Fan Fiction

Love Has Brought The Season Of Spring (chapter 1)

hi guys i m back again with the first chapter of my ff
lets start

a great building is shownon the highest story of the building it is written
as we move inside in the middle story of building is a great cabin with name plate
and there we see a boy talking on phone;ya ya mr khurana everything will be fine dont worry
a 2nd caller is interupting his call but he continues his official talks wth first caller as soon as he ends the call he see 7 misscalls in his phone he sees the caller identity as raagini ragini and says; laksh u r gone [the boy is none other than laksh]
just then phone again rings
laksh; hello

caller ;where the hell u have been laksh i have called u at least 20 times and to whom u were talking aunty? no no she is a busy women its u who love to sit idle now why r u not talking
laksh; if u allow me to talk then only i will talk na and ya i was not sitting idle
caller; then u were playing game ri8
laksh;oh God ragini i was busy [yes the girl is ragini]
rags;busy hahaha nice joke btw with whom
laksh was about to say but thought to tease her;amm i was talking with my gf seea
ragini;seea that witch she again called u how many times i have told u not to talk with that girl
laksh;han but if i dont talk to her i will die
rags; and if u talk with her u will b murderd by me
laksh;but why?? r u jealous of her
rags;why should i get jealous jealous my foot
laksh;then why r u asking not to talk wth her
rags; because she is not of ur type

luky;not again yar if u find a better excuse plz let me knw
rags;next time i will not leave u in that condition that u may know
luky;whatever by the way why u called me i was sooo busy
rags;oh really in getting training of becomin moongose from ur gf
luky;shut up
rags; hw dare u to ask me shut up
luky ; like that and again says shut up
rags; aaaaaannnnn anyways listen i had sent the suit which ur mother said to design me did u try it
luky;shut up
luky ok ok sorry and ya i ahve tried it but its so tight that i cant even breath
rags;istop ur breath or my suit its a same thing
luky;ragini plzzzz make it loose only some inches
rags;no i dont like to change something in my dress so nooo
luky;ragini plzzzz
luky plzzz

ragini nooooo
luky; go to hell
ragini; along with u
luky;aaahhhhh ragini u r too much i will not wear that suit
rags; no u have to wear it
luky; no if u dont make it lose then i wont and then i will wear those toren cloths in my party and will say that international desighner ragini gadodia made it then will be responsible for ur reputation [usin his blackmailing skill]
rags no u cant do it
luky ;i can
ragini;no u cant
luky;ok i cant but i wii
ragini; hell with u
luky ;same to u
ragini; aaaannnn ok u send that dress i will make changes
luky thats like a good girl
ragini;u r putting butter on me from fridge
luky;no from floor
luky; nw u have wasted my alot of time seea is calling me bye
rags;that seea she is gone
luky; ya ya whatever bye billi
rags;bye karela

episode ends
next part will be swasan

plz tell me wether its good or i should stop
and ya that seea is laksh college friend and is aware of his feelings towards rags so just helping him nothing more he contacts with her only during their plan discussion
seea role played by natasha in ekdv
anyways guys bye hope to meet u soon if i get enough comment lots of love


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