Hello everyone I came up with the new story it’s Love Makes Life Beautiful This story is based on the Mumbai track (college), but it is a bit different from the serial story, what if Naira is pregnant, so I hope you all like this, sorry if there are any mistakes, all the characters are identical from the serial, this story Let me know if you like it or not, here the first episode

Episode start with Kartik asked Naira to leave house.

Naira cries, she tells Karthik to listen to her, but Karthik is not ready to listen to her

Naira: Kartik please listen to me

Kartik : Naira I don’t want to hear anything please get out of here.

Naira : Kartik I will be waiting on the terrace for you please come.

But Kartik did’t say anything she leaves from

there and she went to terrace and wait for Kartik but he didn’t came

When she returned to leave,

She slipped on her feet and she fell down from the terrace. Her stomach hit hard on the floor, she cried with pain in her stomach (yes she is pregnant, but she did not know about it) and then she fainted.

Naitik and Rajasekhar come there and they are shocked to see Naira fall down in the ground, they go to her, they try to wake her up but she doesn’t wake up and they take her to the hospital

In the hospital doctor are checking her Naitik Rajasekhar waiting outside.

Doctor came outside Naitik and Rajasekhar rush to doctor.

Naitik : Doctor how is my daughter.

Doctor : she is stable but

Naitik : but what doctor

Doctor : Your daughter had miscarriage.

Both of them shocked.

Naitik : Doctor i didn’t get you miscarriage Means Naira were pregnant.

Doctor : Yes she was pregnant, I think she did not know that she was pregnant, she was a week pregnant, when she fell down from the terrace, her stomach hit hard on the floor, because of that she had a miscarriage, we have to abort the baby for Which we want her husband’s signature, so Please call her husband we can not delay.

The doctor leaves from there.

Naitik could not take this, he sat down in the chair and Rajasekar comforted him and ask him to call Kartik and asked him to come.

Naitik called Karthik

In the GV House

Kartik console swarna. Swarna holds Shubham photo cry

Kartik : Maa calm down have some water

Swarna : No I don’t want anything. she shoutes Shubham. Kartik Why did this Naira do this, I will never forgive her. She cries and at that moment Karthik’s phone rings but he does not see it as his phone is in silent mode.

In the hospital

Naitik calls Kartik but he didn’t attend the call

Naitik worries that kartik is not answering phone doctor came outside

Doctor : What happened did her husband came

Naitik: Doctor kartik didn’t answer the phone

Doctor : Please contact him it’s urgent we can’t delay

Naitik again calls karitk but phone switch off

Naitik : No Doctor His phone switch off I am Naira’s father Please can I sign the form? and doctor agree.

They give the form to Naitik he signed in the form . Doctor start the process Rajasekar tells Naitik to call Kartik again, he calls Kartik, but his phone is still switched off.

Naitik : Nai he did not answer on the phone I understand his situation, but why he did not answer on the phone, here Naira needs Karthik

Rajasekhar : Why did Naira go to terrace

Naitik : Don’t know what happened there

Scene freeze there

In the GV House

Kartik gives medicens to swarana he put swarana to sleep

Kartik : Why naira you did this? why you didn’t share me about Shubham drugs issue? you always say that you didn’t hide anything from me why didn’t you trust me I need you at this time but you didn’t here I only asked you to leave but you didn’t wait for me why Naira?

Episode Freeze

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