Love heals everything (KaiRa FF) chapter 3

So sorry guys for the delay. There was some error with my email and again sorry for late updates as I was stuck in a boring family Function 😂. So without further delay let’s go to the episode

Tender market (Udaipur)

Person 1: what do you think that who will win this tender?

Person 2: Pata nahi, both are one to one better it’s difficult for a guess

Person 3: Haan but Goenka’s are winning this tender for many years so I think..

Person 2: but Singhania’s are also not that bad especially after the entry of Naitik Singhania’s daughter Naira Singhania in the business.

Person 1: let’s see what will happen

Tender Market (entrance)

Goenka’s enters the place in their car as they entered media runs to them. In car

Manish: Kartik, you know that Goenka groups have their own name and fame. Pls if they ask something give answer okay, and one more thing dont utter a word about searching jobs understand?

Kartik: Yes Papa

As they get down medias start to ask questions, then

Media person1: Mr Goenka what all you have to say about this tender, after all you are the next MD and when are you joining the business

Kartik doesn’t wanted to answer as he had no interest in joining business

Kartik: woh…( Before he could complete a car entered and yes it was Naira)

As media sees this they ran to the car.

Kartik (pov):- whoever you are thanks for saving me from this media trouble

As she gets down media surrounded her

MP 2: This was your first tender ever after joining and you’re on final nominees, and also you are one of the youngest MD’s in India what you have to say in this moment?

Naira: Nothing more but feeling good, looking forward for the result thankyou.

She goes to the entrance were Goenka’s were standing Manish came forward and give his hand for a handshake she too shakes it

Manish: All the best Naira. In such a short span you have reach here it’s not a small thing but for past 10 years Goenka groups are winning this tender soo…

Naira: Thankyou so much Mr Goenka. But don’t you think that this is over confidence?

Manish: Not at all. You are really new here. It’s not me it’s my experience which is saying all these.

Naira: Business is not based on experience, it is built with hardwork and sincerity and I have given all that to my project.

She leaves from there Kartik was quite impressed with her and the way she answered Manish.

Scene shifts inside the market

All are well seated and are waiting for the result while Naira is busy in her pendant our Kartik was staring her from far

Naira (pov):- I know that you are with me. As you know how much this tender is important to me. So love and wishes are always with me. She smiles

Kartik (pov):- What is happening with me krishna ji. l have seen many girls but why I am feeling attracted to her especially with her painful yet beautiful eyes. Kartik you are gone mad. Now remove this stupid things from your mind and put your concentration on finding a job

His thoughts were disturbed by the spoke person who was standing to announce the result

Spoke person: and the tender of the year goes to….. ( Any guesses)

Naira Singhania…

There was a huge round of applause. Goenka’s were shocked

Naira stood up goes to the stage and receive the tender

Spoke person: few words please

Naira: feeling great to have this. It was my first nomination and I won it. Thankyou

Akhil: bhaisab we lost the tender

Samarth: yeah and what about the projects which we signed coz of tender?

Manish: how can this happen?

Kartik was happy inside.

Kartik (pov):- you are again thinking about her. Why I am feeling happy for her, though my Papa’s company lose. No, no, no I am not feeling bad because I have no interest in family business

The episode freezes on Kartik’s confused face

Precap:- Kartik leaves Goenka Villa. Who is that person in Naira’s past.

Once again sorry for the delay and happy for your response. Love you guys

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