Fan Fiction

Love Is Blind (Episode 19)

Who is awesome? U GUYS are awesome. UR COMMENTS are awesome. U are awesome. Thanks for all ur love. If u guys have any requests or any suggestions please comment. Otherwise u can share ur views about this ff so I know if I am doing a good job (I hope I am). Now let’s get on with the episode…..

Recap: Twinj are still fighting. Bebe and Uv decide to patch them up. They decide to celebrate Usha and Monohar’s wedding anniversary at a resort for three days. Twinj end up at the wrong hotel.


Twinkle and Kunj go inside their room. The room has hearts all over the walls. There are candles everywhere but they are not lit.
Twinkle- Kunj where have u brought me.
Kunj- How should I know? Couldn’t Bebe find a better resort?
The guy from the reception comes there.
Guy- Sir, madam do u need anything?
Kunj looks at Twinkle shivering.
Kunj- Yea send two towels.
The guy comes back with two towels.
Guy- Sir anything else u need?
Kunj- No we are fine.
Guy- I have something special if u need it. U know u might need it.
He winks. Kunj understands that the guy is thinking with a dirty mind. Twinkle does not understand.
Twinkle- Oh what’s the special thing I want it.
Kunj is shocked.
Kunj- No Twinkle! Bhaiya please go we don’t need anything.
Guy- But madam wants it.
Kunj- I said go!
The guy leaves. Kunj closes the door.
Twinkle- Kunj ur so mean. U didn’t let him give me the special item.
Kunj- Twinkle u really are a Siyappa Queen. U were going to do another Siyappa. Do u even know what he was giving us?
Twinkle makes a confused face.
Kunj- Those things…….
Twinkle is still confused. Kunj points at Twinkle then at himself.
Kunj- Twinkle those…..
Twinkle suddenly understands and her mouth goes wide open. Twinkle and Kunj look around awkwardly. Kunj gives the towel to Twinkle. Suddenly the lights go off.
Twinkle- Kunj what happened?
Kunj- The electricity went out. Let me light the candles.
He lights the candles and turns to see Twinkle drying her hair with the towel. Kunj is mesmerized in her. For a moment he forgets about their fight. He walks towards Twinkle. Twinkle walks back. Kunj keeps walking forward and Twinkle walks back and hits the end of the bed. She falls on the bed and Kunj falls on top of her. Twinkle’s hair falls on her face. Kunj tucks her hair behind her ear. Twinkle closes her eyes from Kunj’s touch. Kunj leans down and kisses Twinkle’s neck. He leaves a little love mark. Twinkle caresses Kunj’s hair. Kunj moves up and kisses Twinkle’s cheek. He moves towards her lips. They are a few centimeters away. Suddenly Twinkle’s phone rings. Twinj realize their position and stand up quickly. Twinkle picks up her phone. Kunj stands there awkwardly.
Uv- Twinkle, Usha aunty sent Kunj the wrong hotel address. I am sending u the correct one. Come there with Kunj.
Twinkle hangs up. She looks at Kunj awkwardly. Neither of them says a word.
Kunj thinks- What was I doing? How can I forget that we are in a fight? How could I do that?
Twinkle thinks- What was Kunj doing? And me…how did I just give into Kunj’s touch like that?
Twinj- Voh…
They both speak at the same time.
Kunj- U speak first.
Twinkle- Bhai messaged me the correct address. He told us to go there.
Kunj- Ok.
Twinkle and Kunj leave and pass by the reception.
Guy- Wow sir and madam u guys are out so quickly? U are probably the fastest couple in this hotel.
Twinkle looks embarrassed. Kunj raises his hand in a motion to punch the guy. The guy looks scared.
Kunj (sarcastically)- U and ur special item live a happily married life. Thank u for ur help.
Kunj puts his hands together in front of him like in a praying motion.
Kunj- Goodbye.
Twinkle holds in her laughter. Kunj keeps the money on the counter and they walk out. They drive to the resort.

(Sidmin Resort….)

Twinkle and Kunj go and meet up with their families. Then they all go to their respected rooms. Everyone is tired so they all go straight to bed.

The Next Morning…..

Twinkle wakes up and goes to take a shower. She comes out and gets ready. She is wearing a navy blue long skirt with white patterns and a white top. She goes to the mirror to fix her hair. Suddenly Twinkle sees a mark on her neck. She touches it. Suddenly yesterday’s incident flashes before her eyes and she remember’s Kunj’s kiss.
Twinkle- Oh fish! What do I do now?
She rubs the mark but it does not go away. So, Twinkle takes a scarf and wears it to cover the mark. Then she goes to the patio near the pool to have breakfast with the rest of the family. Twinkle goes and sees the Sarna and Taneja families enjoying their time and chatting. Kunj is on his phone. Twinkle goes and sits next to Leela.
Leela- Oh Twinkle puttar tu agaye. We were all waiting for u. Now we can order breakfast. Waiter!
Everyone orders breakfast. The waiter serves them.
Uv- Twinkle it’s so hot outside how are u wearing that scarf. Look at me I am wearing shorts and I never wear shorts.
Everyone laughs.
Leela- Here let me take it off for u.
Twinkle- No maa nahi.
Leela takes the scarf off. Kunj watches this and drinks his coffee silently.
Leela- Puttar what happened? What is that on ur neck? Are u ok?
Uv- Twinkle what happened?
Twinkle gets nervous.
Twinkle- Voh ummmm….ummmm….oh yea a mosquito bit me.
Kunj spits out the coffee from his mouth and starts coughing.
Usha- Kunj! What happened?
Kunj is still coughing. Usha pats his back. Twinkle looks around awkwardly. Uv and Bebe look at each other and smirk because they understood.
Kunj stops coughing.
Kunj thinks- Twinkle tune mujhe mosquito kaha.
Uv thinks- Wow Kunj babu now let me show u what u get for touching my sister this close before marriage.
Everyone finishes their breakfast and goes their own ways to explore the resort. Kunj is going when suddenly Uv stops him.
Kunj- Bro, do u need anything?
Uv- Yes an answer.
Kunj looks confused.
Uv- Yaar tell me clearly are u or are u not fighting with Twinkle?
Kunj doesn’t answer.
Uv- Come one bro we all know that a mosquito bit Twinkle and that mosquito’s name is Mr. Kunj Sarna.
Kunj looks down embarrassed.
Uv- Look if u can’t stay away from her then don’t but please get married to her first. Now stop fighting like children. Nahi tum dono toh bacho se bhi bhara bacho ho. Tom and Jerry should come and take classes from u two.
Uv walks away leaving Kunj speechless.
Kunj- Kya yaar what is this? Now what am I supposed to do if Twinkle looks so mesmerizing? Yeh kya muzibaat hai.
He turns and finds Twinkle standing there. Twinkle had heard everything. Kunj looks at her then walks away.
Twinkle- Omg why are boys so damn confusing?
She also walks away. Uv and Bebe were both hiding and watching them.
Uv- Haad hogaye Bebe we have to do something.
Bebe- Ok here’s the plan……..
Bebe tells her plan to Uv.
Uv- Wow Bebe u are amazing!
Bebe- Ok now time to start mission Twinj milao.
She puts out her hand and Uv puts his hand on top of hers.

The Next Scene…..

Kunj- Bebe are u sure u left ur phone in this room?
Bebe- Yes yes now go and check.
Kunj goes inside the room and looks for Bebe’s phone.
Uv comes with Twinkle.
Twinkle- Bhai are u sure ur phone is in this room?
Uv- Yea now go.
He pushes her inside the room and Bebe and Uv close the room from outside.
Kunj looks at Twinkle.
Kunj- Tu!
Twinkle- Tum!
They both point at each other. Then all of a sudden they both look at the closed door and run to it. The find it closed and starts banging on the door.
Twinj- Bebe/bhai open the door please.
Bebe- No until u two don’t solve ur little fight then we won’t open the door.
Twinj look at each other with tashan but their eyes shows ishq. (Tashan E Ishq plays in bg).

Precap: Will Twinkle and Kunj end their fight and make up? To know stay tuned and keep reading Love Is Blind only on TellyUpdates…..


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