Hii guys…i m here with next part…..there is a change in precap i m not stretching that teasing session…
When the boys left for meeting,,all girls gather to have a chit chat….!!
Ani–what happened yesterday was soo funny….!!!
Gauri–yes anika….n om is avoiding me as he fears i’ll tease him…..
Somu–they r really embarassed yr….!!!
Ani–same with shivaay…..
Gauri–ok we wont tease them more now….
Ani–are u mad gauri,,how can we leave this chance..it’ll be fun,….
Prinku–when they’ll come…then we’ll decide what to do,….lets go to have breakfast….
All went to have their breakfast…
At night
All girls are in shivika’s room
Prinku–bhabhi they haven’t came yet….!!
Somu–their phone is also unreachable…!!
Ani–lets wait for half an hour then we’ll think what to do…!!
Suddenly lights get off…there is darkness everywhere…..
Anika holds gauri’s hand tighlty as she has darkness phobia…
Gauri–anika relax….!!somu go n check what happened….
Somu goes towards door n try to open it….bt it was locked…
Somu–bhabi door is lock…..
Prinku–what…!!how is this possible….
Suddenly a phone kept on table starts ringing and the ringtone is “GHUM NAAM HAI KOI,,BADNAAM HAI KOI”
All girls start panicking…..!!!
Ani–whose phone is this???
Everyone–its not ours….
Somu–wait,,,,i recieve the call……
With all courage somu pick up the phone n put it on speaker mode…..
Man–(with horrified voice)….u all will pay ur deeds….!! N starts laughing “hahahaha”
Soumya left the phone n it falls…she run towards girls who r on bed n jumped on them….
Somu–bhabhi,..,i m very scared,,bhaiya is not picking the phone…
Ani–think about me…..its terrible…..oh god please save us…..!!
Suddenly the door opens…..all girls hugged each other tightly…..!!
Room get filled with smoke….nothing can be seen clearly….
Gauri–anika….mujhe bhht dar lg rha h ….where r u all…..she moves her hand to touch them bt something get stuck in her hand….
She holds it says…
Gauri–hey guys….see whats this……
N move it closer to girls…..
That thing is looking like head of someone with horrible face……
Alll girls screamed seeing this….
N gauri throws it…….
N lights get on…..someone is laughing like mad,,,,n they r none other than ths gang of boys…..
Face of all girls has become pale….
ShivOmRu were still laughing at them…mocking them…..
Shiv—just look at their face,…(still laughing)
Om–gauri tmhari dabangai khn gyi…*winking*at gauri……
Ru–somu n prinku ,,,,,its looking as someone has sucked blood from ur body…..aj to ap sbki Oh My matha hogyi…..!!!(laughing loudly)
The expressions on girls face changed from fearful to that of anger…..
Prinku–bhaiya how could u do this with ur sister….now u’ve proved that only u three are there for each other,…i dont have any place in ur plan….!!!
N she ran to her room….
Somu–rudra how could u do this n she goes behind prinku…..
Gauri–om,,,,i didn’t xpcted this from you..!!we were waiting for u all here n u…..!!
She ran to her room…..
Rudra goes behind somu n prinku…
Om goes behind gauri….
Ani–shivaay you know how much i m afraid of darkness n still ….n she starts crying sitting on the bed….
Shivaay goes towards her.,,,,cupped her face….
Shiv–anika i m really sorry…it was just a prank…i know ur afraid of dark bt everyone was here with you so we decided to do this….i m feeling guilty….
Anika looks at shivaay from corners of her eyes n smirks slightly n again starts crying,,this time louder…
Ani–no shivaay..u’ve taken revenge….yesterday we laughed at you thats why u did all this…..
Shiv–sshhshhh….frst stop crying….i m sorry…see m holding my ears….yesterday i was embarassed n…(he starts giving explanation)
Anika starts laughingg….
Ani–now look at ur face….aaaawwweee……u can never defeat us…..u r again caught…..!!!
She pushed him n starts running….
Shiv–anika u……stop i see u how can i defeat u….
He runs behind her n finally caught her…..!!he pinned her to the wall…
Shiv–so mrs.sso…what were u saying,no one can defeat you…..now just see this….
He moves closer to her…..anika starts breathing heavily….shivaay take her in his arms n move towards bed….
AT OmRi room
Gauri is sitting on bed….om move toward her….
Om–sorry gauri…..we were doing this just for fun….please forgive me….!!!
Gauri–no om,,i dont want to talk to u…..gauri gives a glance to om’s puppy face n smiles…
Om–please dont do this…..
Gauri–awwweeee om…….ap to bare hi phattu nikle….hame drane chale th now look at urself….
Gauri stands to go bt she feels a tug on her hand,,,,she stumbles n fall on omkara……
Om–u’ve made fun of me two times now its pay back time….
Gauri blushes….
Soumya n prinku were waiting for rudra…
Prinku–bahaiya hasn’t come yet….i think he caught us….
Somu–it can never happen prinku,..,he’s dumbell singh oberoi…..!!he cant get our plan…..
Someone enters their room,,,,he has lot of balloons in his hand,,his face is covered with balloon….
PriSom were confused……
He removes balloon from his face..(he’s rudra).. n forward the ballons to prinku…..
Ru–prinku sorry we did that only for fun…u r very important for us…dont u dare to say all that again……
Prinku–awwwwwweee bhaiya…u know all my weakness ,,how much i love balloons….love uu…n m not angry…..all was just our plan to tease u….
(When the boys enterd the room n started laughing,,,,.anika understood it was all their plan n winked to each other to backfire their plan)
Ru–i know prinku…..i’ve listened shivaay bhaiya’s n bhabhi’s conversation..!!
Bt i cant see tears in ur eyes not fake tears too….
Prinku hugged rudra n went to her room….
Soumya gets teary eyed starts going ..(soumya n prinku share room as rumya are not married yet,,remmbr??)..
Rudra holds soumya hand….
Ru–are u alright,.??
Somu–yes i m..,seeing urs n prinku’s bond….i m missing my brother…..!!!
Ru–dont be sad….shivaay bhaiya n O r also ur brothers…..
Saying this he hugged her…..
Then soumya went to her room…..n everyone slept after this cute,funny ,loving incident…..
everyone gathers for breakfast…!!
Shiv–yesterday was a great day…(teasing anika)
Ru–yaa yesterday ws a great day for U n Om n starts giggling…..
AniRi blushes..
ShivOm–shut up rudra….!!!
Ru–why..??u r doing everything n saying me to shut up..
Shivaay passes an angry glare to rudra…!!
Prinku–okkk now stop it….so today we are going to ZERMATT…..i m very exited….
PRECAP–Masti in zermatt and somu n prinku kidnapped
This is it for today….hope u all like it….do put ur reviews….!!
Thnk u soooo much guys for ur lovely commntsss…..I was overwhelmed….!!!
—>>n i’ll post an OS by midnight,,,,,,its not based on shivika,…its a general OS….so i dont know it’ll published on which page….
So u guys plzzzz check it out from my profile….i m sure u’ll like it..soo plzz read n commnt…
My profile tab
N i’ve uploaded a video on youtube…please do watch,,like,,commnt,,subsribe….who r on insta they must have watched that video there bt please watch it on youtube too n like it..
I got that idea form BKD:-P
Sry to disappoint you bt u won’t find THAT TYPE OF MASTI in my ff…!!
Lots of love
Superb dear ???and how’s your Ramadan going?
Thnx sam
My u tube link
Superb video??
Awesome episode di? after u gave ur profyl link to me,I had reader all of d episode of love at first sight???? plz di.… post soon?will try to read d OS too??
Thnx misbah…i m happy u liked it….
My u tube link
dii.. os ki link pm kr dena and episode was so funny.. i must say ek dum khidkitod…
Thnx cutie…ok i’ll pm u…
My u tube link.
Awesome di. Please post next ASAP. ?
Thnx dwet
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
Awsm Kanfi di..
Thnx hari,….
Here is my you tube link
Wow it was awesome… enjoyed it…. Loved it too… Waiting for the next one… post it soon
Thnx sagi…
My u tube link
Superb update
Thnx dear,..
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
It is nice one dear.. Can you tell me please the name of your vm.
Go to the link no…..my username on you tube kanfi here…..name is bond of frndship cum love
Thnx dear
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
Really drrr it is awesome post next soon
Thnx sumi
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
Hey guys,.link isnt posted…
My youtube video link
Awesome episode plzz post the next update ASAP
Thnk uuuu dhar
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
hi kanfi this is pallavi..one of the silent reader of ur ff..happy ramadan dear..it was a nice one..pls post a little long dear..and post the next update asap
Thnx pallavi..i m soo happy..u commnted..
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
Thnx archu
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
Amazing kanfi…. Luv it…
Thnx bani
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
????That was so hilarious….Awesome…..
Thnx nita…
Here is my u tube link…like,,subscribe n commnt
I saw the video…It’s awesome…mein bhi dil haareya Rumya pe….??
Please check this out and give me your views on this…
Thnx nita…
Ya i’ll read n vote
Hey Kanfi di, you are a awesome writer. The way you wrote everything is superb. And boys scaring girls and then girls making pappu of them was also hilarious. And then…??

Chalo you have also watched BKD, have you heard the dialogue bolo JMD…?? that was also awesome na..
Post soon. Love yaa
Awwwwee..thnk u jerry…
Yaa i’ve wathed thst ws funny….
I’ll post tomorrow or may be at todays night..
Do check my youtube video,,,like,commnt,,subscribe
Superb dear…waiting to see ur Os ??
Thnx riana….
Do check my youtube video,,,like,commnt,,subscribe
N my OS is a b’day gift…
Here its linl
Amazing update… loved it..
Thnx dear…
Do check my youtube video,,,like,commnt,,subscribe
Awesome video.. ???
Awesome dear..
And ur video is very good!
Thnx vishu.
Wow ….. Amazing ??
Superb kanfi??
I am a silent reader and Maine aaj pehli baar comment kiya hai because i just love yor ff
Superbbbb ff..!! What a prank..?..!! The end made me more excited..!! Waiting eagerly for the kidnap..?Post next ff asap..!! ??
So, sweet update..!
Reading your FF, I remembered the scene in Ib when there was challenge,between Girls and boys.
Fun is increasing in episodes
Loved it
Sorry for being late
Thnk uuii neha…
I m really happy seeing ur commnt…
N dont be sry plzzz..i know u’ve ur exams….
Love uu