Hiii thnx for comments
Episode start with bulbhi come to khanna mansion . They come nd pragya take them to her room to seat she say maid to bring coffee for them . . Rv come nd say guys u come so early .abhi , this is early jiju its 10 clock . Pragya , for my bhai 11 clock to is early nr for u too{ laugh} . Abhi see her nd smile ,say hmm really pragya nod her head.bulbul ,without wasting plz jiju say your LS . Ishani came nd seat . . All seat .
Fb started , rv nd ishani become so close now there only last year only remain .but from college there is someone who loves rv . She hates ishani.
She planned to separate ishveer. She was best friend of rv . One day ishani was seating in library . 1 girl came nd show her some photos nd say see this photo ishani.{ in soft voice} ishani take nd see her{girl} rv photo were they were so close in tat picture. Ishani see her nd slapped her . She is none other than ritika . Ishani, wat nonsense is it . Ritija, how dare to slap me ishani how da…. she was about slap ishani someone hold her hand its none other than ranveer. . Ritika see ranveer nd get shocked she gets fear nd say aaaa r…v rv slap her nd say how dare u to raise hand on my ishani . Ishani say rv cool down . Rv,hw can i ishu Say me . Ishani, plz let her leave i dont want create matter plz . She request him . Rv noded nd take ishani nd see angrily ritika nd say coz of her im leaving her . Nd went from there . Like this year went tgere studies over ritika realized her mistake nd say sorry to ishani . Ishani forgive . Wen ishani come to her home she got news tat her married has fixed with business man nikhil arya .
{From kkb nikhil} . She got sad nd she tell rv about nd they decide to marry she run away from her home nd marry. Rv . Mehra search but they cant. Nd nikhil mom dad say sorry our son love someone so we cant force him to marry ishani so sorry . Ram tok say ishani too is not ready marry now. They nod nd went .
Fb ends,
Pragya, ohh now i understand y bhai use to scold me if i talk ritika on phone .
Purab, how filmy story . This much happened back of me . Abhi, where was u tat
Bulbul, bhai tat time purab went to training na . Tat is y .
Pragya, u know tat aslo bhabhi . Abbi, who told u.bulbul, he only said . Rv, from wen u both started to love each other . Ishani, yaa tell us . Purab, its not like u both bhai nd bhabhi . Bulbul, we love each other from childhood . Abhigya nd ishveer whatttt?? Purab , we were classmate na tat is y we fell in love each othere right bulbul . Bulbul, right purab . Then we confess our love on 10std . Pragya, intresting . Abhi, hmm nd see watch guys come on its 1 clock we will do lunch as i am hungry. Rv, then come . All come to down side servant served tHem food after food . THey were going to shopping they come outside they seat in car . Rv was driving car .ishani seat beside him . Nd all four seat backside . They reach mall nd Come inside all couple divided ishani nd rv went to 2 floor for arnav dress shopping . Abhigya went to third floor . Rabul were aslo went to third floor with abhigya . Pragya was selecting dress but no colour she like she ask sale girl show ne more colour all this color i having .sg nod nd bring nd in this all dress were beautiful now she get confused .
Abhi see tat nd say which is your favourite colour nd which type dress u want. Pragya, for wat. Abhi , keep your ego five minutes side tell me na . Pragya, hmmm my favorite color is purple nd blue nd i want chudidar which can i wear on engagement . Nd lehenga like saree on marriage i can wear . Abhi ,ok nd say sale girl to bring chudidar nd lehenge . Sg nod nd bring abhi chosen nd say see this purple color lehnga how is it nd i am sure u will look s*xy in it . Pragya, wat . Abhi, i…me..an beautiful. Pragya, haa but from inside she felt happy . Abhi think beta abhi control your tongue. Pragya , ok its i choSe plz keep side nd chudidar which can i chose said pragya . Abhi see skin color chudidar nd say see this is aslo beautiful u will here ho was about to complete sentence hot but stopped nd say i haa beautiful . Pragya, ok .. this aslo keep a side.pragya, come abhi now we will go . Abhi not moved nd pragya say arey come na . Abhi, i chose for u nd for me .
Pragya, ohh i forget come na then y u wasting tiMe . Abhi, ok . Nd she chose one dress for abhi which he already has chose for him . Abhi , wow i aslo choose this one only .pragya stare him nd say then y u ask Me to choose . Abhi, arey i was about choose {he lie} . Pragya , ok your finish then i have to choose matching accessories too come . Abhi nod .
Bulbul nd purab choose there dress nd come to jewellery shop . Purab get call from ragini . Nd bulbul get call from priya. Purab, yes mom . Rag, purab u both come to shopping na then choose your engagement ring aslo . Purab noded nd say ok mom . I will choose nd cut call . Bulbul, haa maa priya, gudiya choose your engagement ring aslo . Bulbul, ok maa . Nd cut call . Purab see her nd bulbul see her nd they both say . We have choose engagement ring aslo . They both were selecting . Bulbul ask purab to try this purab try nd tat fit him perfectly nd give to her.bulbul ,perfect i will choose thisits very beautiful. Purab, haa i have aslo choose see nd try this if it fit perfect then we will buy . Bulbul nod nd try tat fit her perfect. She give to sale man . He pack rings in two boxes . Purab take bulbul ring . Nd bulbul too take purab ring .
They three couple come to money counter nd pay bills of them . Nd all seat in car ndcone to khanna mansion . Rv ask abhi to come inside he say its getting Late nd tomorrow too we r meeting na .ishani, areey come na yaar . Bulbul, arey di bhai is right lets us go . Ishani nod . Abhi say bye to purab , ishani nd rv.he say specially bye to pragya nd say i will miss u . Pragya get stunned nd say bye .. abhi smile while seeing her expression . Nd he nd bulbul seat in car nd went to his home
Episode end
Dont no guys how was 2day episode but plz ??????????? nd guys my this is 15 episode i have written two time 11 episode nd yesterday only i notice so thus my 15 episode nd this aslo coz of your support . Thnx ones again
Nice iam waiting for next episode and iam waiting for os part2 please update fast
I forget to write i think duvA ask me my age . Duva my age is 14 yrs old
ritika got slap… wooooow!!!
!! tanq soooo much dr. update next soon
super dear
Nice episode dear I really liked it and update the next soon ………
So hi Dr loved it I am also 14 so call me how ever u like how r u
It’s Nice!!!
wow shriti di !! keep rocking
Nice upload next part soon
Nice shriti
Awesome dear???
Very nice Shriti it was awesome waiting for the next episode ?