Fan Fiction


Hey everyone very good to see u all…..
Thank you so much for your comments and yes here comes the next part of my FF .

## OM – HALL ##
And FINALLY HIS TRANCE was broken by the vibration of his mobile phone which lasted till he didn’t answer the time and He answered the Call but no one spoke after some seconds it automatically disconnected ….. because this Shivaay got angered and he shouted on pinky to stop everything…..This Brought a major shock to everyone and finally SHIVAAY’S phone again beeped this time it was checked by Dadi who just snatched his phone to get her answers but what happened was fully different and because of shock the phone slipped out of her hands and before it could touch the floor it landed on Shivaay’s hand and when he took a look on it every cord connected everything was clear to him…..not only this but it also became the reason for his world to end…..His Family , His NKK , His Ideologies Everything Shattered just because of the Lady whom he considered His God , His Ideal, His Mother…..Was the reason for His Messed up Relationships , His Weak Heart which was broken by His Own Love but the One who Forced her to do it was none other than his Own Mom….Now is broken and shattered just because of his OWN MOTHER…..


|| VIDEO || (in short i will write )

Pinky is questioned by Dadi and Shakti and she opens up how everything took place so here it is…..

After Nayantara Drama….Shivaay started questioning Anika on small things which seemed an opportunity by Pinky and she Used it in her Favour…Pinky gave 3 Days to Anika….So that Shivaay throw her out…..what all happened was According to Pinky’s Plan….Though Shivaay Wasn’t Illegitimate….She called Shivaay Shakti and Kamini’s Son so that she can blackmail Anika…..After This too she was Insecure that if Mahi told Shivaay his Birth Truth and Shivaay Believed that he is a Mistress’s Son….She killed Mahi she killed her Own son…..She was the one Behind MAHI’S ACCIDENT…( i don’t want mahi’s character for the the so i m proving him death lets see in Future if I’ll require or not )…..JUST for the sake of OBEROI FAMILY’S NAME &FAME…..

On listening that Pinky killed MAHI ……Shakti was shocked…..He Stumbled…..Om got a hold on Him and immediately tears rolled down his FACE……Seeing Shakti BROKEN she just taken aback and Shakti with his whole strength went towards Pinky and SLAPPED her….

Shakti Yelled – HOW DARE U CAN KILL MY SON….He was OUR SON Pinky … can u kill him…….HOW ???

Pinky – He was Just your Son not mine…….He was ILLEGITIMATE SON of yours And Kamini…..He wasn’t Mine……

Shakti explained how Kamini Used to blackmail him by the photos…..


She clicked when once they went out for a College trip and there she mixed some Alcohol with the Juice he was having…..He was not in his Senses and she used that as an opportunity and clicked there intimate pictures and started blackmailing him thorough them….Shakti didn’t want them to come in front so he used to give her money time to time…..After 6 months he got married to Pinky….When got to know about this she was not ready to sit back so as soon as Pinky got Pregnant….She again started her Cheap tricks…..

At the time of Pinky’s Delivery she got know that Pinky gave birth to TWINS she Stole one of them so that in Future She can use him as her Trump Card and it happened Similarly….

When Pinky asked Kamini’s help she used Mahi and on getting satisfied with her plans she Asked Pinky to end Mahi’s Chapter which was also her GAME PLAN….


After listening Shakti’s Part of story she was taken aback and then just stumbled…..No one supported her because she was wrong this time…What she did was really not acceptable her deeds payed her back…

She went so blind in doing this that she was not able to See what she is doing…SHE BECAME THE MURDERER OF HER OWN SON……..JUST FOR THE SAKE OF ONE SON SHE KILLED HER OTHER SON……

Dadi was not only Shocked , But she was Dumbstruck because never in her dreams she thought that some thing like this can happen…..

She was not able to digest the doings of her son and her DIL…..Though she broke all the ties with Pinky but still in front of the world she was her Bahu….She was SHAKTI SINGH OBEROI’S WIFE…..she was still PINKY SINGH OBEROI…..she was still SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI’S MOTHER……JUST FOR THE NAME SAKE …….


As soon as the VIDEO ended everyone was standing as if the land beneath their foot has slipped…..Shock will be an Understatement for OBEROI FAMILY MEMBERS……As soon as SHIVAAY’S TRANCE BROKED….He just sat down on his knees because he doesn’t had enough strength to stand on his feet after seeing his Own mother’s real face how can she stoop so lo….JUST FOR THE POWER AND MONEY…….Seeing Him Broken Omru immediately hugged Shivaay to console him but they know that nothing can heal his pain…What his state of mind is…. No one can understand him because he is just what Pinky groomed him into and Now no one can manage him Accept HIS ANIKA…..

Seeing SHIVAAY’S BROKEN STATE they decided to drop the further execution of their plan and they signalled RiYa to Bring Anika from the Basement to OM so that Atleast she can console him and They can realize thier love for Each other….


( Gauri & Bhavya left the hall without the notice of anyone so that they can bring Anika back )

The scene was as follows……
Anika was laying down on a bed arranged properly as she is was till now in slight effect of the Drug ( given by Vikram )…..She was trying really hard but then to her Senses didn’t supported her…Didn’t helped her in becoming Conscious of her own Situation….

RiYa came towards Anika and gave her a glass of water and then made her stand with the support and brought her to the backyard of OM….They narrated her everything related to the DRAMA going on in the Class as well as Their Plan…Listening everything Anika came in Rage but immediately after listening to SHIVAAY’S SITUATION Her expressions change into Vain…They two brought her back to Hall as Shivaay needed her….

# HALL #

Though she was trying her best to control herself but seeing Shivaay in front of her eyes that to Broken she couldn’t control herself and just ran towards Him….

He to seeing Anika in front of him Just Hugged her forgetting whole world they found peace in each other’s embrace….

When No one was able to control Shivaay Only Anika could do it but Today She is also broken because her Major fear of Seeing Shivaay broken has came in front of her and now she has to fix Everything alright……She has to prove herself as SHIVAAY’S WIFE by Being His SUPPORT SYSTEM……BY BEING THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE……

She supported him whole Family was the witness of their bond….their Love for each other she consoled him….how she taught Shivaay to Overcome the MISERIES given to him by his OWN MOTHER …..TO STAND AGAIN AND FACE THE SITUATION…..

This time the one who was in front of Pinky was not SSO but SHIVAAY…..Shivaay who doesn’t get affected with NKK….FOR WHOM HIS WIFE IS ANIKA ….FOR WHOM PINKY IS NOTHING JUST A RESIDENT OF OBEROI MANSION AND NOTHING ELSE…..

All the Member’s of the OF….were really happy with the transformation in shivaay and Pinky was just crying on her FATE……But as soon as Shivaay declared ANIKA AS HER WIFE IN FRONT OF THE MEDIA……PINKY was again back to ZERO …..because after so many attempts still that girl is there in her Son’s life ( though Shivaay doesn’t consider her as mother but still she won’t accept her mistake – wo kabhi nhi sudhar skti…)


As we’re going to get whole wedding in the serial i don’t want to write it down to spoil the fun of the SHIVIKA WEDDING , So directly jumping to post-wedding rituals if you all are okk then only .




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