Love for Each other (Episode 2)

Hi friends I hope you all like it . Thanks alot for the comments in the previous episode it meant alot for me . Please do comment and tell your views guys . I hope I reach your expectation.

                                             First meeting of Riansh

Recap of last Episodes :  Vansh sees his and aahana’s pic and recalls his moments aahana. Riddhima and sia reach the cruise . Riddhima , Sia and Sejal Spend some time with Vishal (Their friend )

Riddhima was heading towards the washroom . She felt like someone is following while all the way to the washroom she was turning back and see seeing .  She went and washed her face and when she  came out of the washroom her hand  and was about to walk  someone held her wrist and pulled her back and she loss her balance fell in the arms of a man .

Riddhima’s POV

As soon as I opened  eyes I saw two pairs of cute  eyes which were looking at my eyes and his  black hairs  were dancing in the air  . We both were in the same position for few minutes Then I relealized that I was in his arms and the next moment I pulled  him  away and stood

Riddhima : What the hell ? Why did you held my hand and pulled me towards you

The man : ( still looking at her )

Riddhima : (Snaping her fingers and bringing him back to reality ) Hey I am asking you why did you pulled me . Were you out of your mind ?

The Man :  I  am not out of the mind but you were the one who was out of mind .I didn’t pull you intensionally  . Just look  your dress knot isn’t tied properly  so I pulled you  to warn you .

Just  then  she realises and  and tied her knot in the dree  and looked at the man and said

Riddhima : I  am extremely sorry I felt like someone was following me and then you held my hand and I  thought

The Man : I was following you . Its ok I could understand even my sister would have done the same of she was in your situation . So May I know who are you ?

Riddhima : I am Riddhima . Riddhima Sharma , Party Planner from Dream party  company.

The Man :  I am Vansh .

Riddhima 🙁 Forwading her hand ) : Nice to meet you MR.Vansh .

Vansh : Nice to meet you MS. Riddhima .  (just then he recieves a call and ) Catch up with you riddhima  later. Bye

Riddhima: Bye Mr. Vansh

They both parted their ways and went in the opposite direction of each other .

While on the way towards her room riddhima was continuously thinking about  the  incident . on the other side vansh after attending his call was also thinking about the incident .

Vansh : No one has never dared to speak infront of me boldly . She is first one who spoke to me this much rudely but how come I didn’t say her anything and I have not introduced myself to anyone not anyone of my clients but how come I introduced my self to her . Her boldness it reminds me of Aahana . She was always bold and was ready to face any problems . Just like me she was also fearless . I miss you so much aahana..


Il n'y a pas de plus grande agonie que de porter une histoire inconnue en toi ( There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you )

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