Love of life!!Kumkum Bhagya Episode 55

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The episode starts with Pragya feeding Kush as he was busy in TV by watching Abhi’s song.Pragya says,Kush open ur mouth na its getting late Mamma wanna go for restaurant u wanna go skl na see how Pooja is having her breakfast.Kush says, minute..n watching the TV without taking his eyes.Mikha switched off the TV n says,Kush it’s getting late beta..don’t trouble Mamma..Kush makes faces n eats..Suddenly he says,Mamma today no green chutney uh??Pragya says,No..I ll make it for dinner.Kush says,Mamma..u know na I love green chutney..Pragya says,Ha..baba..I’m hav this.Kush nods.Pooja Kush n Pragya gets ready.Pragya holds Pooja in a hand n Kush in another hand n says,Maa..We r leaving lock the door..I ll send ur lunch from restaurant..Raju bhai ll bring u lunch n tablets.Mikha says,K beta..Suddenly someone comes to home it was Raju..(Taxi driver)Pragya says,Raju bhai u came uh..Raju says,Haa..Meehi come let’s go.All comes down n gets to car.While going, Kush sees,Opera house n says,Mamma..see one day I ll do my concert here n smiles.Raju says,Meehi..ur son is highly ambitioned..

Pragya smiles n says,Y bhai..u saying like this.Raju says,Daily he is saying this na..Kush says,Haa..Raju chaachu..sure I ll do my concert here.Raju asks,If u become a Rockstar ll u remember me.Kush says,Ofcourse chacchu..u r my manager..All laughs at his kiddyness.They reached the school”Primary Catholic school”Kush was doing his kindergarten n Pooja was studying Grade 5 in same school.Pragya gives them instructions,Pooja as the school gets over ur father ll come to pick u up..Kush Raju bhai ll come to pick u..don’t force him to take u to our restaurant go home..Granny ll makeu ready then go to ur music class in cycle K..Kush says,K Mamma n runs inside by holding pooja’s hand.Pragya left thr n reached her restaurant,It was the place Whr chain of restaurants r thr like,Burger King,KFC n all..She gets in sees how their staffs r working n she ll cook some of her stuffs which is famous among all Indians it’s not such a big restaurant it’s a moderate restaurant.

In India,It was around evening,Abhi in his room sleeping by holding his fuggi doll.Someone knocks the door.Abhi wakes up slowly n opens the door n sees Robin is standing thr n says,Sir..Sarla Maa came to see u..Abhi comes down n gets blessings from Sarla.Sarla blessed him.Abhi asks, r u..Sarla says,Fine beta just now..gone to Bulbul’s only they left thr na..Abhi says,I don’t know Maa actually I was sleeping..Sarla says,Koi..baath nahi beta..Robin brings coffee to Abhi n Sarla.Abhi says,Robin u know na..I won’t drink coffee..Robin says,Sry sir..Abhi says,It’s K n continued his talks to Sarla.Suddenly,Abhi’s phone rings,Abhi says,Excuse me!!n attends the call.It was Purab.Abhi says,Haa..Purab..Purab says,Abhi we received a invitation from Australia that we hav to conduct music hunt thr n they wanna introduce the best singers under our brand’s a huge opportunity.Abhi says,That’s great..u go ahead..Purab says,Bhai..U hav to go coz on those days I hav audition in Delhi.Abhi says,Purab how could I go by leaving Peehu.Purab says,Ishaan s thr na..U think n tell n ends the call.Abhi gets confused n sits.

Dadi asked,Wht happened beta..Abhi says everything.Sarla says,Beta u go to Australia u ll hav some change.Dadi says,Ha..v r thr fr Peehu na its a good opportunity go thr u ll feel good for past 6yrs u are in home so go for change.Abhi thinks n says,But..Dadi says,Wht but..Abhi says,K..I’m going n smiles n calls Purab n says,K I’m going Australia.Purab says,That’s Gud..I ll talk to Mr.Rohit Mehta.Abhi asks,Who is he..Purab says,He is the organiser.Abhi says,K..n ends the call.
Australia,School ends for Kush n Pooja(Coz only half a day skl)Ankit comes to pick Pooja n Raju comes to pick Kush.Kush says,Pooja di..come soon to dance class..v wanna go for shopping na n Come in cycle..don’t tell anyone.Pooja says,Ok..Kush n they both gets in to their car.Raju drops Kush in home n calls Pragya n says,Meehi..dropped Kush in home.Pragya says,K bhai..thanks.Raju says,It’s k..n ends the call.Kush presses the calling bell without a break.

Mikha comes thr hurrily n opens the door.Kush says,How long granny..Mikha says,Arey..I’m not like ur mom to open the door immediately.Kush says,It’s K n throws the bag n lies on bed..n asks,Granny Whr is my Nightingale n Rockstar(Two fav toys of Kush which resembles Fuggi doll n Rockstar doll)Granny says,Whr u kept..Kush says,I kept in bed..But it’s not here..n searches for both.Finally he finds near his guitar..Granny here it is n makes them to sit in bed together.Kush says,Granny give ur phone..Mikha says,For Wht?U hav Abhi’s video songs na I wanna see..Mikha says,U hav iPad na see in that.Kush says,But thr is no video only audio..Suddenly,Pragya calls Mikha,Mikha gives phone to Kush n says,Its ur Mamma..Kush attends the call n says,Mamma…Granny is not making me ready..Mikha shouts,Arey..jutey..Pragya laughs n says,Kush..don’t trouble Granny get ready soon take ur guitar n go for class should cross the road by seeing both the sides.Kush says,Mamma..I know u come home soon.Pragya says,OK n ends the call.Granny makes Kush ready n gives him milk.Kush says,I wont..Mikha says,Then I ll say to ur Mamma..

Kush says, Granny..u r cool na n drinks the milk.Kush says,Granny..Mustache came uh??Mikha says,Haa..n wipes the milk from his lips.Kush jumps over bed n goes that side n takes Abhi’s photo from under the bed.Mikha says,Arey..I thought u were kept this photo under ur cupboard.Kush says,Haa..I kept thr but Mamma cleaned my cupboard na so I replaced.Mikha asked,That’s K y u r taking his photo now..Kush says,I gonna buy accessories..head band..wrist bands..rings n chain..Mikha says,Wht u ll do for money..Kush says,I hav lil money in my penny piggy..n takes his piggy bank.Mikha says,Arey..Keep ur Piggy bank thr I ll give u paisa n gives him the paisa n says,Don’t tell ur Mamma..n don’t even say her that u bought tez accessories.Kush hugs Mikha n says,Thank u Granny n leaves.Mikha says,Arey..beta..ur guitar..Kush says,Oops..I forgot n takes his guitar n kisses Mikha n says,Bye..Granny..Kush reaches a shop near by his music n dance institution.Pooja too reached thr.Kush n Pooja goes inside the shop n Kush asks him for headband wrist bands n rings n chains by seeing Abhi’s photo n matching the accessories with Abhi’s accessories.Pooja says,Kush make it soon else if v gone late for classes then they ll call to our home.Kush says,That’s all di..n buys the similar head band n accessories like Abhi’s n stuffed all in Guitar pouch..Whr Pragya won’t take his guitar.Kush n Pooja goes to class.

Pooja goes to dance n Kush goes to music class..As the time passes class gets end n Kush came out with a sad face..Pooja asks,Wht happened Kush?Kush says,My guitar gets old fashioned.Pooja says,Then ask ur mom..Kush says,Haa..but don’t know how she ll react.Pooja says,Surely she ll get fr u..Kush nods.Pooja says,Let’s go..Kush reached home n pressd the Bell.Pragya comes n opens the door.Kush hugs n says Mamma..Pragya says,Haa..n takes him in arms.Kush goes to washroom n freshup n comes to dinner table.Pragya feeds him roti n his fav green chutney.Kush says, fav(For a moment Pragya thinks of Abhi..n says,Herself,Kush resembles his father in each n every activities)Kush says,Mamma..Pragya shooks his head.Kush gives her a piece of roti n feeds her.Pragya had that with a smile n kisses him.

Precap: Abhi started his flight to Australia.

Will destiny make Abhi n Pragya to meet!!Stay tuned!!


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