Thank u friends,for all ur supports…Here is the nineth part
She then fell down crying. Karan sat near her.
Karan :l know everything…. EVERYTHING…
She looks into karan’s eyes questioningly,but je assures his answer by shooking his head.
Naina :then,why Karan,why did u do it?why are u spoiling ur life…Why Karan.. No.. I can’t do this to u…Pls u can’t also do this to yourself…
Karan :naina…Naina.. Stop it.. Don’t worry,bhabhi told me eveything bfor marriage…I don’t care what was ur past…But ur future…Maybe its linked with mine…Ok till the day u accept this marriage,we won’t be life partners…But we can keep a relation…
Naina :what relation?
Karan:friendship!!which was left incomplete on that day…
Naina recollects the incident.
Naina :will u be my friend?
Karan :friend!for what?
Naina :offo Mr. Chatte waala akdu…I mean Mr. Karan singh Chauhan…Don’t u know what friends do!ok,l’ll tell u…By being friends,we will chat share secrets,and…
Karan came closer to naina. She moved back and was about to fall,just then he hold her by waist,her whole body got shivered….
(still in that position )Karan :and…..
Naina :f..
He moved his lips towards her ears. She was looking at him shockingly..
Karan whispered :not intrested!!
And he landed her down and left with his umbrella..
Fb ends.
Naina smiles seeing karan and his stretched hand. She places her hand in his.
Naina :of courseMr chatte waala akdu
Karan :ok then Miss naina perfect,pls go to sleep.
He was about to leave
Naina :there is no need to leave this room karan,l don’t have any problem with u staying here.
Karan :who told that l’m leaving the room
Naina :then where are u going?
Karan(thinks a little ):listen…I will tell u a secret on one condition.
Naina :what condition?
Karan :first promise me that u will accept the condition
Naina :ok,promise
Karan :naina,there is another room,a small room or a secret room in this room and l used to sleep there.
She was about to ask just then he cuts her words:and the condition is “NOT TO ASK A SINGLE QUESTION ABOUT THAT ROOM “. She stood there numb. He left with his umbrella to that room. He keeps the key of that room and there wasn’t any spare of that key. She slept on the bed with mind full of questions..
Next day which was full of rasams-
Meghna got up and called kunal
Meghna :kunal woke up else we will be late for the pooja
Kunal :5mins mom..
Meghna smiles…
Meghna :kunal it’s not ur mom,it’s ur wife and now u r not mom ki laadla,but biwi’s gulaam
Kmal shot up:what???gulaam??
Meghna :after today’s pooja there is a rasam which declares thatbwho is gulam and who is the maalik…
Kunal :omg!!don’t even think that u can rule over me
Meghna :let’s see Mr. Wrong no.”CHALLENGE “
She forward her hand.
Kunal:CHALLENGE ACCEPTED (he holds her hand)
Nairan’s room –
When naina woke up she saw karan infront of her.
Karan :gud morning naina
Naina :gud morning karan..
Karan :get ready we have a pooja
She suddenly got up and went for bath. All the time she was thinking “ye Mr. Chatte waala akdu Mr. Midayi wala sweet kab ban gaya!!!
Rituals started as the couples arrived. First they did the pooja and move onto rasams…
First round:some plates were placed over one another. Bahus had to take each plate and place it over one another without making sound.. Meghna &naina won that round.
Second round (haha,most awaited round ??):a large bowl of milk was placed in front of the couples,nirmala put a ring in it…First turn was of Meghnal’s. Everyone started cheering up.
Kyathi :Kunal bhai…Kunal bhai…Kunal bhai…
Abhay looked at her and:bhabhi…bhabhi…bhabhi…
Kunal( looking at him):oy,kabhi toh apne bhai ke side lo…
And suddenly he got the ring,his face glowed.. Meghna saw it and hold kunal’s hand. He looked into her eyes and got lost in it….
Abhay shook kunal:bhai the game is over
Kunal came back to senses :what???but..
Abhay signalled him to look forward. Kunal saw meghna holding the ring and smiling…
Next was Nairan’s turn
They both were searching the ring. Suddenly naina got the ring. Karan also stuck something
Naina &Karan together raised their hands:l got it….
Everyone got surprised as both had rings in their hand…
Nirmala :who did this?
Everyone looked at abhay.
Abhay scratched his head :ya,l did it…
Sandhya hold his ear:badmaash ki bache…
Karan stood up.
Kunal :dadu,who won this game?
Dadu:as naina got the real ring,she won the game…
Karan:yaar,this devil made is fools..
Kunal :not everyone,just u!!!
Karan whispered in kunal’s ear:oh really bhai!!!….
Kunal:u saw it?
Karan (smiling ):yesss….
Kunal:al because of this smiling devil,l got distracted..
Abhay :sweet smiling devil..
Karan &Kunal :ok,then we will show u..
They pulled their sleeves up. Abhay understood the danger and started to run. The other two brothers ran after him. They ran in between laughter,sometimes hided behind their mothers…All of them especially meghna and naina were looking at them,their pranks with love and happiness…..
to be continued…
sorry for mistakes,hope u all like this short update
loads of love -seyal ??
Very nice.Karan already knows it’s really good and he understood hertoo that’s really great.A secret room something is really fishy.Keep writing.Loads of love.Post asap.
ya,karan understood naina very well?? the secret room really have something which could be a turning point in their lives..??,but l won’t be able to reveal it soon…..but keep reading
loads of love -Seyal ??
Hey Seyal awsm update yrrr… Naina and Meghna won the game ??? I just Love it keep writing dear ?
thank u arushi di….thanks for giving the support…
loads of love -Seyal ???
wow,superb yaar l really loved it,the brothers…omg!!abhay is soo funny???. update ASAP…
thank u lachu,good to know that u r also from Kerala,thanks for ur support
loads of love -Seyal ??
Amazing and adorable episode. The conversation executed in the bedroom of the youngest married couple was exceptionally brilliant. All the dialogues were wonderful in their own pretty way. The mention of the secret has surely awoken the amateur detective side of me. Its a truly intriguing revelation about karan.
The scene between meghna and kunal was absolutely lovely. The rasams were stupendously presented for sure. The ring episode was indeed marvellous and beautiful. Karan and naina’s new friendship and their equal status in the same was well-depicted by their simultaneous finding of rings. Meghna’s discovery of the ring surely depicts the near future of meghnal’s married life. Lastly, the scene which portrayed the cute banter and antics of the chauhan brothers was absolutely awesome. It was a magnificent episode in truth.
wow shivani,as usual u left me speechless….u really understood what l wanted convey by the finding of rings simultaneously by nairan…
loads of love -Seyal ??
Hai Chechi. Njan njetti poyi. Naina widow. Paavam. And loved the way karan consoled her. Post asap
hai pooja,u r shocked!! l also felt sry for naina when l wrote it??karan is so lovely??happy that u loved it….
loads of love -Seyal ??
oh seyal amazing updt..rasam wala scene was gud lovd it yrr
thank u aisha di(l believe that u r elder than me)…..always love to read ur comments…keep reading
loads of love -Seyal ??
Omg! This was so so so cute! I loved it a lot! Awesome update and I’m eagerly waiting for the next one! Loads of love ?
di,l’m very happy that u loved it…l will post the next part tomorrow….once again thanks a lot for ur comments…it always meant a lot for me…..
loads of love -Seyal ???
so soorry seyal i just got today little free time to comment ur fff, ur a good writter and i love the story please update everyday
it’s ok di,no need to say sry,it means a lot for me that u r enjoying my ff,thanks for ur lovely comments
loads of love -Seyal ???
Sorry dear for late comment..i was busy..superb episode..plz update next part soon
it’s ok,chechi(hope that l could call u that)l can understand if u r busy….thanks for ur comments..keep reading
loads of love -Seyal ??
Its ok can call me that..i dont know what is your age..but you can call me the way i read ur name is it you..lovely name..can i call you that
chechi,my age is 17..and ya, it’s me,l would love it if u call me sreekutty ??
hai seyal,l’m new here…l loved ur ff..really nice keep writing
thank u for ur lovely comments…keep reading
loads of love -Seyal ???