Love for Each other (Episode 8)

Suprise . So here comes an another update for you guys . Hope you guys enjoy it . Sorry for the grammatical mistakes . Here we go

           My So Called Wife – (Guess who )

Morning 10 AM

At VR enterprises

Vansh POV

Oh god its only 10 in the morning . I think I need to change my vansh cause its very slow . I am seeing my watch for past 1 hour but it  seems not moving . Even I checked my phone , angre’s phone and every clock in the office , but all the clock seems to run slow today . Everyday when I come to the office I will be schedule with number of  works and meetings which will take atleast 5 hours to complete  but today I completed 2 meetings , checked all the files but it took only 2 hours for me . I don’t know how did I completed this mush works so fast . Even now I checked the time 100 times in 5 minutes . I don’t know why I am desperate today , But I am eagerly waiting to go home . When I am thinking deeeply  I heard a knock at my cabin door . Its none other than my so-called-wife . Oh god hearing Aryan calling Angre as Bhabi I myself lost in the thoughts introduced Angre as my so-called-wife . I said

I ( vansh ) : Come in Angre. ( Back to VR tone )

Angre : Boss Mr.Malhotra want to fix  the meeting now as he got an urgent work and will be here within 30 minutes.

To timepass now I got 1 hour so I said to Angre

I : Tell Mr. Malhotra that he should be here within 30 mins orelse I will cancel the deal .

Angre : Ok Boss

Saying so Angre left . I don’t know whether I can live without Angre cause I call him atleast 1000 times a day not even  Ishani will not call him this much time .  Always,  Angre Angre this is the only name that comes out of mouth more than my name . Sometimes even my family tease me that instead of asking Angre to marry Ishani I should have asked him to marry me . Lets leave it

Completing this meeting will take almost 1 hour and by 11: 30 after completing the meeting myself and Angre will leave the office Early to cause I think you all know .  It will take 30 minutes for us to reach VR mansion , so that I could be on time for lunch . Riddhima said that she with sia and sejal will be present at sharp 12 PM . I know my Riddhima will be on time because she is always punctual in all work . By now you all would have understood that I am got to know all the details of Riddhima . Yes Today morning as soon as I came to the office Angre handovered me the file which contains all informations about her . Wait something is wrong OMG I mentioned Riddhima  as my riddhima . I don’t know what magic this girl did that I am always thinking of her wait not always but since when I saw her that is from yesterday   . I should visit the temple soon or else her black magic or magic or whatever which she did on me will change  into a puppystick baby not baby but man to her . I don’t  know what but the relationship between us is  Friendship pure friendship .  Maybe in the future it may turn because we don’t know what the future veills for us . Again I heard the know that the door its again none other than Angre .

Angre : Boss Mr. Malhotra came .

I : Ok I am coming

Saying so we both left the cabin

At 11:15 AM

We completed the meeting as soon as fast cause VR means punctuality and hates the persons who are not punctual so that I can be on time there . Seems something is common between myself and riddhu . In the meeting my thought were fully occupied by riddhu and  I was not at all interested in the meeting . Wait it seems  something is missing not something but someone . I know that by now you would have guesses who is it . Yes its none other than my sweet brother Kabir Raisinghania . Currently I am crossing through Kabir’s Cabin and now I noticed that he is not there . I think he might went somewhere let me ask the receptionist . I went to the receptionist .

I : Where did Kabir went ? ( I asked)

Receptionist :  Sir he did not come to office today .

I : Ok  ( VR tone)

Saying myself and angre left towards the car . I don’t know why this kabir didn’t  come to office today . Is he not well or something else . Arrey vansh don’t think too much  he might be feeling tired so that he would have taken leave .

Its now 11 : 50  AM

 Angre parked the car and we both came inside the house and noticed that everyone are present in the hall including Sia and Sejal but wait Riddhima  and Ishani is not there . Didn’t she come today for the Lunch but she said she will come . As we are walking towards the sofa I  saw that everyone’s gaze is on us as if we both are aliens . But there is 2 persons who looked confused at the gaze and its sia and sejal . I know why they are confused but they were also a bit nervous I could sense it  . But why are they nervous as if I am going to eat them raw or throw them to a hungry Lion . BOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vansh POV ends


Il n'y a pas de plus grande agonie que de porter une histoire inconnue en toi ( There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you )

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