Fan Fiction

Love Life…Swaragini ki (Epi 16)

Episode 16
Hey guys back again with next episode. Thank u so much Dafsi, lovely, sanchami, Ammu, Natasha and soujanya for commenting and all the silent readers also and here is the previous episode 15

and next episode is here

Recap: rohan Malhothra
It is beautiful morning and the sunrays fall on our beautiful heroines and our swara is disturbed by those sun rays she wakes up with the beautiful smile on her face and goes to wash room and comes freshen up she is wearing a blue jeans and a white top and white ear rings and a bracelet which is having a swasan on it. She then sees ragini sleeping peacefully with a cute smile on her face she goes to her and sits beside her
Swara: (thinks) my cute sister is so innocent she even don’t get angry on those who harm her also I am very lucky to have a sister like this and kisses on her forehead by this ragini wakes up
Swara: good morning Ladoo
Ragini: (with sweet smile) good morning Shona and hugs her today u woke up before me why so
Swara: actually everyday u take so much efforts to wake me so I thought for one day I will give u holiday
Ragini: wow very nice gift to me give it every day please

Swara: no way if I give it to every day then what about my prestige and award of sleeping beauty ha
Ragini: ha is that so ok and they burst out laughing
Swara: ok now go and get ready we shall go to college and ragini leaves to get ready then swara comes out of the room and headed to the hall
Lakshy saw swara coming there
Lakshy: sanky just pinch me I can’t believe my eyes am I dreaming swara woke up very early
Sanskar pinches him
Lakshy: ouch!!! no it is not a dream
Sanskar: oye enough of drama now ok my princess got up early that does not mean it is dream ok
Lakshy: ok baba ur princess got up early ok
Swara: completed ur drama
Lakshy: makes faces ok sorry
Swara: come now we will have break fast
Sanskar: swara where is ragini

Swara: she is coming she is getting ready
They all go to breakfast meanwhile ragini also comes and they breakfast and they leave to college
All these reached college and standing in the ground waiting for MayUr and they also came
Mayank: ok what is today’s plan after college?
Nupur: why u don’t have any project today (sarcastically)
Mayank: Nupur u better shut up ur mouth
Nupur: so mean Mayank
Meanwhile rohan comes to Mayank all are also present there

Rohan: hi Mayank
Mayank: hi rohan how is Kriti
Rohan: she is fine by the way I came here u to ask how is ragini now
Mayank: she is here only u can ask her directly
Rohan: actually she told me not to talk to her so I thought to ask u
Mayank: did u try again
Rohan: (understands and happy) ok turns to ragini
Rohan: ragini hi
Rohan: I know u are angry on me at least u say how are u actually dad told me u are not well
Ragini: fine
Rohan: (happy that she answered him) ok now I am really sorry I will not hurt u again please forgive me please and makes a puppy face
Ragini: (melts) ok but…
Rohan: punishment accepted
Ragini: smiles and starts jumping in happiness swara my best friend is back again
Swara: I know now stop jumping
Rohan: oye Bandar stop now ok
Ragini: tum Bandar ho main nahi
Rohan: ok main hi Bandar hoo now tell me how r u properly
Ragini: now only u saw me jumping and asking me how are u

Rohan: ok now will u not introduce these members to me
Ragini: ha ya this lakshy my fiancé
Rohan: what he is ur fiancé no way I should help him and turns to lakshy and forwards his hand and says hi I am rohan Malhothra
Lakshy: hi I am Lakshy Maheshwari what
Rohan: u are very brave to handle this Bandar
Lakshy: I know and laughs
Ragini: lakshy and glares him angrily
Lakshy: stops laughing and says sorry
Ragini: and u what are u saying ha that he should be brave ha and beats him (to rohan)
Rohan: ouch ouch lakshy save me please this Bandar will kill me please
Ragini: ughh and this is sanskar
Sanskar: hi rohan sanskar Maheshwari
Rohan: hi means u both are brothers right
Sanskar: ha
Ragini: and she is Nupur bhabhi
Rohan: bhabhi?
Nupur: ha bhabhi mayank’s fiancé
Rohan: oh so bhabhi hai

Nupur: hai
Ragini: and now this is one who is a big stranger to u miss. Swara Gadodia or would be Mrs. Swara sanskar Maheshwari
Rohan: ya such a big stranger who is still angry on me and now I am angry on her
Ragini: why u are angry on her
Rohan: she did not tell me that she is engaged whenever she called me
Ragini: she called u
Rohan: (oh no what have u done) wo actually (stammering)
Swara: now why are stammering u already told her stop doing action ok actually ragini I was in contact with him since 6 months one day I called to Kriti then he received the call and apologised to me from then we are in contact

Rohan: sorry
Ragini: u I will not leave u now and starts him beating and punching and swara also joins her
Rohan: arey jijus help please control ur fiancé otherwise they will kill me
Sanlak come there and stops them
Rohan immediately goes to behind them and says thank u guys otherwise i may die today and now all starts laughing
Rohan: now ok full serious I am really sorry ragini for what all happened I know I hurt u a lot but still u forgave me and he has tears in his eyes
Ragini comes to him and side hugs no need to feel guilt now past is past forget it ok then swara also comes to him and swara and ragini signals to each other and they immediately punch him in his stomach and run away laughing and shouts punishment number 1 and shows him tongue out and runs away every one laughs
Sanskar: ok now come let us go to class room and they leave to class room
@class room
They enter the class room and sit like this rohan, lakshy, swara, ragini, and sanskar they exchange places everyday and ragsan are busy in their studious talk
Lakshy: swara today I will play sanskar and u ragini
Swara: done

Rohan: what is that?
Lakshy: u will come to know after class see and laughs along with swara
Soon the class finishes and lakshy says
Lakshy: rohan now see any one of the students call sanky as he say one boy calls sanskar
Vicky: sanskar

Sanskar: ha Vicky coming
Rohan: so what
Lakshy: now see sanky will say guys I will come u go to the ground Vicky has some doubt I will clarify and come and imitates like sanskar
Sanskar: guys u go to the ground Vicky has some doubt I will clarify and come
Rohan, lakshy, and swara laughs very loudly and ragsan look confusingly
Sanskar: did I play any joke and they nods no and they go out while walking in the corridor
Swara: rohan now see some girl comes to ragini and says ragini I need ur help in this and then ragini says swara lakshy rohan u three go I will come and imitates ragini in the same way one girl comes
Nisha: hi ragini actually I have some problem in this so please help me
Ragini: ha Nisha and (turns to swara) swara lakshy rohan u go I will come then again rohan starts laughing loudly ragini gives a confused look but they leave from there

Rohan: arey yaar how do u know
Lakshy: arey roj ka mamla every day this only happens
Swara: we both imitate them like this but exchanges the roles
Nupur comes there
Nupur: sees three of them and says as usual today I am Mayank right
Swalak: exactly
Nupur: done now rohan see Mayank comes and says Nupur I have a project I should go home so u go with sanlak ok
Then Mayank comes
Mayank: Nupur today i have a project so I should go home so go with sanlak ok
Rohan: immediately starts laughing and says unbelievable Mayank
Mayank: why are u laughing
Rohan: now only bhabhi told me what u will come and say and u said exactly what she told
Mayank: so u are making me joker
Nupur: sorry mayuuuuuuu

Mayank: stop calling that Nupur I hate that ok where are ragsan
Rohan, swalak: as usual and gives hifi to each other and laugh
Lakshy: swara ragini coming
Swara: ok now see she will come to lakshy say baby I have some work in library I will come in 15 minutes so wait in canteen ok baby and hugs him
Ragini comes and says
Ragini: baby I have some work in library I will come in 15 minutes so wait in canteen ok baby and hugs him
Lakshy: ok baby and rohan laughs
Rohan: ragini just tell me one thing except library anywhere u will not go ha and laughs
Ragini: u shut up and get ready for next punishment ok
Rohan: ok baba

Swara: lakshy sanskar
Lakshy: ha ready now see he comes to swara and says princess library mey kuch kam hain main yoo gayi yoo aaye u be in canteen ok when swara said yes he says ragini chalo and they both will go
Sanskar comes there and says
Sanskar: princess library mey kuch kam hain main yoo gayi yoo aaye u be in canteen ok
Swara: ok come fast ha and hugs him
Sanskar: ragini chalo
Ragini: ha sanskar bye guys and they leaves now rohan laughs like hell he holds his stomach and he laughs like hell

Rohan: unbelievable guys u both are awesome
Mayank: did not understand anything and says rohan I think in these days u became mad u r laughing like a mad fellow by this swalak Nupur starts laughing and Mayank gives a disgusting look to them and leaves from there
Nupur: now come we will go to canteen and they go to canteen
After sometime ragsan and Mayank join them and they all are seated
Ragini: ok now next punishment u are giving a treat to us now order guys
Rohan: ok madam please give ur order and all say what they want
Ragini: swara today we will go to mm na
Swara: ha i too want to go sanskar please
Sanskar: why are requesting me ask ma
Swara: that is why I requested u
Sanskar: no way swara I am not going to ask
Swara: how mean sanskar ragini

Ragini: lakshy please
Lakshy: oye no I will not ask
Ragini: please baby please na for me u know ma also wants that we come there please and makes a puppy face
Lakshy: (sees her face and smiles) ok but what will I get in return
Ragini: chocolate
Lakshy: ragini seriously chocolate even I can purchase that ok
Ragini: ok then u tell what u want
Lakshy: ok now I will not ask anything later i will ask remember ha
Ragini: ok done and lakshy gets permission from sumi
Lakshy: task completed
Swaragini: yippee
Swara: sanskar learn something from him
Sanskar: oh miss. Bak bak stop ur non sense ha
Lakshy: rohan why don’t u join us
Rohan: no yaar
Ragini: come na rohan please
Swara: ha u also come with us please
Rohan: ok I will come happy

They all go to mm after reaching immediately swaragini runs inside and starts shouting
Swaragini: ma (shouting) and running ma
Ap: comes there and sees and hugs them
Ap: happily swaragini u here I missed u a lot
Swaragini: we too ma
Sujatha also comes there and hugs swaragini
Swaragini: chachi and hugs
Sujatha: how are u both?
Swaragini: fine chachi
Ragini: ma where is bhabhi
Ap: she went out for some work ok now tell what u want to eat
Swara: now we got treat from rohan
Ap: rohan?
Ragini: oh freak!! Ma he is rohan pointing towards rohan
Rohan: Namaste aunty

Ap: Namaste beta
Sanskar: ma he is Swaragini’s friend and now he joined here in our college
Ap: ok beta u all sit we will come now only they all gets seated and they talk on random things and laughing and enjoying so much

That is all for today sorry for a very boring episode I will try to write something interesting please comment I know it is very bad but still please comment they give encouragement


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