Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter#4

Here is the link for Chapter 3 If you have missed it,

Chapter 3

Chapter 4: The Relation of Hatred

At night, In VR mansion,
Vansh was extremely angry and throwing everything around in his room. He broke the mirror destroyed everything visible. Listening to sound, Angrey came running,
A: Vansh!!! Have you gone mad?? What are you doing??
Vansh picked up another vase.
A: Leave it Vansh. (He jerked him) What do you think you can resolve this matter by breaking everything around?
V: Angre! How can this be possible Angrey? How can she be a doctor? How can she come back like nothing happened? Did you see her? She was laughing with her cheap boyfriends af if nothing happened. She was showing so much attitude as if I had done wrong with her. She has Betrayed me. And what! She was ordering my sister in front of me. How can she be the owner? I am damn sure she would have cheated someone else. Thats how she has come back with this personality.
A: Calm down Vansh! I was also thinking about it. How can she be a doctor? We had personally handled this matter after her betrayal.

A flashback is shown,
5 years ago,
Vansh was burning with rage. He called angrey.
V: Angrey! Come to room right NOW!
A: Yes Vansh!
V: Angrey I want you to contact every medical college of this country. And tell them that Riddhima Shah should not get admission in any of their campus. If they didn’t do it then they will have to face the Rage of Vansh RaiSinghania. Riddhima should be suspended from her college too ASAP.
A: But Vansh!
V: Do it Angrey! or Do you wish to die??
A: Ok! I wll do it.
He left.
V: (to himself) Riddhima!!! You have done your biggest mistake by betraying Vansh RaiSinghania. Now, Get ready for the revenge. Today, I am going to make a new relation with you. THE RELATION OF HATRED!! And this is going to be your gift for this!!! I will remove all your memories from my life. This is gonna be a hell for you!!!
Flashback ends.

A: I will appoint my detectives to investigate in this matter. We have to check whether she is actually a doctor or just a fraud. Because its about Sia’s Reputation too.
V: I can’t let her play with me once again! And Sia!…Riddhima will have to face her worst fears if she did anything with her.
Meanwhile, In riddhima’s Apartment,
Riddhima was having dinner with Kabir and Aryan.
R: Kabir! Are you done with all the arrangements I have told you to make?
K: Yeps! Everything is sorted. I have hired the best team to keep an eye on each and every member of Raisinghania. They will be with them all the time like their shadow.
R: Good! Kabir! I want you to remain Always with Sia. She has just come back and I don’t want anything that could affect her internship. Its an important part of her career. Make sure that she gets the best training. Appoint the best sergeon with her.
K: but Ma’am you were going to train her personally. Then, Why someone else?
R: Kabir! I am here for something else. I will try to train her but my main is something else. I have to focus on that. Just leave that on me. And you aryan!
A: yeah yeah. I know. I have to just take care of financial needs of the hospital and checking the CCTV footage after every 15 mins and I Have to appoint The team for safety of hospital. Right!
R: wow! I am impressed! What made you that much responsible.
A: Your special dedication to this mission.
Riddhima stopped listening to his words. She stared him and He was giving her doubtful looks.
R: What?
A: Can I ask you something?
R: Shoot.
A: How do you know The Raisinghanias?
R: What made you think like this?
This time Kabir joined aryan,
K: As he said, You dedication Ma’am! You have been tough, committed and strong in every mission. But this time, You are a bit fearful and concerned too. As if you have the fear of losing someone.
R: It nothing like that. Just the fact that the success of this mission is very important for Dad.( Manish Raichand ) I am just concerned about him.
A: You didn’t answer my question. How do you know them?
R: Aryan! I don’t have any answer for your baseless question.
A: its not baseless. It just I guess very personal. Sorry but I am concerned about You and you know I will find it out by hook or by crook.
R: Ok Fine!!! For now, It enough for both of You to know that I know them. I had a close relation with them. I was emotionally attached with them but now its nothing like that. I am just here bcoz of dad’s orders. (With painful voice) Now, Its just A RELATION OF HATRED .And I hope you will not try to emotionally break me by asking more questions.
Saying this. She left the table and went to her room locking her door. To avoid any thoughts, she immediately slept.
Aryan and Kabir grew more suspicious by hearing her painful voice. They determined to go to bottom of this matter without Riddhima’s knowledge. They don’t want to see her like this as it was the first time that she behaved this way.

Next morning, In VR Mansion,
Vansh was in his study when Angrey came,
A: vansh!
V: Angrey! Have you got any news regarding her?
A: What I got to know is very strange.
V: What?
A: Riddhima has completed her MBBS degree 3 years ago. She has been Working as a doctor in delhi. Then, She became a surgeon and with her hardwork, She has reached to this level. She owns a mansion And A hospital in Delhi. She came here to expand her hospital branches and her business!
V: Business? What kind of business?
A: We don’t know anything except this,
V: What you mean Angrey that you got no information about her.
A: I guess Riddhima has got deep approaches and references. No one is willing to tell anything about her. Everything is kept extremely confidential. All this has been kept hidden so perfectly that even my most trained men are not able to get any info.
V: Dammit!!!! Something is not right Angrey. Riddhima has definitely come here with some hidden motive. Her personality, her background, her confidence everything is pointing towards something fishy. Its not as simple as we think
A: You are right Vansh. I will keep an eye on her.
V: No. Not this time. She can’t fool Vansh easily. I will personally handle this matter now. You know what! Yesterday, That manager was saying that she demanded to meet family of every intern. It means she knew that Sia is the intern in that hospital. I am damn sure that this time she has chosen Sia to start her plannings with. And I am not going to let Sia a prey to her cunning plannings.
A: What are you going to do?
V: First, I need to check my sister. I am going to hospital to warn Riddhima.

At hospital,
Riddhima appointed the best surgeon of Mumbai to train The new interns and appointed Kabir with him indirectly to look after Sia. Aryan was also busy with the assigned work. Riddhima was in her cabin. Vansh came to the hospital. First, He met Sia where the presence of a new surgeon grew him more suspicious and he went straight towards Riddhima’s cabin in anger.
Receptionist came running behind to stop him from going without appointment.
Vansh banged the door and went straight in.
V: What do you want now? Why have you come here? Haven’t you destroyed me enough that you have come back?
Riddhima who was not at all shocked at his arrival just gave him a an evil smirk. Meanwhile, the receptionist came and apologized to Riddima for being not able to stop him.
R (to receptionist): Its ok. Its gonna be his daily routine to come here. Don’t worry. He can come anytime without any appointment. Afterall, he is the great Vansh RaiSinghania concerned about his sister. Right? ( looking at Vansh).
The receptionist left and Riddhima closed the door saying,
R: Nice to meet you again Mr. RaiSinghania. How can I help You?
V: I will prefer death to asking your help. Just tell me What is your motive now? Look Riddhima! If you try to harm Sia or any other member of my family again then It going to be worst for you.
R(in anger): First of all, Its Dr. Riddhima shah…Infact, Dr. Shah for you and secondly, Its not your mansion or empire that You come banging the door like this. Neither am I any employee of yours that you will boss around me nor your property. So, If you want to talk, just sit and talk. Don’t try to throw your tantrums on me. Its not going to work anymore.
V: Its my way of talking with deceivers like you. And To hell with your Dr. Shah.I don’t give respect to people like you. You are under my radar now. Just start your back counting.
R: its just your overconfidence that is giving big challenges to me. You can do nothing Mr. RaiSinghania. Oh Don’t mind my asking! What happened to your investigation that you have conducted with your detectives about me? Have you got any information?
V(dumbstruck): How did you know about that?
R: I know much more than this. I have my resources too. Danger is coming for you Mr. RaiSinghania. So you better start YOUR back counting.
V: Vansh RaiSinghania doesn’t fear death. Infact, the death fears me that if it tried to come too close to me, I might get offended.
Riddhima smiles sarcastically. This pissed Vansh. He pushed her backward pinning her to the wall. He did it to scare her but She wasn’t afraid at all. Infact, she looked straight in his eyes with cold and fierce looks which made Vansh surprised. Ishq mein marjawan plays…They were staring in each other’s eyes full of anger and pain. Vansh was so engrossed in those black eyes with long lashes and the glossy pink lips, that he forgot what he was here for. Riddhima was also staring in his eyes but realizing the situation, she looked in other direction trying to avoid it. She blinked making Vansh come back to reality.
V: So much attitude huh? Just surprised that why I didn’t noticed it 5 years ago. You were always like that. But Don’t you dare harm Sia. I know that it was your well planned move to meet us again indirectly.
R: Thanks for the complement. But If you are thinking that I want to involve Sia in all this then I am sorry. You are wrong. You are not as dumb as you are posing. You have disappointed me. Mr. RaiSinghania! I am the owner here. I very well know who works in my hospital. I believe in perfection and its my way of working. I check backgrounds of every employee I am working with. Its just a coincidence of Sia being an intern in this hospital. Don’t worry. This time I will not come in your way. I have other more important works to do. (Taking a deep breath).
V: Don’t beat around the bush Riddhima. Just come to the point. What is your motive now?
R: Its none of your business. And I am sure that I have answered every question that I wanted to answer.
V: Just one more.
R: Now What?
V: Was’nt your greed getting satisfied with one boyfriend that now you tempted two of them. I just pitty that Kabir and Aryan. Well, How did you met them? Cooked up another story?
Riddhima now understood that yesterday’s madness was actually an act of jealousy. But what made her lose her temper was the fact that he called Karyan (Kabir and Aryan) as her boyfriends whom she considers brothers. She was filled with anger and pushed him backwards,
R(anger): You are not that deserving to know about my relations.(loud) So, LEAVE!!! RIGHT NOW!!!! JUST LEAVE!!!!
Vansh was extremely disturbed with her dual meaning talks and her attitude. No one has ever raised his voice in front of Vansh RaiSinghania. Moreover, The last three words has boiled his blood as no one has ever dared to order him with this attitude. He kicked her table and angrily went away as He can’t bear it more.
R(to herself): Everything is going according to the plan. I hope nothing bad happens. He has already started his investigations. I have to be more careful now.

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