Fan Fiction

Our love is beyond this world!!!”The First Venture of Love-“(swaragini FF) Episode 2

Hey guys… The second venture of love goes on as Ragini’s words….

Link for previous episode:
Episode 1

The Pooja got over finally!!! Swara cried slightly thinking about our parents… Only her tears can make this strong girl weak… Ya,I’m strong enough… But on seeing my Shona crying, my tears also came out!!! Then she held my hands to make me sure that she was okay… Awww!!!My sister is the cutest..She is always my stand-by,my rockstar,my bestie and I just love my sister to the moon and back!!!

We were having dinner… Shona was asking a question which made me think heavily… Her question was…

Shona: Rags, do you remember the day when our car got into the accident… We were falling into the river… Can’t you remember it???But who saved us both??? In hospital, we both were there…

Me: Might be some person around that way!!In hosptial too,they admitted us…

Shona: Definitely not!!!There,none were present…

Me: What are you saying??? Are you trying to say that a creature other than human saved us???

Shona: Rags, the people who admitted us in the hospital, found us in a road… But who did save us from the river???

Me:I don’t know darling… Why are you getting confused??? What happened??? Suddenly!!!

Shona: Nothing, I always wanted to thank the man who saved us… And wanna ask him why didn’t he save our parents…

Me:If we are fortunate, we will find and thank him… Now you eat your food… You’re not eating properly…

She had her food but her face was yet confused… She just said “Good bye” and covered herself in blankets…

Her words echoed in my head… Like seriously, who did save us??? No idea…Something was disturbing my heart… I couldn’t sleep properly… And when I tried to remember what happened that day, I could only remember before our car fell down and remember only after I woke up in the hospital…Nothing came to my mind… Oh!!!I was confusing myself… I needed a sleep after many works but I couldn’t sleep… Suddenly I heard someone calling me… My name!!!

Seriously I was hearing my name continuously… But Shona was also sleeping!!! Was that voice my illusion??? No,I heard it clearly… It had been heard continuously from a strong, manly voice… Actually it was like my beloved called my name… The voice came from the side of terrace… I’m a strong girl…So I went to the terrace and see what’s going on!!! It was more thrilling, the more I got closer to the terrace…. I gone to the terrace!!!! Now I could hear the voice so clearly… That voice was making me fall!!!I couldn’t see any creature in front of my eyes… Yet I heard his voice… But who was he??? No idea…Suddenly some cute red flowers appeared in front of eyes in the form of “heart” shape…Then I heard him talking to me…

He: Hey Ragini!!! How long I had been waiting for you to see your beautiful face??? These red flowers are no match to your beauty… Yet,I did this to make my queen happy… But you are not happy for it…

He said it and thrown the flowers off…I was in a total shock…I couldn’t resist all this…

Me: Who is this??? I can’t see any structure… But I can hear the voice… I’m not scared okay???

He: Ya,you are the strongest woman and I know it… Don’t need to get afraid!!! I will come to meet you very sooner!!! I did save you from that river!!! Because I couldn’t see you dying… Your pain on that day was mine that day… 12 stitches on your head almost killed me…

I was like, 12 stitches on my head, how did he know that… It happened a 10 years ago… Even I forgot that count and all…

Me: Hey,who are you??? Please tell me…

He: Ragini, I always wanna protect you… Think me as your protective shield!!!

Me: Are you crazy???

He: Yeah, for you…

Me: I can’t sleep if you don’t tell who you are!!!

He: Ragini, why are you thinking like that??? I will make you sleep…Go to your bed first…

Me: Oh really???

He: Yeah,Ragini!!Go to your bed…

His words were like the sweetest order and I had been to bed immediately… Shona was sleeping so peacefully…

Suddenly, a feather of peacock carresed my hair…It was just so smooth… I was thinking very deeply…But the feather’s touch on me was more effective on me than the thoughts and confusions… I didn’t know when I slept… But when I woke up to the voice of Shona… It was 7 in the morning… Shona was waking me up… Usually, this never happens… I always used to wake her up… But that day,she was waking me up!!! I had to cook and had to get ready for office… What would I do??? Then Shona came to me…

Shona: Rags, you slept a long while today… So I have prepared some noodles for both of us…

I was like, Oh my God,Shona’s noodles would be very worst… Because of that voice of that crazy fellow, I should have to eat Shona’s noodles… That voice told me that he would protect me from everything… But who will protect me from Shona’s noodles… Shona and her love tortures!! Hilarious!!!!

To be continued!!!

Thank you,
With love,


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