Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter#2

Hi everyone, If you have not checked out Chapter 1, then the link is below,

Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Sia’s return.

VR Mansion: 1:30pm.

Vansh and Angrey have came back from the meeting. All the preparations were done. VR mansion was beautifully decorated to celebrate the return of Sia and completion of her MBBS…Ishani has prepared chocolate cupcakes for her as it was her favourite. Everyone was eagerly waiting for her arrival.

Dadi: Vansh! Have you called them? When are they going to come?
Ishani: Yeah Bhai! Now, my excitement is starting to fade away by waiting for an hour. And if I welcomed her with a bored and exhausted expression then she will taunt me all day.
Vansh: Dadi, I have called Sejal. They are on their way.

He received a call so he went outside. After sometime, Sejal came along with Sia.
Sia: I am back!!!!! She excitedly enter and ran to hug them.
Ishani: Sia!!!
She excitedly walked towards her to hug her but Sia ran passing her and hugged dadi. Ishani stopped and looked at them hugging each other. She was shocked and staring them with a “What the heck” looks..
Sia: Dadi!!!!!! I missed you so much. And you…( looking in the direction of ishani)
Ishani smiled and open her arms to hug her again but Sia again ran passing her and hugged Angre.
Sia: Angre Bhai!! How are you! And where is Vansh Bhai?? Don’t tell me He went to office for his meeting. Oh Come on..How can he do this today.
Before Angre could speak, Vansh came,
Vansh: Is anyone missing me here? (Having a smirk on his face)
Sia: Bhai! ( she hugged him and Vansh also reciprocated to her hug while Ishani has folded her fingers into a fist in anger and she wanted to punch her for ignoring her but controlled herself)
Sia: Bhai! I missed you the most. I am soo happy to be back. And You know what Sejal has welcomed me in an amazing way. At the airport, I felt like I am a princess.
Vansh: You are indeed a princess! And now Dr. Sia Raisinghania! Princess of the day! Someone is waiting for you ( signaling her towards Ishani) Hug her before her murderous gaze turns into something dangerous (wink)
Sia realized that she has not yet greeted her.. She hesitatingly walked towards her.
Sia: Ishani di!!!
Ishani: Oh do you remember you have a sister too?? ( sarcastically)
Sia: Sorry na. I was just super excited. Come on. I have to tell You soooo much..
Ishani( smiling): I will listen to all of your stories but First give me a tight hug.
And then both the sisters share a hug. Dadi, Vansh, Angre and Sejal were smiling at them.
Vansh gestured sejal to come in a corner.
Sejal:( came to the corner and said) I know Vansh Bhai what you want to say. Don’t worry I am not going to tell anything about Riddhima to Sia.
Vansh: Thanks and One more thing, Thanks for this wonderful decorations and making this day special for her. Now, You go with Sia and Ishani. You will be hungry as You are working since early morning.
Sejal: Ok bhai!
Then, All of them had a wonderful time at the lunch table.

Scene 2:
Riddhima reached a hotel and went to receptionist.
Rid: Good Morning! I have come here to meet Mr. Manish Raichand. Can you tell me his room no.? I Am Riddhima Shah.
Rec: Kindly Wait a minute Ma’am. ( She checked about him in her laptop and make a call) Good Morning! Mr. Raichand! A girl named Riddhima Shah has come here to meet you.( after listening to his reply, she said)
Rec: Mr. Raichand is staying in Room no. 84. You can go there.
R: Thank you!
She reached his room and after knocking, she entered. The room was dark and the face of the man was not visible.
R: Dad! How are you! What happened? You were coming next month but You here? All of a sudden? What is the issue? Is there something dangerous? Are u Alright?
Dad: Its about Vansh Raisinghania.
She became shocked at the mention of his name.
They had long conversation (will be revealed later).
After a long discussion,
R: Ok Dad! I am ready to do this. Its a mission for me. Nothing else. But I assure you that your work will be done perfectly. Don’t worry! Riddhima does every work assigned to her with perfection. Nothing is acceptable to me less than this.
D: I know it that’s why I have assigned you this task. Riddhima! I trust you. Do whatever you want to. But, My work should be done. You know very well the importance of Raisinghanias for me.
R: Its just a matter of one month. Just do one thing for me. Take care of yourself. And leave the rest on me.
D: Have you thought of some plan?
R( with an evil smirk): I have heard that her sister Sia Raisinghania is back from London. And she is a doctor too. Right?
D(having a smirk on his face and understanding her plan):You never disappoint me.
R: I know.
D: Just take care of your yourself. You need much more self control and confidence for this mission. You have to bear loss from both sides
R: Don’t worry. I know how to turn the tables in my favour.(evil smirk)

In the hospital, Aryan and kabir were clearly, visibly and happily violating every command of riddhima. Aryan was leaving no chance to flirt with every girl present there whether she is a nurse, a patient or a relative of the patient. Kabir was behaving like a mature guy and supervising the work.
Aryan went to Maya, the receptionist.
A: Hey beautiful! Look What I got for u.(giving her a chocolate)
M: Thank you sir! (Blushing)
A: U know what I saw you in my dream yesterday and guess what?
M(surprised): Wow! What happened in your dream sir! Was I looking beautiful?
A: You were looking like a princess. Infact you are a princess.
M: And you would be the prince right? I mean in your dreams.
A(thinking): Girls of this modern era are no less. Boys are just notorious for flirting but look at her. With my flirtious talks, she is giving cringy replies. What the fu** How can I be his prince. Just look at her. Eewwww.
Maya snapped her fingers, asking innocently,
M: Where are you lost?
A(fake smile): In your beauty! I mean in my dream.
M: Tell me what happened then.
A: You asked me for a chocolate. You were hungry. And I brought a truck full of it.
M: Wowww!! That’s why you brought this chocolate. Thank you sir!
A(to himself): why would I bring a chocolate for you. I bought it for myself but it tasted so bad that I had to give the second one to you and for this I am expert in cooking up interesting stories. Proud of you Aryan.
M(realizing something): Sir! Plz go. If riddhima mam sees you here, she will not leave me too.
A: Oh Don’t worry about the Angry Bird. She is on off today. And you know what while leaving, she was also eating chocolate. She ate half and gave me the rest to give it you.
Aryan handed her the half eaten chocolate that he had eaten and left it for its worst taste.
M(surprised): Riddhima Mam?
A: Yeah she said,”Give this to my dear Maya,”
Maya was surprised to the core,
A: Yeah. She said to give this to you. She really likes you alot. She also said to give you a hug. If you allow….
M: Yes!!! If its from riddhima mam, then its the best gift.
She was going to Aryan when kabir came in between.
Kabir (whispering in Aryan’s ear): Don’t shoot your flirtious rockets so high that it reaches to Riddhima’s ear. If she heard of this, specially Riddhima fake gift, She will give you an atom bomb in return with a Choclate(smirk)
A(loud): Aaaaa. Yes yes Kabir. You are right. We have a lot of work. I know you can’t handle alone that’s why you came for my help. Lets go.
Kabir raised his eye brow. Aryan gave him a sorry looks. They sneaked from their before Maya could taste the chocolate.

At night:
In VR Mansion:
Vansh, Sia and Ishani were having a siblings time together in Sia’s room. They were chatting and listening to Sia’s stories. Angrey and Sejal were looking at the them and adoring them. They left from their and came to the living room.
Angrey: I have seen Vansh peaceful after a long time.
Sejal: You are right Angre. The last time I have seen him like this is when He was with riddhima. And also, she is the reason of his this state.
Angrey: I know You miss her. But What she did…
Sejal(cutting him): What she did was not right Angre. She was a pure soul. I don’t know what she had in her mind. But now, I have no link with her. Yes, I miss her but then I remember that day and so many questions arise in my mind. I don’t know how to deal with them.
Angrey: (putting hands on her shoulders) Relax. Don’t stress yourself. Its ok. It was not Your mistake. Just go to sleep. You will be tired working all day.
Sejal: oh snap! I forgot that I have to go to Kolkata tomorrow for a project. Will be back in a week. Please tell bhai too. I don’t wanna distrub him now.
Angrey: yeah sure.
After that, They all went to sleep.
On the other side,
In RS Mansion: 9:00 pm
Kabir and Aryan have came back after a tiring day at hospital. They asked Mrs. D’souza about Riddhima and after knowing that she has not returned yet, they become worried.
Kabir: I hope everything’s fine. Sir never call her like this. It must be something urgent. (They call Manish Raichand as Sir)
Aryan: I was thinking the same. Whenever she goes to meet him, she usually returns by evening. But today, She has not returned yet. If something has happpened with her?
Kabir: Shut Up Aryan! You know her, she plays with dangers all day and she is perfect in her work. We should wait for her return and I am sure She will be back Aftersometime.

The scene shifts to a deserted ground. Darkness of the night has spread everywhere and there was no one present their except a Black Mercedes car.
A Girl was sitting on the ground in front of the car giving support to her back by the bumper of car. She was Riddhima talking to herself.
R: How am I going to do this? I have assured Dad but How am I going to face him. No, Riddhima. What have u done that you are scared of facing him. You have to do this. You have to go there where this all started. You are not that riddhima anymore. That riddhima died a long time back. Its time to show your strengths. Its time to pay back. I cant fall weak. I have to control my emotions. Riddhima! You play with dangers everyday. Its just another mission, nothing else.
Saying this, she got up, made some important calls and drove back to her home.

In RS mansion: 10:00pm
Riddhima entered the mansion.
Kabir(worriedly): Where were you ma’am? You can’t even imagine how much worried we were for you. Have you been stuck somewhere?
Aryan: What happened Mam? You look worried? Why are you not speaking anything? Is there some serious issue?
She was stressed but looking how much worried they were and how much they care about her, a smile appeared on her face.
Riddhima ( politely): Now, Dear brothers, will you give me a chance to speak or wanna continue your quiz session? (Smiling) Calm down. I am absolutely fine.
Aryan and Kabir calmed down looking at her smiling face.
Riddhima (Hidding her tension): Actually, Dad has assigned me a new task. And its a very dangerous one. So, I just wanted some alone time to focus on my plan. Everything is set now. Get ready, Tomorrow, we are going to Mumbai.
*so, here guys I forgot to tell U one thing that Riddhima lives in Delhi and works in Lifeline hospital Delhi. And Vansh lives in Mumbai with his family*
Aryan ( excitedly):Woah…Another adventure coming ahead! We are ready!
Kabir (confused): But Whats the plan? I mean what is the task and Why are we going to Mumbai?
And Then, They discussed their plan the whole night and left for Mumbai to start their plan ASAP. Riddhima told them about plan and mission but not anything about her and Vansh relation and past.
They reached Mumbai and Bought an apartment where they could start the execution of their plan.

After Two Days,
In VR mansion,
Sia excitedly entered in Vansh’s room. Vansh who was busy in his laptop without even looking up, asked:
Vansh: What is it Sia?
Sia: Bhai how do u know that it was me.
Vansh: Because only you and Dadi come in my room without knocking. Dadi has gone to the temple, so Obviously….
Sia: Ohk. Actually, Bhai I came here to to tell You something.
V(closing his laptop and putting his whole concentration towards Sia)Go ahead. i am listening.
S( excitedly): Bhai, I wanted to join a hospital for My internship. So, I submitted my Application in Lifeline Hospital, Mumbai. And I got selected!
She wanted to speak more but hesitated….
V: Well done. I am proud of you. But I think there is something else too.
S: Bhai! Recently, The owner of that hospital has got changed recently. I have listened that the new owner is a young talented surgeon who has come from Delhi. It would be an honour to work with her. I am so excited for this. The hospital management has organized a party in her honour and the families of all the interns and other workers are invited. So,…. (She again hesitated to speak. She wanted to invite him but she was scared to ask because Vansh had been avoiding parties for the past 5 years as much as she knows)
V: Ok Ok Hold your horses, I got it. So, The matter is that my dear sister wants me to come to the party? Right.
S: Bhai, its just a formal gathering. I know you always remain engrossed in your work and you don’t have time but bhai! You are my ideal, my mentor. I have come so far and standing at this position just because of you. I am a doctor just because of you. Tomorrow, I am going to start a new chapter of my life and It will be a new beginning of my life and I want you to be with me as you are always with me. Please bhai don’t say No. please!
V: Ok ok. Enough of your emotional blackmail. I will definitely come to this gathering as its related to my sister’s happiness and nothing matters more to me than my sister. (Giving a smile) and I am really proud of my sister. How can I miss this beautiful moment of your life!
S: (hugged him excitedly) Thank You so much Bhai! You are the best!
V: By the way, who is this new owner?
S: Bhai! I don’t know much about her but I have heard that she has earned fame because of her dedication to her work. She is perfect in her working methodology and demands perfection in everything. And one more thing, She has become active almost 3 years ago. She become famous in a very young age and I have also heard that she is very strict about her rules and regulations. She is just like you bhai. She is one of the most successful and talented doctors of Delhi.
V: Hmm. Just like me??? Right??. Ab to usse milna hi prega.( now, It is must to meet her) Lets see who has dared to compete with Vansh RaiSinghania?
S: Come on Bhai. She is a doctor and You are a bussiness man. Where is the competition?
V: Competition is in the strengths and capabilities. No one has ever dared to even borrow the qualities of Vansh RaiSinghania. Who is she that has owned them and that too in just 3 years. Interesting. Very interesting.!!!! (Vansh attitude bgm plays)

Next Day, At the lifeline hospital, The vast open lawn area in front of the hospital was decorated beautifully to welcome the new owner. A stage was made and the manager was standing there to host the event. All the new interns joining in the hospital, senior doctors were seated in the front row. Staff was looking at the arrangements as the arrival of owner was expected soon. The families of all the interns and doctors have also joined the occasion. Vansh and his family were given a special protocol being the most successful bussiness tycoon. They were sitting in one of the front tables titled as “The Raisinghanias” Vansh was standing a bit far away near to the entrance. He was receiving a business call.
(So, here guys I want to say sorry for one thing I am not good in defining the scenerios like this. So, please ignore this. One more thing, i will try to add bgm of the Immj 2 at the suitable places to add a bit more feelings while reading)

One of the staff member came to the manager and informed him,
Staff: Sir! Dr. Shah has arrived.
He announced the arrival in the mic and everyone standed at their positions and the seniors came to the entrance with bouquets in their hands. A black Mercedes came to the entrance and A girl got down from the back seat of the car. (Vihaan entry bgm plays) She was wearing black office pants with a striped black ‘n’ white office shirt and a black long coat. Her long hair were shining in the sunlight, flowing in the breeze and she removed her glasses giving a smiling look to the persons gathered their. Vansh and all the RaiSinghanias except Sia looked at her and were shocked to the core.

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