
Love is what makes everyone alive – Part 4

It’s 10 pm and time for the hostelers to sleep , but mehek is not feeling well.

Mehek – sonal i am not feeling good.

Sonal – Just sleep , its due to pain.

Mehek – no , its not  just pain , i feel like something is wrong ,i cant explain you ( tears roll down over her cheeks

Sonal – okay, dont cry lets go down and have a walk , may be you’ll feel better in open air.

So they both went downstairs…… As they were walking they saw Vicky coming from somewhere and was looking worried

Vicky – what are you doing here at this time of the night ?

Sonal – Actually Mehek wasn’t feeling well so we came here just to change her mood.

Vicky – aren’t you both crazy , she is injured and should rest.

Mehek – sir can i ask you why you are looking so much tired and worried.

Vicky – Ohh , its nothing i was feeling sleepy that’s why nothing much more .

Mehek – Hope you aren’t lying .

Vicky – Actually Shaurya meet an accident while going home .

Mehek – What ???????????. Is he alright ,do he have severe injuries ??/

Viky – No , just few scratches .

Mehek – Can I talk to him .

Vicky – He might be sleeping . You won’t like to disturb him . Now go and sleep. Sonal take her to room and make her rest or her injury might get worse.

Sonal – Okay sir , come let’s go mehek .

They left . In mehek’s room.

Mehek – It’s all b’coz of me . I shouldn’t have said such words .

Sonal- No , it’s not due to you it’s just an accident and your Chiroptera is alright .

Mehek – how can you say so . Might be he is having sever injury ????

Sonal – Don’t think about it , just sleep okay .

Mehek – Good night.

Mehek was crying whole night due to which her eyes swelled and she didn’t eat any thing whole day .Every time she’ll say same thing wanna talk to  Chiroptera .

So , finally at evening vicky gave her his phone to talk.

Mehek – Good afternoon sir .
Shaurya- Good afternoon ( he got her but then too) whose it speaking?
Mehek- It’s me sir .Shaurya – I who me , I have many students .
( Mehek started weeping again due to his harsh nature , but mainly it was because he sounded fine)
Shaurya – Okay sorry baba , don’t cry miss mehek .
Mehek- Are you fine , do you have severe injuries ??
Shaurya – To be honest i have plaster on my leg and hand , lost blood my condition is really horrfing .
Mehek- ???? are you saying truth.
Shaurya – Again started crying , i was just kidding hese are only minor injuries .
Mehek- then when will you join again .
Shaurya – May be in 2-3 days .
Sonal- Sir i’m too here.
Shaurya – ohh sonal .
Sonal – yess , and i’m here to coplain about mehek.
Shaurya – What ? Why has she broken anything again
Sonal- She had eaten nothing since morning .
Shaurya – Really ?? Mehek you don’t need to be on this much harsh dieting .?
Mehek- Sonal i wont leave you wait a second , sir get well soon and join us soon too .
Shaurya – And I’ll miss you..
Mehek- What .??
Shaurya – I’ll miss you ……all?? and cut the phone .
Mehek- Thank you ma’am .
Worden – Now you are looking like our Mehek .
Sonal- Yea , after talking to a bat someone is very happy???
Mehek- Just shut up or else i’ll beat you ?
Sonal says now eat something .
Mehek- So , when I denied ?.

Precap- Mehek helps shaurya with dreesing . Shaurya touches her fingures and they make eyecontact .???



I am schooling now . I love reading and writing loved Mehrya and now Ashkan is my favorite.

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