I’m so glad u guys are enjoying the plot. But this little plot is just the beginning, picture toh abhi baki hai mere dost.
Recap- Kunj gives the watch back to Twinkle. Chinki comes home and so does Kunj’s friend Rishi. Twinkle thinks Kunj has a relationship with Rishi.
Chinki- Twinkle what r u even saying? R u even listening to urself?
Twinkle- Chinki I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.
Twinkle tells Chinki what she saw and heard. Both sit on the bed with no expressions on their faces.
Chinki- Twinkle, now what?
Twinkle- What do u mean?
Chinki- I mean what do we do now?
Twinkle- Nothing. Y should we do anything? It’s their lives. Let’s just pretend we don’t know anything ok?
Chinki- Ok.
The Next Day…
Twinkle is going to Kunj’s room to call him for lunch. She hears Kunj and Rishi speaking and stops at the door to listen.
Rishi- Kunj, my parents will never accept our relationship.
Kunj- Relax Rishi.
Rishi- No Kunj. The only solution to this problem is to elope. We have to run away.
Twinkle is shocked on hearing this. She goes to her room.
Now here is what actually happened…..FLASHBACK…….
Rishi- Kunj, she is an orphan, my parents will never accept our relationship.
Kunj- Relax Rishi.
Rishi- No Kunj. I really love her. The only solution is to run away.
So that’s what actually happened but Kunj’s Siyappa Queen thought something else…
Twinkle is in her room, talking to herself.
Twinkle- Babaji, what do I do now? Do I talk to Kunj or…? Oh Babaji kuch toh idea de dhijeye.
Twinkle thinks and suddenly she gets an idea.
Twinkle- Thank u so much Babaji.
Twinkle goes to Kunj’s room.
Twinkle- Kunj? Kunj where r u?
Kunj- I’m here Twinkle, do u need something?
Twinkle- Yea I need u to come with me. Where is Rishi?
Kunj- He is in his room but where are we going?
Twinkle drags Kunj to Rishi’s room. She then takes them both to the car. Twinkle is driving.
Rishi- Are Twinkle where r u taking us?
Kunj- Oy Siyappa Queen, u better not be doing another Siyappa.
Twinkle stops the car in front of a church. The three of them enter the church.
Kunj- Twinkle can u please tell us y u brought us here?
Twinkle- For the wedding ofcourse.
Kunj- What? Who’s wedding.
Twinkle- Ur and Rishi’s wedding. Who else?
Kunj and Rishi- WHAT?!!
Twinkle- Yes. I heard ur conversation. U guys love each other a lot but ur families won’t accept u because of the societal norms in this world. They can not accept a guy with a guy. But Kunj, u are my really close friend. This is the least I can do for u.
Rishi slaps his forehead and Kunj falls on the floor and sits.
Twinkle- What happened guys?
Kunj acting as if he’s crying- Twinkle, I’m not even Christian.
Twinkle- I know but then I thought if I took u to the Mandir then I didn’t know who the bride was; u or Rishi.
Kunj- Omg Twinkle u decided to take my life’s decision without even asking me? I knew ur screws were loose but now it looks like they fell off and got lost somewhere.
Twinkle- What do u mean Kunj I only wanted to help.
Kunj folds his hands and falls on Twinkle’s feet.
Kunj- Mat kar tu help. Please. I like girls.
Twinkle- Kunj, U like BOTH?
Kunj- Babaji, uta le mujhe. No Twinkle I like girls. Sirf aur sirf girls.
Rishi and Kunj tell Twinkle the truth. Twinkle is both shocked and embarrassed.
Twinkle- Matlab tum dono voh nahi ho?
Kunj and Rishi- No Twinkle, hum vo nahi hai.
Twinkle looks on embarrassed.
Kunj- Ab chale? Or are there any more Siyappas left on ur list?
They all leave. This time Kunj is driving. Twinkle is sitting next to him and Rishi in the backseat.
Twinkle thinks- Oh Babaji Kunj is right. I am a Siyappa Queen. What was I even thinking. But anyways I’m glad that he likes girls. Wait? Y am I happy that he likes girls? Why does that affect me? Twinkle tu zyada dimag maat chala or u will create another problem.
They reach home. Kunj is going upstairs but suddenly feels dizzy. He falls and everyone goes running to him. They lay him on the bed and call the doctor. The doctor is about to tell the family something when Kunj stops him.
Doctor- Well Mr. Kunj’s health is…
Kunj- Absolutely fine. Right doctor.
Kunj nods a no to the doctor. The doctor understands him.
Doctor. Exactly. Mr. Kunj is fine. He just needs a little rest.
Twinkle is relieved.
Twinkle- Thank u Babaji for letting nothing happen to Kunj. He is really sweet and big-hearted. Please protect him always.
Priya’s mom- We were planning on going to the Mandir to do a puja as it’s a ritual in this house but we will cancel it until u are fine Kunj.
Kunj- No no u guys go I am fine.
Twinkle- Aunty, u all go I’ll look after Kunj.
Kunj looks at her lovingly.
Priya’s mom- Ok if u insist Twinkle. I know u are responsible and Kunj is in good hands. They leave to the Mandir. Kunj and Twinkle are alone in the house. Twinkle sits on the bed next to Kunj.
Twinkle- Kunj, I saw u stop the doctor from saying something. Y?
Kunj- Me? I didn’t do anything.
Twinkle- Kunj u r lying to me.
Kunj- No Twinkle seriously I didn’t do anything.
Twinkle- Ok fine I’m leaving.
She starts to get up and leave but Kunj holds her hand.
Kunj- U told Mami that u would look after me. Then y are u leaving. I am bored just laying here. Let’s watch a movie.
Twinkle- Which movie?
Kunj- DDLJ?
Twinkle (excited)- That’s also my favorite movie. Let’s watch it.
The movie finishes. Kunj stretches his arms.
Kunj- Wow what a nice movie right Twinkle? Twinkle?
He looks over at Twinkle. Twinkle is sitting there crying and wiping her nose with a tissue. (Funny music).
Kunj- Twinkle? What happened to u? Why r u crying? It was a happy ending.
Twinkle- I know Kunj, that’s y I’m crying.
Kunj- Matlab?
Twinkle- Kash a hero like Shahrukh also enters my life and fights off 100 bad guys just for my love.
Kunj starts laughing hysterically.
Twinkle- Kunj what’s so funny.
Kunj- U want someone who will fight off 100 bad guys? Twinkle that is a movie and this is reality. If ur so called hero fought 100 bad guys then ur love story will end before it even starts.
Twinkle- No Kunj, love can even make miracles happen. U know Kunj, when I was little I always imagined my love to be perfect.
Kunj- Really Twinkle? Tell me how u imagined ur Mr. Perfect.
Twinkle- I want someone who will love me a lot. More than anyone else. Who will fight for me and my respect. Who I can share all my sorrows and happiness with.
Kunj claps.
Kunj- Wow Twinkle u made me so emotional.
He pretends to cry.
Kunj- U are too filmy Twinkle.
Twinkle- U just wait and see. When someone fights off 100 bad guys just like Shahrukh just for me, then I will know that my true love exists. Just wait and watch.
She leaves.
Kunj imitates Twinkle- Just wait and watch.
Kunj thinks- Actually I have also dreamed of when my Simran will come into my life. I will protect her from any harm and love her tremendously. I will also wait for my Simran to enter my life.
Precap: Some guys misbehave with Twinkle. Kunj fights with them…
Sara what an episode….loved it…..finally the misunderstanding is cleared….kunj KO kaunsi bimari hai….next episode gonna be action packed. ….waiting for next
Sara as always fabulous. Ctd soon
Ash!!! Here it goes. Kunj fighting a 100 guys to protect Twinkle. By the way, I loved the episode. I loved the scenes. And, the dialogues were just amazing.
Osmmmmmm epsiode…..hope their is nothing serious with kunj
Mindblowing skills of writing such a fantastic ff.
ROFL…are yrr Sara tumne toh comedy mein PHD kri hai kya?
Those Church scenes….. haahhhaa matlab pucho nai kitna Accha tha…..loved it….
osm dude its too funny. I really enjoy this epi .loved it…..ummah
Srsly yaar it was funny ?? we both no tht.
N u wonder wat happen to kunj hmmm lets wait n c
hahahaha really yaar 2 gud. maza aa gaya
Wooow yaar its amazing loved it n really njoyd it lmao…?????? do cont asap
hahaha. ..really funny. ..hahaha. ..loved it…
What happened to Kunj? Why did he tell the doc not to say anything? Good episode sara.
And I loved the marriage part??
Mindblowing… seriously too funny…
Ya amazing as alys sara..
awesome post soon loved it
sorry to comment late
but epi was epic