Kartik is searching for Naira and is walking here and there. He atlast goes to the pool area. Its as dark as the crow feather. Suddenly the lights switch on surprising Kartik. He suddenly feels a touch on his back and turns to see Naira

Kartik: Naira…

Naira holds his hand and guides him near the pool

Kartik: Where were you? I was searching for you

Naira: You will know soon come

They seat themselves with their feet inside the pool water. Naira slowly turns her back to Kartik

Kartik: Kya hua?

Naira: Surprise for you

She takes her hair to the front exposing her neck. Kartik is shocked to see his name tattooed

Kartik: Naira yeh…

Naira: When you can for me cant I for you?

Kartik kisses on her tattoo easing her pain. 

Naira lifts his shirt sleeve and kisses on his tattoo. There are moments of happiness. 

Suddenly they hear a loud noise. And rush to the place where they played the game. They see Mishti and Kuhu are standing on the table out of control

Naira: What happened?

Abir: Dont know bhabhi

Naksh: They are suddenly behaving like this

Mishti: Arrey oohh Naira didi…come join us

Naira: Mishti get down

Kuhu: Down? Are we in the first floor to come down?

Akash: Arrey yaar who made them intoxicated 

A guy working in the resort calls someone

Mr.Mehta: Wow tour spoilt..great..You will get your money for spiking the brownies

Guy: Thank you saab

Mishti suddenly down and walks to Abir. She holds his collar

Mishti: Why did you inform Naira di without telling me?

Naira is shocked 

Abir: What are you talking about?

Mishti: Arrey idiot I am talking about us

Prerna : Us?

Mishti: Haan didi us…me and Abir..Abir and me…

She holds Abir and spins

Mishti: We are in love..I love Abir…

Abir is dumbstruck as every eye looks at him with a question mark

Abir: Bhai bachalo

Kartik: Sorry…I cant do anything now…

Abir: Bhabhi

Mishti: Kya hai bhai bhabhi…why are you getting scared huh? Be bold like them..express your love to the world…because of you I had to sip beer yuck..what if I get intoxicated 

Kunal: You have already been intoxicated 

Mishti: Shut up

Abir: Mishti….

Mishti: Abir…

She suddenly pushes him down and starts laughing. Kuhu hugs her and they realise being stared ans hold their ears as apology

Prerna: Naira I guess we have to switch rooms to take care of them

Naina: We will be with you too..lets take them in

Keerthi and Prerna guide Mishti while Naira and Naina take Kuhu with them. The men surround Abir

Naksh: How long is this going on?

Abir: Bhai..

Kartik: He is asking you..you must answer

Akash and Naksh rag Abir while Kartik and Kunal enjoy it. Anurag notices the brownies 

Anurag: Kartik..

Kartik goes to him

Kartik: What happened?

Anurag: I think I saw Kuhu and Mishti eating these brownies before the hungama began…

Kartik smells them

Kartik: They smell different from the ones we had..something is fishy

Anurag: What to do?

Kartik: Lets not tell everyone and spoil the fun..let Mishti and Kuhu be normal first..lets investigate it ourselves

Anruag: Done

The girls finally put Mishti and Kuhu to sleep. Naira and Prerna are with them. Keerthi comes out to get water. Naksh drags her to a lonely spot

Keerthi: Naksh..what are you

Naksh: You are doctor na..then treat me Im feeling unwell

Keerthi: What happened? Tell me 

Naksh: Whenever you come near me my heartbeat fastens , im unable to breathe properly 

Keerthi blushes as he gets closer to her

Naksh: I know you are a great doctor so treat me

Keerthi: Treatment kya hai?

Naksh: Now only I told you are great…you will know it

Keerthi gives a kiss on his cheek and runs away giggling 

Kartik and Anurag get deep into their investigation and find the truth


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