Hello frnds… Sana here.. Kaise ho sab… No more bakbak …jst read this shot nd tell how’s it… My sister sara gave this idea…
Lets start with a smile….
Shot 1
This all started when they were 15 yrs old.
Kunj was the head boy of school.
Twinkle was the head girl of school.
They were good frnds too..as both were head boy/girl so many times both had to work together ..
They had their grup of six people.. Twinkle, kunj, yuvi ,mahi neil and avni…all were bff…
Twinkle had crush on kunj but always ignored thinking that he likes mahi..
Kunj always felt a connection with twinkle..but he too neglected it..
Moreover they lived in the same colony.
Twinkle didn’t knew but kunj use to observe her ..it was their ritual to meet here nd there in colony..
Their school ended.. Days passed..nd their meetings reduced..their old grup was no longer the same..everybody had their studies..their work..
Twinj always felt something incomplete but couldn’t figure it out..
On the other hand kunj though busy kept on with his ritual (obviously observing twinkle :P:P:P:P:P:P:P..)
It was like he had to get a glimpse of her..otherwise the day would stop for him..
Twinkle was only in contact with avni..her bestie… She always felt that she should meet him once..but never had courage to confront him…
It was like both knew it..but waited for each other to express…
Here i end this shot..
I know this is too short but plz manage with it.. I posted twice nd it got deleted…
Till then
Nice story post soon
Thnks shalu
Plot is interesting!!!!
Plzzz post soon
Very interesting story post soon.
Continue soon
Awesome ? continue
Amazing episode.
Awesome start dear
Post soon
Luvvvv u
Wow Sana
Cute love story.
School one.
loved it.