Hello guys. Here is a new OS of mine. I hope you could like it and enjoy it. Please do comment a lot and tell me your opinion on the comments.
So let’s start.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
Today is the most beautiful and amazing day in my life.
Today is a day that means so much to me.
Today is the day that Vansh and I have united together.
Today is the day that Vansh and I have gotten married on it.
I can’t imagine that finally we have became one by fulfilling all the rituals of our marriage.

I can’t imagine that I have became the wife of the only man that I have loved him in my whole life.
I’m being very happy and smiling now while being at the room that will be ours forever.

It was like a dream to me.
I’m being very happy that our love is the thing that has won at the end.
I’m so happy that our love is the thing that has reached to its motive.
Everyone was saying that our love story will never complete due to how powerful, unique, and fictional it was, but now we have proved to everyone that our love is a very strong and legendary love that no one could defeat it.
Now, Vansh and I will be together forever and no one will be able to separate us.
Today’s night will witness the unite of two love birds.
Today’s night will witness the intimate of two souls who have fallen so deeply for the other.
Today’s night will witness the berries that will be broken between two connected souls.
Today’s night will witness the unite of Vansh and Riddhima.
Today’s night will be the night that love is in the air on it.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Vansh’s POV starts:
Finally, Riddhima and I have gotten married.
Finally, I got to be able to make her mine forever.
Today’s rituals were like a cure to any wound I was having it at the past.
Today, I have forgotten any bad thing that could has happened to me before I could marry Riddhima.
I’m feeling as if I got to born from the beginning just when I have gotten married to her.
I’m the most luckiest man ever to marry a princess like Riddhima.
She is my angel who has turned my life into heaven when she has just entered it.
She has made me know how life was so boring and useless when she wasn’t on it.
She has made me know how I’m nothing without her.
She is the blossom that gives my life its soul.
My love to her could cross any limit and any barrier.
I could do anything just for the sake of my Riddhima.
My happiness is so high now as after a very short time Riddhima and I will unite and we will be one and then there will never be any power on this world that could makes us apart from each other.
Today, nothing will separate me from you sweetheart.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Vansh was hurrying up to reach to his and Riddhima’s room.
He wasn’t wanting to waste any moment without spending it with his wife Riddhima after they have finally gotten married.
Afterwards, he has entered the room while he was being very happy.
Then he has got shocked when he hasn’t found Riddhima at the room.

He has panicked so much.
He was being very worried about Riddhima and he wasn’t knowing where she could be.

Vansh to himself( being very worried): Where are you Riddhima?!! How you couldn’t be at the room?!!!!! I just hope that nothing bad could has happened to you. Actually, no one will be able to do anything to you sweetheart when your Vansh is here. I will find where you are now.
Before Vansh could leave the room to search about Riddhima, he has found a message from Riddhima beside it her picture.

The message was written on it:
“Don’t panic Mr. Husband your wife is safe as nothing could happen to her after she has got married to the most powerful man in the whole world Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania. I’m absolutely fine Vansh so you don’t have to worry. You just must have to search about me and find me before this night could pass as of course you know how your wife isn’t a normal girl and of course this night will never be a normal night as the husband and the wife aren’t normal at all. You have to search about me and collect the clues that you will find it so you could take the reward which is finding your wife and the girl that you love her the most. So go and search about me very fast before this night could pass and we could waste this special night. I’m sure that you will find me very soon because at the end you are the great Vansh Rai Singhania. By the way, finding me will lead you to finding a very special surprise. So hurry up and find me quickly Mr. Handsome.”
Vansh has smiled a cute smile.

Vansh to himself: Interesting, very interesting! I was sure that this night will never pass that normally. If I have a special and unique wife like you Riddhima, nothing will pass normally and that what I like it on you sweetheart. So let’s start the mission of finding Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania.
At the other side of the house, Riddhima was watching Vansh from a screen which is making her know all his moves.
She was smiling while seeing him searching about her that much.

Riddhima to herself: Just do some efforts Mr. Husband and I’m sure that you will find me at the end. Actually, I’m enjoying a lot while seeing you searching about me that much. But don’t worry I will not make you search more than that as the clues that I have left it to you will make your mission easier.
After some time of the searching and finding clues. Vansh got able to reach to Riddhima’s place which was near the poolside.
When he has entered the place, he has found so lovely decorations.

He was liking all the preparations that Riddhima has planned it to celebrate with it their first night.
Even when he has entered the place, he wasn’t finding Riddhima.
So he starts calling her name by raising his voice.
Vansh: Riddhima, enough hide and sike for tonight and get out. Your Vansh has came now so you mustn’t make him wait more for you. So get out from your hide place now otherwise I will be upset and I will leave.
Before Vansh could implant what he has said, Riddhima has came from his back and has hugged him a very tight back hug.

Riddhima: I will never allow you to be away from me Vansh. You are mine and you will always be mine.
At that moment, he has grabbed her towards him by surrounding her by his arms.

Vansh: No one will be able to make me away from you sweetheart. Today is the night of our unite and nothing will spoil this night. Today will be the day that will make us be attached more and more to the other. This night will be just ours sweetheart.
After he has finished his words, he has kissed her in her forehead.

Riddhima: You know what.. I was sure that you will be able to collect the clues and be able to find me that easily. I was trusting my husband’s smartness so much. As at the end you are the husband of Riddhima Rai Singhania who has special way in thinking so of course you must be like her.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I could observe that the wife is having so much over confidence.
She has came closer to him.
Then she has putted her hands around his neck so she could be able to be very near to his breathes and heart beats.

Riddhima: Of course I have to have that over confidence so I could be like my great husband and suits his super powers.
He has smiled at her.

Then they have hugged each other a very long and tight hug.

They were being very relaxed while they were being that close and attached to each other.
Their heart beats were very high.
They were aware of how this night is very special and precious night to them.
They were feeling its hotness.
They were feeling so comfortable while they were being that close to the other.
Vansh and Riddhima were sinking in each other and they were feeling so special while they were being very very close to each other.

Afterwards, Riddhima has surprised Vansh by getting him all his favourite food and dishes.
Riddhima: I decided to make this night all with your favorites Mr. Husband so you could know how your wife loves you so much and know everything about her dearest husband.
His care and love has touched his heart.
He has just came so close to her and has surrounded her with his hands in a very romantic and loving way.

Then he has immediately kissed her in her cheek.

He has kissed her in a very hot and romantic way which has made Riddhima very shy.
Vansh: I love you so much sweetheart. I love you even more than my own self. You have made me so happy today by proving to my how you are caring about each and every detail related to me. You are the best thing ever has happened to me. I adore you Riddhima.
Then he has kissed her in her forehead.

Riddhima was being very happy while hearing Vansh’s words.

She has directly thrown herself inside his arms.

Riddhima: I will always do my best to make you feel so much happiness and joy. I will always do my best to draw a smile on your face Vansh. I promise you that I will spread so much love and care into your life my dearest husband. I love you so much Vansh.
Vansh and Riddhima were making this night more and more hot by being in that close to each other.
Vansh was feeling so relaxed and comfortable when he was sinking in Riddhima’s beauty and feeling each part of her.

Riddhima was shy when Vansh was that close to her.
So she has decided to make an excuse by having a dance with him as this could minimize her shyness a little bit.
Vansh didn’t has minded that because he was understanding Riddhima’s shyness and he wasn’t wanting to disturb her.
So they have started dancing on laal ishq song.
Ye laal ishq, ye malaal ishq
Ye aib ishq, ye bair ishq
Ye laal ishq, ye malaal ishq
Ye aib ishq, ye bair ishq

Ishq-ishq, ishq-ishq
Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their closeness while they hearing the lyrics of the song.

Then we’re being very very close while dancing.

The lyrics of the song was making them more connected and attached to each other.
Tujh sang bair lagaya aisa
Tujh sang bair lagaya aisa
Raha na main phir apne jaisa
Ho raha na main phir apne jaisa

Mera naam ishq
Tera naam ishq
Mera naam ishq
Tera naam ishq

Mera naam ishq
Tera naam ishq
Mera naam, tera naam
Mera naam ishq!

Ye laal ishq, ye malaal ishq
Ye aib ishq, ye bair ishq
Ye laal ishq, ye malaal ishq
Ye aib ishq, ye bair ishq

Ishq-ishq, ishq-ishq
Each word of the song was expressing that mood that was spreading at that moment.
Vansh was making Riddhima very high and was treating her in a very romantic way.

Afterwards, they have finished dancing and they were still being so close to each other and they weren’t able to leave each other.

Vansh was just staring at Riddhima so deeply.
Vansh: Your love is my identity Riddhima. Your love is what gives me the spirit to live. Your love is my oxygen. I’m sinking in your love sweetheart and I wish to sink on it till the end of my life. I want to sink into you and don’t get away from you. I want to feel each detail about you. I want to make each one of us part of the other. I just want both of us to be one.
He starts getting more and more closer to her.

He was trying his best to feel each part of her and be so connected to her and to her breathes.
Riddhima was being very relaxed while Vansh was being that close to her.
She was very shy, but she wasn’t wanting him to be away from her.
Then Vansh has lifted her towards the pool.

Riddhima has left herself to Vansh.
She was just wanting to feel his closeness and this attachment that was happening between them.
They have gotten inside the pool.

They were smiling and staring so much at each other.

Riddhima starts getting so close to Vansh.
She was wanting to feel his heart beats and breathes.

She wasn’t wanting to be away from him at all.
Vansh was also making her very close to him.
Then he starts kissing her repeatedly allover her face.

He was kissing her in a very gentle and romantic way.

Then they have gotten so close to have a kiss.

Moreover, they have kissed each other a very long and special kiss.

It was the first kiss between them and it was a very special and hot one.
After that kiss, they have got into so much closeness.
No one could never be able to separate them at that moment.
There wasn’t any barrier or limit between them.
They were keeping kissing and touching each other in a very romantic and hot way.
The pool was in so much hotness while Vansh and Riddhima were being that close at it.
They kept being that attached to each other until they have crossed all the barriers and they have united.
During this night, Vansh and Riddhima have became one and have connected their souls to the other till the end of their lives.
At morning, Riddhima and Vansh were sleeping in each other’s arms.
Then Vansh has waked up and he was just staring at Riddhima so much while she was sleeping.
He has came near her and gets to be so closer to her.

Vansh to himself: I can’t imagine that all this beauty is just for me. You are the most beautiful girl ever in the whole world sweetheart.
He gets more closer to her and sinking in her beauty while she has waked up and she was just smiling while he was doing that.

Riddhima: Good morning Mr. Naughty. You will never stop this naughty behaviour Vansh even at that early morning. You didn’t have got satisfied from what has happened yesterday.
He has made her get up while he was just staring at her.

Vansh: Of course not sweetheart. My naughty behaviour will never end as it will gets increased everytime because my sweetheart’s beauty never ends. By the way, yesterday’s night was the best night ever in my life because finally Vansh and Riddhima have became united on it and became one.
She has hugged him very tight hug after she has got shy when she has remembered what has happened yesterday.

Riddhima( in a shy way): At yesterday’s night, love was really in the air.
Vansh( making her more closer to him while still hugging her): I promise you that not just yesterday, but all our days love will just be in the air.













The end of the os. I hope you like it guys. I have decided to make this os a happy and romantic one after this emotional one that has made you all cry so I hope that you have enjoyed it and liked it guys and yeah this os it was requested by my dearest elder sister Priyanka dhi as from a previous time she has requested to have just a romantic os so here it is. And don’t worry guys I’m remembering all of yours requests and I will make it all. I’m just waiting for the right time of each one. I hope that you have liked this os guys and do tell me your opinion on the comments and please guys comment so much comments here as all the lovely respond of yours is the thing that encourages me to write more os episodes. As actually this os episode got written and published because the amazing respond that I have received it on the previous os. So I hope that you all could comment so many comments here so I could know if I will write a new os or not. I will be waiting for all of yours so many comments guys. The respond here is what will make me know if I will write a new os or not. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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