i am again here thank you for liking and commenting last one
many of you have doubt with cousin getting married let me tell you there is no problem nor Physically neither genetically my mom and dad are also cousin and they have no problem AND one more thing Kunj has blood of sarna’s and on the other hand Twinkle has blood of Taneja’s they are not blood related so i am again telling you that just ignore bro sis thing
One more thing i had done a mistake in last epi Its SIYA KAPOOR instead chinki so sorry for that mistakes babes
Epi start with kunj going upstair to call Usha and twi just watching his Ohhhh So hot figure dissappearing and soon he is out of sight As soon as kunj dissappear twi start admiring the house it was such a beautiful house Twinkle feel safe in this house but why..? May be because she know its her house too This the house of her Husband (but he is my husband
i miss him sooo much) as twinkle was busy admiring the house she hear some foot step she look in the direction and saw Usha coming with Kunj with a board smile on her face Twinkle also smile Usha come downstair and hug Twinkle
Twi: How are you Bua…?
Usha: i am good how are you beta
Twi: i am also good but how much she wanna say that she is incomplete with out her LOVE her husband but he toh don’t know anything
Usha: How you come here
Twi: I am here for my studies And….. but her voice is interpurted by voice of hammer she look at direction and saw kunj fixing the drawers of Kitchen Ohhhh.. God he look breath taking his sleeve roll up till his elbow (Hardworking Baby)
Usha: where are you staying…?
Twi: in hostel
Usha: stay here Onl… Ding Dong
Usha: Kunj Look who is at door
kunj: yeah Mom going
Kunj went toward door To open when he open the door there was a boy with Boquet of white roses
Kunj: for whom he said taking the boquet
boy: For Twinkle Taneja
kunj: ok thank you
Kunj come to living room again and guve boquet to twinkle
Kunj: Are you here permanently
Twi: No
Kunj: thn why you gave your boyfriend address of our house
Twi: Whattt…? i don’t have any boyfriend
Kunj: so why there is written for my love twinkle from your valentine
Twi: i don’t know who sent this
Kunj: is someone behinde you *concern*
twi: its none of your bussiness
Twi: ok bua i am going *no expression*
Usha: but beta you can stay here
twi: no bua i will come next sunday and will have lunch with you
Usha: Promise
Twi: Pinky promise *smiling*
Usha: ok byeee kunj go accompany her till main door
kunj: ok *frustated*
Twi: i have no boyfriend ok
kunj: i never ask about that again thn why are you explaining so much
Twi: Sadu sarna *mumble*
kunj: what you had said
twi: Nothing Byeeeee
Kunj: hmmmmm… *plastering a Smile*
I want her to tell me that she is my wife but she did not and neither i coz i have 0% courage than the thing happened in India was so horriable for me how can that blo*dy bastard Cherry touch whats mine Yeah she is mine only mine I know i am her husband but i will not tell her till the perfect time come btw Her expression were worth watching
when i said all that about flowers and boyfriend yeah i had sent those all flowera everytime SORRY MERI JAAN but i have to do all that
TWI POV in the car
Ohhhh.. damn these flowers agai yeah i had received the same flower on the day when i came to know about that i am going to turkey
That night Twinkle was in her room when she feel thirsty she went in the kitchen to get some water whem she reached in kitchen she saw Same boquet of flowers on kitchen counter It had written WELCOME TO TURKEY LOVE
but i never know anyone who the hell is sending me all this i have to found out soon
Soon they reach in hostel twi quickly ran toward room put flowers on study table and change into night dress after changing twi came in room and saw SIYA and ROSY standing with question look
Twi: what….?
Siya: who gave you these flowers…?
Twi: i don’t know
Rosy: Someone had given you flowers and you don’t know.
Twi: yeah coz there is no name written on the card
Siya: may be its written secretly
twi: if there is written so why can’t we see that
Siya: wait a min ROSY can you give me candle
Rosy: yeah sure
Rosy gave her a candle Thn siya put card on flame and something appear
Siya: look something written its ARP
twi: who is ARP
Rosy: i think he is the mafia leader Abdul Rehman Pasha
Twi: f*** why he is behind me
Rosy: i am just saying may be i am wrong
Siya: yeah we have to fine out but first sleep its our first day at uni tommorow
Twi: ok Good night
And they sleep but twi is just thinking about all the happenings
Such a confusing one right but its story i can’t do anything
Kunj said he sent tge flowers but it has written ARP who exactly send them…?
What twi gonna do now….?
Btw possessive kunj
Love you all
I was like pani pani winter to summer waiting waiting finally i earned water.
Fantabulous chappy Fattu Kunj…ARP hoga nick name sadu ka jo Twinkle bulati hogi but yeh kudi hi bhul gayi lagta hain.
Hi Fenu bhaya Thank you for comment and sorry ap ko itna wait krna pra Or ARP wo jld hi pata chl jaye ga
Awesome pls post soon!!
Thank u
Amazing so kunj too remember
Make them confess soon
Yeah kunj remember about twinkle and thank u for comment
Lovely epi……
Enjoyed it a lott
Thank you
Nice episode Nisa… I think kunj is arp… May or may not be ?
Yes may be or may be not to know that you have to wait ? Thank u for cmnt
Fabulous episode
Please post soon dear…
awesome epi..
so kunj too remember…
but both r showing they don’t know …
I also think arp is kunj only …
waiting for next chappy..
plz post next part soon..
Hi lovey sorry for getting late but teh episode was fab and really loved the possesive kunj was really cute epispde plss do post soon the next part
Amazing one, Nisa! ?
Heyyy jaani first of all extremely sorry???? for such a late cmnt….
I should be the first cmntr but sorry ?? …
But u know the.reason too…
Coming back to the episode I was like ?? that kunj do remember about their marriage…
Or Han Sary kaam b becahry kunj sa hi krwati ho zalim larki…? ??…
But yeah I like Infact I Luvd kunj’s possessive behavior…
About that ARP no guesses?????? ??…
I want some twinj scenes Yrrr??….
Or kunj ko twinkle ka husband likhty huy b tjy kch kch hota ha Kya?? ?…
Us ko Kisi or ka liye b chor do…
Chl byeee Abi bf kr lo…
Post soon.. Perra
Luv u ? sorry again for late cmnt…
No Twinj scene at least for 3 or 4 episodes and han hota hai bht kch kunj ko kisi or ka husband bolta hoyi i miss him ? but i love him too btw i love you also ?
I loved it??
Post soon
Amazing 🙂
And even Kunj is aware of their marriage
How cute