Next day
SwasAn mansion
Swasan were sleeping peacefully in each other embrace covered by a single blanket cuddling each other. Sanskar’s sleep broke due to the message sound from the phone. He opened his eyes and saw his wife sleeping hugging him with a satisfactory smile kn her face . He pecks her lips and sits on the bed resting his head on the headboard. Swara woke up when she finds her pillow her husband is not near her. She sits beside him and carefully covered herself with the comforter.
Sw – (smiles ) good morning
San – (smiles) good morning (kisses her forehead and put his hand around her shoulder pulling her into his embrace)
Sw – whAt are you checking in the phone morning itself
San – nothing just about the party . Richard informed me that there is no meetings for me today and tomorrow so thinking when to fix it.
Sw – h,mmm ( she said while drawing patterns on his chest)
San – when i need to fix it
Sw – you can fix it for today if you and all others who are coming are comfortable.
San – i m okay with it do you have any problem
Sw – whý would i have
San – no its just……….
Sw – i m not having any problem okay
San – yes mađàm.
Sw – you need to inform everyone right
San – richard will inform everyone
Sw -let me ask you something
San – you are my wife not my servAnt to ask my permission got it(she nodes) now say
Sw – you are big business man (he nodes) you might be having so many rivals (he nodes) then why there is no security around you
San – security is there around me everywhere.
Sw – but i didnt saw any one
San – its because i dont like them to be with me i want to be a normal person but i cant. So i appointed securities who will be keeping eye on me everytime everywhere. If it is India or any other country. In our family also it is there i appointed them .
Sw – but in this house expect is there is no one then how
San – who said here is no one . Guards are there around us always 24 hrs. In this house in every room there is camera
Sw – CAMERA!!!!!!! (she shouts)
San – hahahah dont get scared it….
Sw – what are you saying why you didnt said to me before. is there camera in this room (he nodes) nooooooooooooo
San – (he laughs) oh god this girl (he cups her face and holds her face on his hands) Shona meri bacha look camera is controlled by me expect me nobody can watch it there is password which i only knows. (She became calm)
Sw – but the camera must have capturing us now right
San – no because i off the camera yesterday itself
Sw – thank god….
San – (teases) waise… what is the problem if camera is on(smiles naughtily)
Sw – (blushes) s late i need to fresh up and you need to inform richard right
San – but i didnt got my answer
Sw – i m leaving (she rushes to bathroom sanskar smiles at her)
Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman said richard welcoming everyone to the marriage party of our swasan.
Swasan were busy talking with guest. Suddenly a girl came and back hugged swara.
Ragini!!!! Screamed swara happily
Bhabhi said ragini and hugged her
Sw – how are you
Ra – i m good and how do you do
Sw – fine…. you here how come…. i mean you were in India right
San – ya her vacation is finished so she come back here yesterday and i informed her about the party and thought to surprise you
Sw – thank you so much i was missing my would be devrani
Rag – and i was missing my jethani ji
Both laughs
Both were busy in talking with each other when suddenly sanskars eye fall on a girl
San – (shocked) what is she doing here
Ri – yes sir
San – who is she and how she came here
Ri – actually sir she is mr agarwals fiancé
San – ok
What happend swara ask sanskar who was lost in his own world
San – no nothing
Sw – you will not share anything with me
San – do you trust me
Sw – hmm
San – you will not leave me right
Sw – ( hold his hand) no never
San – (kisses her hand)
Sw – after coming from party you are looking so dull. Any problem is there you can share it with me . It’s okay if you don’t want let’s sleep you need to go to office tomorrow
San – swara
Sw – hmm
San – you know that I have a past
Sw – yes
San – don’t you want to know what is it
Sw – I will not have any problem if you didn’t share it with me as I said I trust you
San – but you need to know. It’s not that much problematic but I want you to know and I don’t want to hide any thing from you. Our relationship should not get affected by those things .In collage I used to have a crush on a girl and I soon confirmed it that I was in love . When I confessed it her she accepted the proposal . Later I got to know that she was behind my money and from that day I started to think that every girls are same . I started to spent my whole day in office . Only work was there in my mind. Mom was pressuring me for marriage . I always deny her but one day she threatened me that she will kill herself if I don’t marry and I agreed to it but i also argued that I will reject the girl if I don’t like her. But she was so sure and handed over me a photo. I didn’t look at it but one day I don’t know why but my hands reached towards it and I found you. (She smiles )
He goes on his knees and gave his hand towards her
Will you forgive my mistakes and will be with me forever MRS MAHESHWARI . I LOVE YOU . I don’t know to use cheesy lines but I know that I have fallen for you. When you be with me I feel an unknown happiness in my heart . When I take you in my embrace I don’t want any other thing. I gave fallen for you on the day I met you on a business party but you didn’t saw me. I was hiding from you then I saw you on a ice cream parlour . I saw how you were happy with the children’s . Playing with them . My ego was not allowing me to accept the fact that i was in love. When mom show me your photo without any objection i said yes for the proposał. But now i know im in love with my wife . Do you feel the same. Do you love me
Sw – i dont know did i feel the same for you . But i know if youre wtith me i feel protective if i want to hide anywhere i will choose your embrace as i know it is the safest place for me . You should forget your past and move ahead because a beautiful future is present infront of you so dont let it ruined . Trust me i dont feel bad after hearing your pasy but i feel good that you otself zaid to me but im sorry for not giving you reply….
San – no need to be sorry and thank you for understanding me i will never let the past to ruin our lives and i will wait for your reply my whole life(he hugs her)
Sw – did you saw her in the party
San – hmmm. Sorry
Sw – why just leave that matter got it
San – ya
Sw – lets eat dinner you might be hungry
San – ya but ……….
He kisses her lips she widens her eyes in shock. He bite her lips hardly as she was not responding soon she also got involved in the kiss. When they broke
Sw – look its bleeding(tpuches her lips)
San – cholly (he licks her lips) look now it is gone.
Sw – (pushes him) huuu i know youre taking my advantage
San – really (pulls her through waist)
Lets do some romance
Sw – no
San – yes
Sw – no
San – arre yaar why do you girls always say no for romance
She blushes
San – i got my signal now one can stop ,e
He make her lie on the bed and came upon her . He make both of them undressed and he was kissing her neck while she was mourning and rubbing his back . He bites her neck giving her a hickey.
Sw – ahh
Soon after their love making both slept in each others embrace with a smile on their faces.
Sorry guys for being irregular . I will try to update fast but now im having exams . So bye
Give comments please????
Keep trusting and loving
Thank you
Thank you
Superb n NYC Dr..
Thank you
Wow yar it’s awesom I loved it so sweet lovely superbbb
Thank you
Sooo lovely

Thank you
Thank you
amazing chappy update nxt soon
Thank you
Thank you
Awsum.loved it..felt good wen sanskaar told his Past to Swara bt mw hope his past dnt effects his present n Future nw..continue soon
Ya thank you
Awesome update loved it
Thank you
Loved it
Thank you
ifza dear….read the four parts in a go….it was awesome…..awesome…hilarious….splendid….mindblowing….i loved it dear….take care…bye…
Thank you so much Maha016
Superb update
Thank you
Awesome ?
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Loved it…
Thank you
Awesome dr….
And tc…
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Superrrr.. So romantic,loved it.. Keep it up dear.. Waiting for nxt..
Take care
Keep smiling?
Thank you
Awsm ..nxt part soon…
Thank you
Thank you
Awesome dear
Thank you
waaa.. Sanskat loves Swara, thought it just husband wife relationship, but then this love feeling.. omg..
Loved was rly fab dea?
Thank you dear