Fan Fiction

love after marriage (intense ardhika & nesam) episode 4

Sry guys its been 3 months i hav post the 3Rd episode. But i wasn’t in a condition to post the story as i got an accident. And fractured my hands. Sry for late update

Lets go to the story of our ardhika

The same time wen sidni were talking with maldeep our khadoos was with his prey. Poor rads. He was giving her toomuch work as repaying for her behaviour with him. Rads knew that very well bcz of that only she was quite other wise she would hav done with him. Rads pov ” god he is getting to my nerves. I should do something, noo i wont he s already angry wit u for the other day he wil not spare anything more now. U should wait for right time radu”
“I m saying something u r lost somewhere wat the hell mis mishra ”
Here comes our roaring lion arjun mehra. Rads shaken by his screaming. Looked frightened now. ” look at the file radhika. Its not written in my face but there in the file. I want u to correct them by evening and submitt before leaving.” He was burning in anger. ” I wont leave u ” he fumed. “Go and do the work. Remember u cant go until u complete the work and submitt it on my table”
Rads now get more furious but didnt say anything her pov” All ready short tempered and u hav fuelled him double yesterday now bear him in whole ur life…. offoo.. No way.. Bearing him for a life… Oh.. Noo.. big noo.. i wil defenitely go abroad and join the branch there. Cant be here anymore with his rudeness..

Mean time sidni returns from rads house. After they left mala cals rads. “Helo choti, wil u come early today. Hav an imp thing to tell u ”
“Maa. I m too busy today. My khadoos has given so much work and wont be able to come early”
“Ok then, i wil tell u after u reach home”
Mala was too exited wit the alliance. She wanted rads to agry as soon but she was worried too wat if rads wont agry. The thought made her fear.

Were our neil was in deep thought brought back by samunder singh. She was looking at the dump neil he didnt get wat she was yelling at him for. ” idiot come out of ur dream land. Now get ready to go to the location hunt”
” why me sam u were suppossed to go wit chasni and teji wat happened now”
“Chasni cant come her sweet heart has given her the punishment for her for the other day incident. Arjun strictly asked her not to get out of the office until her work get completes”
” this arjun is so funny isn’ t it ? Said neil in a joking mode
” from wich land u find out the arrogant arjun mehra is funny?” Asked sam confused, but composed. They were walking to the elivator.
” dont u find its funny who take revenge from the girl who told i lov u to him” said neil as entering to the elevator with sam.
“Ok, i didnt get that side of humour in it” sam gritted her teeth making fun of him.
” ohoo u r pulling my leg now.too smart”

They reach down and gone to parking area. Driven off in neil’S bike….

Rads was working hard. Its afternoon, she feels hungry. She went to cafeteria to get something for her burning stomach. She asks teji to accompany her as sam was out for location hunt. They two goes to hav lunch.

Arjun too was there. Both wasnt aware of each others present. Rads was coming along with teji towards the table taking their orders and……………

Precap: mala asking aproval from rads for the alliance wit sidni’s son. Rads nods yes

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