Fan Fiction

Love Is Blind (Episode 25)

GUYS this is Episode 25!!!!!!! Party time! ? Now that I have reached half of half century then there has to be a twist right? Hope u guys don’t start hating me after this episode but keep ur trust in me it will get better….just wait and watch… Now let’s get on with the episode….

Recap: Twinkle and Kunj get engaged.


Twinkle and Kunj exchange rings. Everyone claps for them. They greet guests and enjoy. Uv was walking when he passes by Mahi and his watch gets stuck to her dupatta.
Mahi- Hey wait!
Uv- Oh I’m so sorry.
Mahi- U can’t even walk properly? Look what u did.
Uv- Are I said I was sorry. I thought u were from America, u don’t understand English?
Mahi takes her dupatta out from Uv’s watch.
Mahi- Idiot!
She walks away leaving Uv baffled. A little boy comes up to Uv and tugs on his leg. Uv looks at him. The boy signs him to come down. Uv kneels down to reach the boy.
Boy- Uncle are u upset?
Uv- Why?
Boy- Because that aunty just yelled at u.
Uv- Oh yea…that aunty is a bad aunty. She is so mean she always yells at me.
Boy- Pata hai uncle, whenever my mom yells at me I become upset. Then she tells me that yells at me because she loves me. That aunty also yelled at u because she loves u, so don’t get upset uncle.
The little boy kisses Uv’s cheek then runs away. Uv stands there thinking about what the boy said.
Uv- Love me? That attitude queen? NO WAY!
The guests start leaving and the place starts getting empty. Pretty soon all the guests leave.
Monohar- Ok Leela Ji please give us the permission to leave.
Leela- Y don’t the whole family stay with us tonight. It is very late now. U can leave in the morning.
Monohar- No no Leela Ji we are fine.
Kunj thinks- Are papa what are you doing? Stay please.
Kunj goes to Twinkle.
Kunj (softly)- I was thinking that I will stay tonight.
Twinkle- Y u don’t have ur own house?
Kunj- I do but this house has something that my house doesn’t.
Twinkle- What?
Kunj- My heart. U stole it so now I don’t have it with me anymore.
Twinkle blushes.
Monohar- Kunj let’s go.
Kunj makes a sad face at Twinkle. Twinkle smiles. He starts going but suddenly feels a pain in his head. Kunj starts stumbling then he faints.
Twinkle- KUNJ!!!

The Next Scene…

Kunj is taken to a bed. The doctor comes and checks him.
Doctor- He is fine now but…
Mahi- But what doctor?
Doctor- U are Doctor Sarna right?
Mahi- Yes.
Doctor- Can I speak to you outside?
The doctor and Mahi leave the room to talk. Everyone is concerned about Kunj. Twinkle is standing in the back of the room worried. Kunj gains conscious and looks at Twinkle. The whole family looks at them.
Bebe- Usha, Leela let’s go. Uv u also come.
Everyone leaves the room. Twinkle stays back. She goes and sits next to Kunj.
Kunj- Twinkle I’m ok look.
Twinkle- Kunj y do u have to give me so much stress and worry?
Kunj- What to do Twinkle…I told u I was going to stay tonight.
Twinkle- Hawwww u did this acting to stay? I hate u!
She starts hitting Kunj. Kunj catches her wrist and pulls her towards him and hugs her tightly. Twinkle tries to free herself but Kunj hugs her tighter. Twinkle eventually gives in and hugs Kunj back.
Kunj thinks- How do I tell u Twinkle that this was not my acting and I actually did faint. If I told u then u would worry. It’s better to not tell u. I’m sure it’s just a minor headache.
Mahi walks in and sees Twinj hugging. She wipes away a tear. Mahi coughs. Twinj separate and Twinkle stands up. Mahi goes to Kunj.
Mahi- Are u ok Kunj?
Kunj- I’m absolutely perfect. Stop crying.
Twinkle- Ya di u know what ur brother did? This is all his acting.
Mahi looks at Kunj shocked. Kunj holds his ears.
Kunj- Sorry di. Hey di I’m feeling very tired and my vision is blurring up. Can I go to sleep now?
Mahi- What Kunj are u ok?
Kunj- Yea I’m just a little tired.
He goes to sleep. Mahi caresses his hair and cries silently.

The Next Morning….

Kunj wakes up and immediately starts yelling.
Kunj- Ma Di Twinkle!!!!
Everyone comes running.
Twinkle- What happened Kunj is everything ok?
Usha- Kunj puttar what happened?
Kunj (anxiously)- Ma, Twinkle I can’t see anything!
Mahi- Oh no! Please no!
Kunj- Di what is happening y can’t I see anything?
He starts panicking. Mahi goes to him.
Mahi- Kunj calm down please calm down.
Kunj- HOW CAN I CALM DOWN DI??? I can’t see anything! Di please tell me what is happening!
Mahi (crying)- Kunj it came back.
Kunj stops shouting and is shocked. A tear falls from his eye.
Usha- No this can’t be happening!
Twinkle- Kunj what are u talking about? Mahi di, what came back? Mummy ji, someone please answer me!!!


Mahi and the doctor go out to talk.
Doctor- Dr. Sarna if I’m not wrong Kunj had this problem before right?
Mahi- Yes he had this bemaari.
Doctor- Yes I’m sorry to say that it came back.
Mahi- No doctor u must be mistaken. I did his tests and he was fine.
Docotr- Yes but there are certain rare cases in which it can come back.
Mahi- Doctor please u are joking with me?
Docotr- Dr. Sarna u are also in this profession u should know that joking is not an option.
Mahi breaks down.


Mahi- Actually Twinkle, Kunj…
Kunj- No di please.
Mahi- Don’t stop me today Kunj. Twinkle has the right to know.
Twinkle is both nervous and scared.
Mahi- Twinkle, Kunj had this illness in his brain. (Guys don’t try looking this up I made this disease up from the little brain of mine. I don’t think this actually exists but it might exist.)
Mahi- The part of his brain that controls his senses has been shutting down. He got lucky and not all his senses is affected. Only the nerve that connected to his eyes has been shutting down. Because of this we took him to treatment in America to the best hospital and care. After treatment there, we thought that he was cured. But now it has come back. Because of this Kunj has lost his sense of sight.
Kunj sits and cries silently. Twinkle is shocked and has no emotions. She felt as if the ground shattered from under her feet.
Kunj (crying)- Twinkle I didn’t want to tell u this before. I didn’t want my past to be a factor in our lives. Twinkle I don’t want to be a burden on u please go. Call off this marriage please Twinkle. (Sad Sajna Ve plays).
Twinkle walks over to Kunj and sits on the floor in front of him. Kunj is sitting on the bed. She takes his hand.
Twinkle- Kunj I didn’t hold this hand to let it go.
Kunj- But Twinkle…I can’t see…I’m blind.
Twinkle- Kunj I didn’t love ur eyes I loved ur sight and u saw with ur heart. I loved how u saw the world in a beautiful way. Kunj I love u and if u think that I will leave u then u are wrong Mr. Khadoos Sarna. Now stop crying. Look I’m very strong even I’m not crying.
Twinkle silently wipes away a tear.
Kunj laughs while crying- Twinkle I can’t see but I know u are crying. U can’t hide it from me so don’t even try.
Kunj lifts his hand and finds Twinkle’s face. He wipes away her tears.
Kunj- Twinkle I wan’t to see u.
Twinkle couldn’t hold in her tears anymore and gets up and hugs Kunj. They break their hug.
Twinkle- Mahi di u are such a big neurologist there must be something u can do. I won’t believe u if u say that Kunj won’t be cured.
Mahi- There is something. The is an operation that can be done but it is very risky.
Twinkle- Di I trust u I know u can do it.
Mahi- Twinkle I don’t know if I can do it…I can’t play with my brother’s life with my own hands.
She runs away crying.
Kunj- I trust di. She can do it.

Precap: Kunj is walking and Twinkle sees there is glass on the floor in front of him….

Don’t kill me guys. I hate doing this to Kunj also but the story had to go on…


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