Fan Fiction

are you my love? |ishveer| kaira| vikor| part 9!

episode starts with chakor coming home

chakor: mami ji..

ishita comes.

ishita: ha beta.. come in
chakor: mami ji, vivaan went to meet his friends
ishita: what? leaving you?
chakor: he dropped me here and went
ishita: oh my! vivaan is just like that, he must care for you

chakor smiles.

in the cafe..

ishaani: mishti, i will go and wash my hands and come
mishti: ha… mama

ishaani leaves.

ranveer: ishaani’s got a lovely cousin..
mishti: who?
ranveer: you?
mishti: me?
ranveer: ha..

mishti laughs.

mishti: i’m not her cousin
ranveer: then who?
mishti: i’m her beti.

ranveer get shocked.

ranveer: what?
mishti: why? mama didn’t tell you?

suddenly ishaani comes.

ishaani: what’s going on here?
mishti: no..nothing
ishaani: shall we go?
ranveer: ye..yes..

they leave.

they enter a park.

mishti: mama… see it pihu.. my friend.
ishaani: yes..
mishti: you sit on that bench and i will play with her

ishaani nods. mishti leaves to pihu. ishveer sit on the bench

ishaani: so?
ranveer: tell me ishaani.
ishaani: what?
ranveer: who is mishti?

ishaani get shocked.

ishaani: what? you know i’m her cousin..
ranveer: that’s not the truth, tell me
ishaani: that is ranveer, i swear, who told you?
ranveer: mishti..

ishaani get shocked and cries.

ishaani: wh..what?
ranveer: she is your beti isn’t she?

ishaani cries.

ranveer: tell me ishaani, you’ve got 1 minute

ishaani looks up and cries.

ranveer: 55,54,53..
ishaani: well…
ranveer: come on ish..
ishaani: what mishti told you was… the truth…

ranveer get shocked. he stands up.

ranveer: what? why didn’t you tell me?
ishaani: i was… scared… ranveer..
ranveer: but who is her father?

ishaani get shocked.

ishaani: what?
ranveer: i asked who is her father.

ishaani cries.

ishaani: mohit..

ranveer get shocked.

ranveer: your husband?
ishaani: no…i’m..divorced…

ranveer get shocked and cries. tum hi ho plays…
it starts raining. mishti comes running to them.

mishti: mama, let’s go.. its raini-

she sees them crying.

mishti: what happpened?
ranveer: n..nothing.
mishti: then let’s go..

ranveer takes them to th car. he doesn’t talk.

mishti: did something happen? please tell me..
ishaani: sh.. mish..
mishti: boring people.

she rolls her eyes and sleeps.

soon ranveer drops them and goes.

mishti: bye ranvee..

but before she could finish ranveer was off..

ishita opends the door.

ishita: come in.. ishaani, mishti.

they go in.

ishaani: you go upstairs and change mish.

mishti runs upsatirs.

ishaani cries and hugs ishita.

ishita: what happened ishaani? tell me..
ishaani: he got to knew it mama..

ishita get shocked.

ishita: what? how?
ishaani: becoause of mishti.
ishita: it’s ok no? he is happy?

ishaani shakes her head.

ishaani: he is.. furious mama.

she cries.

the scene shift to karthik’s house. avni is in her room.

avni: aish.. please call me soon..

she gets a call, its aisha.

aisha: hi avni.
avni: aisha.. thx for calling me
aisha: why so many missed calls?
avni: problems.. aish.. problems..
aisha: what?
avni: oh i nearly forgot. congratulations.
aisha: ah thank you.. tell me what happened?

avni sighs.

avni: you are smart and i’m not. you’ve got a good job and i have not.
aisha: what?
avni: not my problems but papa’s.
aisha: oh avni..
avni: seriously aish, i’ve got no one to tell these problems to.
aisha: avni.. what can i do?
avni: nothing.. just listen to me.. and console me
aisha: i know.. i will come to india.

avni get shocked.

avni: no please..
aisha: no problems. i can get a job there.
avni: but papa.
aisha: i’ll handle him but thats not i want. i want your happiness avni.

avni smiles.

aisha: anyway.. i need to go.. bye.
avni: bye and thx.

they smile.

precap: ishaani calls ranveer. but he don’t answer.
chakor calls imli.


Life is too boring to worry about things..enjoy it the best you can..!!

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