Previous: Episode 12
Love my country epi 13
After one year,
It is the year for general elections…
The nomination day…
Rp has placed his nomination and later dp too…
Rp: let’s see Dp, your tubelight wins or banana wins?
Dp: let’s take care other doesn’t break tubelight and banana…
The collector announces, ‘are anyone left?’
Dp: all parties finished their nomination..! close it collector..
Collector: sir, there is time still. Anyone?
They hear a lady voice,
“Yes collector..!!”
All look at the door. Dp and Rp shocks.
Ragini comes from the door. She is wearing a cotton saree and hair is ties as bun. She is looking too official.
She comes and places her nomination on table. Collector approves it.
‘Praja chaithanya party leader… Ragini’
Shouts a man
Some other people sounds follows.
Rp and Dp are shocked to see the man who shouted as Laksh.
He is wearing a white kurtha with blue half overcoat and he is wearing spectacles.
Ragini waves her hand to them, they stops shouting.
Dp and Rp come out and find flags with chariot symbol. They understood they have launched new party.
Dp: hahahaha, changing the dressing way and designing new things itself doesn’t make you success..!
Laksh removing his spectacles: putting a nomination and simply bribing people also doesn’t make you success..!
Dp looks at him in anger biting his teeth.
Laksh comes near him.
Laksh: you are my political guru, bless me sir..
Laksh bends to his feet.
Dp: you are a baby in politics Laksh. You can’t win upon us..!
Laksh looks into his eyes,
Laksh: then why this political crocodile is scaring to this baby representative?
Dp men about to come on Laksh, Dp stops them.
Laksh: politics aren’t your dada ji’s property Dp ji..! just watch and see how our chariot smashes banana and tube light..!!
Laksh wears his spectacles and turns back. Ragini is looking determined. They all go away. Laksh namaskars to Rp in smirking way. Rp also namaskars back in confusion. They go away.
Rp and Dp looks on.
In T.V channels Ragini’s new party news is trending.
Laksh is talking with all party members he choose.
Mem 1: we never participated in politics..!
Mem 2: this is not possible we think.
Laksh: we can do anything. Big missions start from a small step. You all see the work you have to do..! Leave me rest all matter to me..!
All the members nod their heads and go away. He comes inside and finds Ragini is cleaning photo of Shekar. He takes cloth from her hand and he cleans.
Ragini looks at Laksh. He hangs photo to wall.
Ragini silently goes into room. Laksh comes back of her.
Ragini: I do not understand what you are doing Laksh. You said let’s go to foreign. You came back suddenly. Now this party. And, I’m the head…!!!
Laksh: ragini, once these people pointed you as culprit. Now, these people have to elect you as CM. the people who said cm down down, will say cm jindaabaad tomorrow. And, the police, politicians who made us cry that day will come to our house and stand in queue.
Ragini worried: this is just as a dream Laksh. Is it possible?
Laksh comes near her. he slowly removes her hair pin. The hair falls on her shoulders. He keeps hand on her cheek.
Laksh: ragini, you need not worry for anything. I’m with you..! I’m your army.
Ragini nods her head in tears. Both hugs.
Rp is walking here and there in his office.
Rp: looking at that young man’s attitude, I’m sure he is going to win..!
Person x: sir, he is just a kid. But, we have lots of experience in politics.
Rp: we shouldn’t underestimate our enemies. Let’s keep an eye on him.
Laksh is busily doing some work on laptop. He is transferring money from one account to other. He was talking in phone also.
Ragini just comes out wearing a night dress.
She comes and massages Laksh’s shoulders. Laksh closes his eyes smiling. He holds her hand and makes her sit in his lap.
He is caressing her hair.
Ragini leans her head on his head. Laksh again doing work in laptop.
Ragini: what are you doing Laksh?
Laksh: now, we aren’t common people. We have to see future for our party….
Ragini cups Laksh’s face. He looks at her.
Ragini: laksh, don’t take any wrong ways for winning. Whatever we do, let’s do it sincerely.
Laksh: ragini, I’m not doing any cheating. We will win in correct way..!
Ragini smiles and kiss his forehead.
Ragini stands from his lap and holds his hand.
‘come..!’ she says.
‘what..?’ he asks.
Ragini: don’t you sing a lori song for me?
Laksh: I have work Ragini….
She keeps a pout. Laksh smiles and closes the laptop.
He carries her in his arms and places her on bed.
He sits beside her keeps rubbing her head smoothly.
He sings something… Ragini slowly goes into sleep.
He is about to kiss her forehead, his phone rings. Laksh soon puts in silent and goes out of room fast. He turns back to see whether Ragini is sleeping. She is sleeping. He comes out.
Laksh is phone: have you come?
Person in phone: yes..!
Laksh opens the door. It’s Swara.
Laksh: aayi ye Swara behen ji…
Swara in tears: laksh, I’m sorry…
Laksh: shh..! sorry has also some limitations Swara..! first come in..!
Laksh sits in sofa.
Laksh: so, how’s your life in USA? And how’s your husband?
Swara looks on…
Laksh: arey behen, sit down..
Swara: calling me behen, how can you kidnap Sanskar?
Laksh stands furiously: calling me a bhai, how can you harm Ragini?
Swara: bhai, they threatened me to kill Sanskar..!
Laksh laughs: girls can do anything for their husbands right..! even, I will do anything for Ragini..!
Swara in red eyes: are you taking revenge?
Laksh: I don’t have patience to take revenge on you..! and, I’m not that cruel as that Rp. Do me a small favor, I will leave your husband. You can go away happily..!
Swara holds Laksh’s legs.
“bhayya, please leave me. Don’t ask any help against Rp. He will kill me..! I agree that I have done wrong with Ragini. For that, I will fall on her feet. But, please don’t ask me to do this..!”
Laksh getting melt to her words, but he makes his heart rock.
“swara, I need just a small help from you. I assure you, Rp wouldn’t do you anything. And this is only way you can wash your sins.”
Swara stands. Laksh gives her phone to talk.
Swara calls to Rp.
Rp looks at phone. ‘who is calling this night??’
Rp: who’s this?
Swara: sir, I have come to India to congratulate you..!
Rp tensed: why did you come? I have said you not to come…!
Swara: dollars aren’t from trees sir. I also need some money…and it’s very less to you..!
Rp: how much?
Swara: 1 crore..!
Rp in relief: 1 crore..! it’s a small amount for me. Come to office tomorrow morning and take.
Swara: if not now, the proofs will be in court sir… and only you come sir..plz…
Rp gets annoyed: ok..! I will come to xxx road.
Swara cuts the call.
Laksh: now, go to xxx road. Take money from him.
Swara: I’m afraid…
Laksh: I will come with you..!
Laksh goes away with Swara. He locks door from out. Ragini looks them, they are going somewhere. It’s a door lock, Ragini can open it from inside. She follows them.
Rp comes to xxx road, swara goes in front of him. Laksh points gun towards Rp to protect her.
Rp gives brief case to Swara. Swara opens and sees money in it.
Rp: now, give me proofs.
Swara gives some file. He opens it and sees.
Rp: don’t torture me again.
Swara: same to you..!
Rp goes away. Swara comes near Laksh and gives secret camera to him. Laksh gets out of car and takes it.
Laksh: Sanskar is in back seat. Just sprinkle water on him, he will wake. Go to airport…
Laksh takes that money from Swara.
Swara sits in driving seat.
Swara: I have done lot to you, but you left me simply….
Laksh: it was happened because of you. You didn’t do anything. Moreover, I’m not interested to take revenge on you… don’t show me your face again..!
Swara: let me meet ragini once…
Laksh in anger: go away..!!
Swara sadly goes away.
Laksh turns back gives that bag to a man near him(his man)
He comes further forward, he is stopped by Ragini.
He shocks looking at Ragini.
Ragini: you said that we will win correctly.
Laksh: yes Ragini. We will win correctly, but by cheating opposition..!
Ragini looks anger…
Precap: canvassing starts………
/* guys, in coming two episodes there will be political part like this. but, I promise Raglak scenes…*/
nice amazing superb excellent mind blowing no words to describe plzz give more raglak ff os ss ts bcoz now days raglak ff are very less plZzzzzzzz raglak fan missing them badly so plzz give more and more thanks to all raglak ff writer bcoz they give us such a lovely gift
Superb epi
laksh change into new and strong avtaar is mind blowing love this lakshya
nice part..
Woaaaaah..awesome update dr…….
awesome loved it
Littterelyyyyyy mindblowngggggg astra devi…..tmhare sacchi mein jai hooo!!!laksh is damnnn sweeet yaaar…love him sooooo much….now it”ll b fun to watch dp n rp suffer!!!!waitng eagerly for nxt part…keeep rockng n stay blessed sweeetheart

Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved it
Nice laksh is converted into smart keep going
Amazing loved lakshya and loved their moments but hope ragini isn’t angry at him xx
Interesting episode and waiting for Raglak scenes
Outstanding update
Outstanding update
Loved d way raglak had their entry
Nd their moment’s r simply superb
Totally loved it
Oh no ragini shouldn’t Misunderstood laksh
Eagerly waiting to read more
Please do continue soon
amazing dear…..