Fan Fiction

Love at first sight ss by presha part 6

Hey guys back again with next part of my ss
Did u guys missed me?
Thank u guys for ur lovely comment nd srry i was unable to reply ur comments as i m very busy nd special thanks to rosh nd adya nd adya now i will comment on ur ff too dear
So now moving towards the epi
Twinj nd yuhi were very happy been together with each other as they feel very happy been together
Leap of 1 month
Twinkle pov
It has been 1 month since me nd kunj r together he makes me feel so special when he os around me nd i cant wait for the day when i will be totally his
End of pov
Kunj pov
Me nd twinkle r together with each other since 1 month nd her presence mske me go hell crazy about her i just eant to make her mine i cant love without her oh god this girl is making me all mad
End of pov
On the other side twihi were also thinking same
Kuvi decided to tell this to there parents nd ask twihi parents for there marriage
So kuvi went to manohar usha and bebe nd told them about twinkle md mahi nd they agreed for there marriage as they all like twihi very much and to inform leela about this bebe called her nd told her about every thing and leela happily agreed nd they planned for a dinner at taneja house
At evening
Leela told twinkle nd mahi about the artival of sarna family nd told them that there is a surprise for them nd also told them to get ready
After setime teihi got ready in anarkali nd sarna arrived after chit chatting for sometime they broke the news about there marriage to twihi nd they all congratulated nd hugged each other nd headed towards dinning table ….they all had dinner nd after sometime sarna’s left whereas aur love birds were thinking about there future with each other

Precape:twinj nd yuhi engagement in Rajasthan i


Thats all for today
I will describe about twinj weeding nd there weeding rituals in rajastani custom as i natively belong to rajasthan so thought to add rajasthani masala to it nd i hope u all will enjoy as marriage in rajasthani custom is full of fun
Plz guys do comment nd do let me know do u like the idea of rajasthani weeding or not plz feel free to tell ur opinion and do tell if u want any change in the story
Once again thanks for commenting on my previous chapters
Lots of love


happy to go lucky girl...and die hard fan of sidmin and crazy for sidhant

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