Fan Fiction

Love and Life is Music (The End)

Arjith friends > Fights > Girl friend > Buckz > Dancing…in one word ***Happiness***..Now Arjith has no time to thinks about that things…He simply sitting front of computer & do 8hrs works…it’s his duties now..If he had parents they must think of Arjith’s marriage..

At college,after seen Shreya* he knows a feeling of Love <3 ..In his stomach ,something running fastly & his mind ordered his moving eyes ? to watch her completely..& lovely sensitive heart ♥ Of him beats fastly like bullet train…then his sweating hands shakes without his control…His big shoulder now smoothly shakes like babies…
Her Lovely sweet voice,pulls him to out of the world…(He & she walks beside a sea and singing sweetly to him)it is impossible..because she had many Rich Boy friendz but Arjith was still a middleclass boy..only Arjith needs some love ❤ from her…he needs from her,A lovely Joyful peace Life*
Farewell party::Arjith nervously walks close to her just tell ::I like U***only.. then he gonr to his own town..One day He had Letter from Shreya…
Arjith opens the Letter""Hi Arjith..I am Shreya,my parents needs Rich & with high background partner to me..To"" me & Arjun"" Marriage on 18th Feb..
Arjith close a letter..

Arjith feels Sad:: 😮 & fire on Letter & invitation..


While Hugging..Shreya(Ghost) tells him:: I still Loving you Arjith..while I know you love I feels happy 🙂 ..but I can't tell you straight..when I get confidence ,I send you get me from you from there..
Arjith's like heart attack to him!!!

At morning..
Sun shines at sea..Shreya singing song sweetly at lying a head on Arjith shoulder… Arjith <3 Shreya were togetherly walks besides sea..
Unni wakes up & searched for Arjith,lied death on sand…unni shocked..
May Arjith&Shreya Soul rest at Love<3

Love ❤ and Life is music ? -Soundariya Velsamy
~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~


Anna Adarsh College |Ethiraj|KCS |St Anne's | Chennai,India.

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