Love finds it way: Prologue/Promo- SS on Riansh by Parita

Love finds it way- SS on Riansh

Hello guys, I’m here again with a short story on Riansh. I’m here with the promo/prologue, so do let me know how you find it in the comments section and if you’re excited or not?


Starts from the part when Riddhima wasn’t able to prove her love and to convince Vansh they both went to Kul devi temple. So they were on their way to the temple.


On the Road

“Vansh life is too short, you may never know when and where anything might happen. Please agree” (emotional)

“We are almost there” (ignoring her, hurt)

“Shit, they aren’t working!”

“Get out!!” (pushing)

“Ahhhh No!!!!”


“The brain is slightly damaged but the face, I’m sorry to say but it’s completely destroyed.”

“Now what?”

“The only option”


“Bhai she was innocent!”

“This can’t happen, didn’t you find out?”

“You have a meeting”

VR Enterprises

Quick now, go! It’s your first time, your first order!”

“I’m making the new tiffin”

“This tastes like…..”

“The same scent, taste…I can’t be mistaken!”


VR Mansion

“Your house and family”

In the morning


“Love finds its way”

The End

So I hope you liked the prologue….might be a bit confusing but things will clear up soon. Will post the first part soon too based on the response. This story won’t be so long, only a few parts.

Also do enjoy the quiz I have posted, hope that everyone participates.



Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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