Fan Fiction

love what have you done to me ishqbaaz and beinteha (Part 50)

The episode starts with goons beating sachin the other person taking sahil with him and run to aravind houes and inform some goons are beating him all are schoked
Aravind:anika you take sahil in saying this he run there and saves sachin
Raghav shivya and arnav files case against the person who send the goons
Lawyer:here is the bail for my client
Voice:i got stay oder for they turns towards the
voice its rahul standing with another lawyer
Rahul continues what do you think you will
sends goons to beat my son i will say silent
Village head:i did that bcz i recived a call from a number saying that your son is trying to marry my daughter
All are schoked hearing
Aravind took some files and shows to him this phone record of your daughter and this is the phone record of sachin this is the proof that they dont know each other then how will he marry your daughter
Village head bowed his head
Aravind continues without encouring anything you send goons to kill a cid
officer now stay in jail aravind thinks for a while from which number you got call the village head showed the number in his phone aravind was shoked to see the numnber
Aravind houes
Amudha room aravind enters her room and gave tight slap on her face and says how dare you put
fake blame on sachin

Amudha cries and says itis not a fake its true he raped her and he is acting in front of us aravind
try to slap her again amudha contiues your
friend krishna told me this go and ask him then you will know what is true
Aravind:i will ask him but if he says he didnot tell anything like this you will see the worst of me saying this aravind leaves the place all these are heared by goenkas raichard and oberios
Sachin room
Aravind:sachin lets go for chennai few days
Sachin :why so suddenly anything serious
Aravind:nothing serious lets meet krishna and help him in his packing

Aravind makes a call to krishna and ask to come to beach tomorrow and cuts the call
Next day
Chennai marina beach
Aravind kicks krishna from back and says i came here to kill you only just then shivya om
rudra arnav raghav rajveer ranveer kalpi enters
Krishna:what did i do
Aravind:what did you do why did you link our sachin and the village head and said that to amudha
Krishna laughed you belived it i just joked it
Arvaind kicks on his back

Shivya tells sachin to marry priya

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