Fan Fiction

Love makes a change – CHAPTER 10


Sanskar was admiring swara who was busy laughing. Soon swara comes to sense so she just gave a smile and left.

San (in mind): Does she have any magic in her smile?……..

Soon the sun was going down and the moon started to rise up. Swara was sitting in her room looking at the photo frames which was already on the wall but her eyes was all struck to one photo frame which was a sketch of 13-14 years old boy and a 10 years old girl with him. Here tears were brimming in her eyes. She heard a voice SWARA  which made her to come back to sense, she quickly wiped off her tears and looked at the doorstep. It was sanskar who leaning on the door and looking at her.

San: What r u doing here? I was searching for you…. ( He stood erect and started to walk towards swara.)

SWA: ah….just only, sit.

Sanskar sat on the couch and started exploring her room.

San: hmm not bad your room is not that girlish as I thought.

SWA: y?

San: I actually seen many girls rooms coloured with only pink and all the stuffes of theirs also used to be pink, that’s why!

Swa: like seriously, now get to know one thing I hate girlish stuffes and I always wanted my room to be different yet mordern.

San(in mind): u r no usual girl…..

Like this they were talking about their likes and dislikes. Sanskar noticed  the same sketch which swara was looking before.

San: swara, who’s dis boy?(pointing towards that frame).

SWA: (was shocked yet composed herself and didn’t show off): ah…woh…woh…..

Before she could say anything ragini came.

Rag: swara, sanskar woh mom asked u both come down immediately. She said and swara instantly got up and went with ragini giving herself a great relieve sign. Sanskar once again looked at the frame.

San: Who could this be?…..anyways swara was not comfortable when I asked her about this so it’s better for me to find it myself.

Saying this he too went down but not without taking a glance of that sketch. After sometime swara got a call and she attended it. Soon her phone which was on her hands were down on the floor.

San: Swara, what happened?(concerned).

Ragini: swara(jurked swara)

SWA: Ragini………….accident.

Rag: what? (Shocked).

SWA: rags I’m leaving, u inform ma bye!

San: swara let me also come.

SWA: its k, I’ll manage.

Rag: No swara, u take him with u.

Soon swasan left and reached the spot. They admitted her in the hospital and was waiting outside.

Sanskar got a call so he attended the call.

San: Hello ma!

Suju: Sanskar I forgot to give the gifts to swara, please come and take it beta.

San: Ma…..but…..k. He said and call got disconnected.

SWA: what happened sanskar?

San: Ma forgot to give the gifts, so she called me.

SWA: U go sanskar I’ll take care.

San: No swara how will I (interrupted)

SWA: it’s k sanskar I’ll manage so u go.

San: k but take care. He said but he went unwillingly. After 15 minutes tara’s relatives arrived so swara informed sanskar through Tara’s relatives as sanskar took  her phone with him accidentally, after informing swara was standing outside waiting for him. After 10 minutes sanskar entered the hospital street and saw swara standing waiting for him but before he could reach a white man came in front of swara and pulled her inside. Sanskar shouted. The van opened and dropped some sharp objects and left in full speed which went unnoticed by sanskar. Sanskar drove his car car fast as he can but stopped all in the middle. He quickly got down and saw his Tyre got punchered.

San: Dammit!….. He said hitting his car and his hands went into his hairs due to fractuation.


PRECAP: Sanskar missing swara.

So I know I gave a small shock but trust me I’m sure I’ll make u smile when u all read the next chapter. Do comment and like as usual. Hope u all will like…….?❤



I'm Diya. A proud tamilian. Love SWASAN and RAGLAK. Love to listen songs and to read stories ❤ WATTPAD ID: Diya543

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