , my life , my wife mrs Mahek and asked Mahek to come on the stage and handed the award to her and hugged her .They thsnked everyone and went down . When they reached down both were shocked to see there families there they holded each others hand strongly then Ravi and Jeevan apolozised to shaurya and told him about the whole matter and that they just wanted there happiness if they are happy with each other they don’t have any objection and pleded them not to leave them again . Kanta too asked sorry but Shaurya stooped her both MehRya took blessing from them ans told that they are no going any where . They called Alka too from Otty as she didn’t had any one there and story end with a happy family photo .

I hope i didn’t bored you . If there were any mistakes in the story i am extremely sorry for them . Please aware me about them .
Thanks and lots of love


I am schooling now . I love reading and writing loved Mehrya and now Ashkan is my favorite.

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