Love Contract (Riansh) #Part 10 #MISBEHAVED ! ..

” Mr. Rai Singhania , what was the reason , for this secret marriage ??.. ” asked one of the reporters present there , when riansh was done attending the guest ..

” Well , this was for my dear wifey !! ” Vansh passed a smile .. and clasped their fingers .. ” When I proposed her , she had just joined the hospital , and she never wanted her hardwork to be judge by to be the Dean’s wife .. ”

” O , Anything which you want to add Mrs. Rai Singhania ?? ” The another guy asked her …

Here Riddhima was already pissed off with their continuous questions , and that too the same .. she inwardly smirked at his opinion .. , she turned her head towards Vansh , and rolled her eyes ..

That’s was it Vansh understood , this is not something danger for him .. but the reporters …

But though he was late ..

” O Yes , why not .. I think we got married nearly 2 or 3 months before and now in some days .. I was elected for the promotion .. so I and my husband decided to disclose this news , after the same , ( she chuckles ) but you’ll just ruined it .. And I’m super surprised or say it shock that , the same person who raised their fingers on our relation , are here to attend the reception .. ( to Vansh ) It’s weird , isn’t it , my hubby ” she smiled , with smirk too ..

All the media present over their , went on mute , with pale face .. while Vansh amused by her reply ..

In no time , riansh was left alone on the stage , after all The great Mrs. VR insulted them on their face ..

” What a boring party .. How can you manage here to be .. ” Riddhima shakes him .. which broke his trance ..

” Leave this .. Are you the same one , or am I dreaming .. ” Vansh caught his head , in confusion ..

” Believe it or not .. I’m the same , and yeah !! your dear wifey too .. ” She winks at him ..

Vansh was about to say when ..

” I don’t have to remind but still , you are married happily .. don’t fought here , be a good happy couple .. ” Varun passes nearby from there , smiling at them …

While both , Riddhima and Vansh again caught eachother’s hand , in strong grip ..



” What are you planning sejal ?? , Can you see them .. they are fighting on stage .. just like a .. ”

” Just like a married couples ” sejal cheers with him ..

” Hmm !! , But ”

” Varun .. why are you complaining me again and again .. just keep quiet .. ” Varun with grumpy face , kept silent ..

Other side ..

” What’s this Ishani .. are you jealous of your own ‘Bhabhi’ !! ” Aryan shakes his drink .. whereas Ishani was continuously gulping her shots one after by other ..

” Aryan , shut up .. this behanji will never be my Bhabhi .. how can Vansh Bhai marry her !!.. ”

” Correction , even love her immensely .. ” Aryan smirk , very well knowing her sister’s jealousy ..

Why not , she really beautiful and hot , more than Ishani too , who’s the hottest one in all of her friends .. for which she agree or not ??.. For some reason Aryan was himself burning inner , why just Vansh ..

In every field , he considered dust compare to Vansh .. Be it in business , looks , shooting , dealing and now even in getting the beautiful wife ..

” Where are you lost Aryan .. ” Ishani shook him ..!! While passing a fake smile , he excused himself ..

Sooner or later , the party was called off .. with lots of performance , dance and games .. It was nearly 12:30 am when all the guest bid bye ..

All the Rai Singhania’s were left to bed .. VarJal was requested to take a rest in the VR Mansion .. Vansh was in his .. o sorry Their room , taking a shower .. while Riddhima taking all her jewellery off , she was resting in front garden enjoying the cold breeze ..

This atmosphere was little cozy and different for her , this Light and Cameras were never her life , but now she have live this for next 6 months ..

Well this is not the big job , because the person with she is living is ..

” Hii Bhabhi ji !!! ” The strange voice to her , alerts her .. She was little terrified and why not it 12:30am , but not wanted to show ..

With a normal expression , she turned to face not one but two faces .. Two unfamiliar faces ..

” Jii ?? , May I know you ??.. ” it just Riddhima who knew , with how much courage she asked them ..

” Arre , Bhabhi ji .. I’m Vishal , Ishani’s friend , and this is my friend Kushal .. ” Riddhima turn her face to Kushal , who gawking at her lust fully .. and to add more , she is in a saree showing her perfect curve ..

Riddhima was really uncomfortable in his gaze , so she tried to walk off .. ” I .. I think it’s late .. will meet you other time , WITH VANSH .. ” she spoke looking at floor and continuously fidgeting her fingers ..

She tried to leave , when someone caught her right hand .. she turned to find Kushal gripping her arms more , which made her yell ..

” Aahh , what are you doing .. just leave me .. ” she struggled to move out .. but his grip for tighten with his eyes darken ..

She was totally lost in struggling when , Vishal blindfold and gag her .. and picked her up ..

She wanted to scream but couldn’t .. she just wish , to be save … She continuously throw her legs , with mummers ..

” Ummmm , Ummm vammm ”



Vansh was just a moment , when he step out of bathroom in white shirt and pants , when he noticed that his was empty .. obviously like always , he always he lived alone in this room ..

But not anymore , because now he is married , although it’s fake ..

She might down , thinking so he stood near the window smiling .. when he heard some mummers ..

Though it was faint but still he could hear .. He didn’t even wait 1 second to see who’s the owner of the voice .. because some part of him , knew the importance of the person ..

He ran down , with his racing heart to backward ..

Other hand ..

Kushal threws Riddhima down on the sack .. while unbuttoning his belt .. Riddhima immediately removed her blindfold , And was shock to see Kushal throwing his belt in air ..

She looked here and there to find something , but could not … That’s when Kushal gripped her shoulder , he kissed her neck ..

Riddhima cried more , but no she can’t give her .. With full force , she pushed him away .. and ran to the door , which unlucky locked ..

She banged the door , sobbing hard .. ” Open , plz anyone help .. VANSH !! ”

” Hahaha , no one is there , to listen you my Bhabhi ji .. Then why to struggle , just enjoy the night baby .. ” He took step close her , while muttering no .. she banged the door at back ..

Outside ..

Vishal was standing at the door , watching a po*n on phone .. and gave no hid to her shouts and cry ..

He was lost in his phone , when he heard a someone’s footsteps .. But got frightened when he heard someone’s yell too ..

” Is someone there !!! .. listen hello .. ” he could recognise the voice .. This was Vansh Rai Singhania .. without thinking twice he ran away from there ..

Vansh , who just reached there , found everything silent ..

” I think , I’m dreaming .. ” he was about to leave when , ” help help , Vansh !! ”

” Riddhima !! ” He ran to the store room , which was locked .. picking the nearby stone or brick , he hurried opened the door .. where he saw Kushal forcing himself on Riddhima ..

” Kushal !! ” He shouted .. which was heard in whole VR Mansion ..

Riddhima smiles , and ran to him .. throwing herself in his arms …



” How dare you !! .. ” Vansh pushes Kushal in the hall , due to which he was hit by the edge of the table , causing oozing of the blood from his forehead ..

” Bhai , what happened ?? .. Why are you dragging him .. ” Ishani pulled Kushal up ” Bhai , he’s my frien.. ”

” Do hell with your friend .. how dare he to touch my wife .. ” Vansh yelled , with Riddhima beside him ..

Hii !! Guys .. Hope you like it ..

Precap : Care for her !!

Ummm , bye till next part ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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