Love for Each other (Episode 9)

Panic Attack

When Vansh is about to ask they heard a sudden blast sound . All of them present in the hall went out to see Riddhima and Ishani lying unconscious on the floor and the car in which they came had blast . All of them went towards Ishani and Riddhima and tried to wake them up but it goes in vain . Vangre checks Ridhani’s pulse .

Vansh : Angre it seems like due to the sudden blast and fear they had fallen down . Lets carry them inside .

Angre : Yes boss

Vansh : Aryan call the doctor ASAP ( almost shouted )

Vansh and Angre carried Riddhima and Ishani in their arms and made lie in Vansh ‘s and Ishangre’s room . All are worried for Ridhani and are waiting near the Respective rooms where Ishani and Riddhima are present . The most worried person is Vansh . He was walking here and there before His and Ishangre’s room . The doctor came and examined them and came out

Doctor : MR . Raisinghania there is no need to worry . It seems they both had a panic attack due to sudden fear . Is there any accident or some incident occured ?

Vansh : The car in which they came was blast . Thankfully they were out of the car .

Doctor : I had even them a injection after 15 minutes they will wake up . If you want you can go and see them . And one more thing they should take complete rest today

Vansh : OK Thank you doctor .

The doctor left from there . Siya and sejal went to see Riddhima . Dadi and Uma went to see Ishani . Kabir , Vansh , Angre , Aryan are present in Study room .

Vansh : Angre check the car if there was any bomb fixed or the blasted due to overheat of engine.

Angre : Boss I checked it and there was a bomb fixed under the car due to the bomb the car blasted and I have send the car to forensic lab . And one more thing bhai I have got this cover( handing him over a cover ) in the shopping bag in which riddhima had .

Vansh opened the paper after reading what is in the paper his anger reached the peak , he teared the papers into small pieces and started throwing all the things around him . kabir and Aryan understood why he is angry . Aryan is about to say something to vansh but kabir held his hand and nodded his head in negative . Aryan understood that if he say what happen 1 hour back they his brother will not think once to kill that person so he stood quiet .

Angre : Boss please control your anger and say what was in the paper .

Vansh : Angre how can you expect me to control my anger knowing that the person who killed my ahana is alive . How can he be alive angre you know na I killed him that day but how can he be angre . I cannot let him harm my family again . I need to do something to protect my family from that bustard . I will not leave him this time . I will get justice for my ahana .

Kabir : Bhai this time even we are with you and will not let that cheater harm our family this time . We make his life hell in the earth .

Aryan : Yes bhai even we are with you and will take revenge for Ahana ‘s death .

They all hear dadi calling and went towards the hall .

Dadi : Riddhima and Ishani woke up . Angre ishani is asking for you . Please go and meet her beta.

Angre : Ok dadi

Dadi ( thought ) : I know vansh you are worried for Riddhima . After 3 years I have seen you this much worried for a girl . For the past 3 years you didn’t like any girl or made them friend . But I am sure riddhima is the one who is can bring back our old vansh . I hope soon you both realize your feelings for each other .

Vansh : Dadi how is riddhima ? Did she wake up ?

Dadi : Beta she is fine . Uma and sejal are with her .

Vansh : Let me meet them both and come

Saying so vansh went to his room to find his friend talking with sejal and his mother . Somewhere in his heart he felt sorry for her as his revenge is the cause for this blast .

Vansh : Riddhu are you fine ?

Riddhima : Vansh I am absolutely fine due to the blast I got an panic attack I think so. how is Ishani is she fine ? How did the car blast ?

Vansh : Ishani also got an panic attack and she is fine now . The got blast due to overheat of the engine . Now to please take rest and I will send your lunch here no need to stain yourself as doctor asked you both to take rest today fully .Even you , sejal and siya are going to stay here tonight .

Riddhima : But van ( cutting her inbetween)

Vansh : No ifs and buts riddhu . I said na you should take rest ok . ( VR tone)

Riddhima : Ok ( nodded her head like a small kid obeying her father’s order )

Vansh : That better ( smiles)

Uma : ( thought ) after 3 years my son was happy . I am sure he is in love with her . Hey bhagwan please help my son to realize his feeling before it becomes late .

Hope you guys like it . Please let me know your views about the stories through comments friends.

Yours lovingly



Il n'y a pas de plus grande agonie que de porter une histoire inconnue en toi ( There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you )

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