Love heals everything (KaiRa FF) chapter 19

Hey guys…. Long time no see. Right!! Sorry guys for not coming up for many days. Actually my exams were going on with full swing. Huff!! My mom wasn’t allowing me to take the phone. And after two days of rest I am back. It have been long so I will do a small story telling.

Naira have turned a stubborn business woman after the death of her past lover Arjun, still mourning for his death. Kartik is a free young man, he lost his mother when he was a small kid. Scared to lose anyone else.

Kartik and Naira begun a journey as boss-PA but his heart start to beat for her. Her sister Gayatri loves him from their college days. Gayu tries to impress Kartik while he is fallen head to heals in love with her. They have started their journey as KaiRa with friendship.

Recap- Teej festival.

Episode starts.

Naira’s room.

Naira: Mr Sharma, just fix the meeting for tomorrow.

MrS: but ma’am there is function in your house.

Naira: Do as I said. I’m your boss and don’t inform Kartik about this.

MrS: do you mean Mr Goenka?

Naira: Haan kyun?

MrS: woh.. ma’am you don’t call anyone with their own name rather than their surname. That’s why. Ma’am I’ll set the meeting and call you later.

Naira: Bye.

Naira:(pov) Mr Sharma was right! Why I am being this friendly with him. He is also just a mere employee of me like others. Why I am feeling something special with him. No no no!!! It is because he helped me a lot and we’re friends now but it will better if I distance myself from him. Except for Arjun no one can come into my life.

Naira said being determined.

Scene freezes.

Night- 7:00pm

Bhabhima: everyone come here, and apply Mehandi in their hands in the name of their partners.

Akshara: ji bhabhima, Gayu come beta it is your first Teej.

Gayu: ji maami.

Kartik: Aunty, where is Naira?

Akshara: She will not come, and we will not pressurise her to come. She is handling herself with a great difficulty we don’t want to hurt her.

Kartik: yes I understand.

Scene freezes.

Singhania Sadan (next morning) 4:00 am.

All ladies are sitting around the dining table with some food. Gayu was excited for her first Teej. Then Kartik comes down.

Devyani:- Beta, you here at this time?

Karishma: tell me the truth Kartik are you also fasting for someone (teasingly)

Kartik smiles foolishly in thoughts of Naira. While Gayu blushes hearing this.

Kartik: no chachi it’s not like that. That I felt hungry and you know how delicious it smells.

Akshara: come beta, sit down and eat. I will serve you.

Kartik: ji.

Everyone including Kartik starts to eat. In between Gayu was stealing his glances. Kartik was munching his mouth with food stuffs as he have to fast for the whole day.

Then suddenly Naira comes there smiling.

Kartik: Naira you here?

Naira: sshhhhsh… Are you fasting for me?

Kartik: yes..

Naira: why?

Kartik: because I love you a lot and I want you in my life forever.

Naira: do I deserve this much love.

Kartik: you deserve everything jaan!

Naira: now eat.

Naira slowly begin to feed him. He lovingly stole glances of her. Suddenly bhabhima shook him and he came back from his lala land.

Bhabhima: where were you lost beta.

Kartik: nothing badi dadi.

Kartik smiles thinking about the dream.

Gayu (pov):- I have done all the preparation for the proposal Kartik. I wish that you too feels the same for me.

Episode freezes

Precap:- Gayu’s proposal. Naira misunderstands Kartik.

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