hiii i am back with another episode nd i cant give this coz i am writing os too one day ff one day os
.so lets start story
episode start with arnav where playing in pragya room he was taking pragya teddy nd playing. pragya came from wardrobe changing in short{till knee}night pant nd in black t shirt.
she see arnav playing teddy on bed .she come nd seat near him nd ask aro u have not sleep yet y my bacha . arnav, coz i dont want to sleep as i am not feeling sleeping pragu . pragya take him to his lap nd ask toh nind nhi aa rahi hai toh hum kuch khelte haina {then u dont feeling we will play something . arnav, no pragu if wat i am not feeling sleeping u r feeling sleepy na then i dont want to disturb your sleep . pragya melt him say wow mere bache apko Nind nhi a rahi toh mujhe bhi nhi aa rahi . apko need aai mujhe nind aai. arnav, sho shweet of u {so sweet of u } pragu i want to talk with lockstar. {rockstar} pragya, but y u want to lockstar. arnav,like this only . but . pragya, wat but dear. arnav, we will do vdo call Shkyw{Skype} pragya, but . arnav , no but no if . pragya, ok boss she take her mobile nd call abhi . abhi was sleeping he get irritated by call he pick up call nd say who the hell is this . pragya get tensed nd keep phone on speaker as arnav can hear . abhi , arey i am asking who the hell is this . you dont have any manners when a person sleeping disturbing him. arey tell who is this . arnav was laughing . pragya too smile . abhi listen child laughing he get up nd see name its pragya .
abhi,{in mind} pragi y she call me now is everything f9 . nd say hello pragya y u call me late night is everything is f9 . nd sorry dear i not see your nake without seeing i pick up call . pragya , arey y u should sory i am sorry i have disturb your sleep nd everything is fine . u can sleep we willtalk tomorrow . abhi, but tell me y u cal me . pragya, like this only aro want to talk u on Skype. so . abhi, ohh k i will come on Skype . u wait . he came online nd see arnav nd pragya where keeping her big teddy on her lap by hugging. abhi smile nd say hii . arnav, hii lockstar mama. abhi , hii mere bache how r u . arnav, fine as usual. they three talk nd while talking arnav sleep . pragya say bye to abhi nd abhi did same . they sleep
in morning.
rv, ishu today we r going to do Bachelor party .
ishani, oh r u Bachelor
rv, ishu i am not but my brother is Bachelor na then nd abhi i have kept Bachelor party for him .
ishani,yaa i know darling but i was joking. 2day we r aslo doing .rv was about to say same line as ishani say him . ishani not let him talk . nd say nnndddd me nd pragya keep party .
rv, oohhhhh smart girl sweet heart .
ishani, as ususal baby nd pulled his cheek .
rv , ouch . u nd pulled her cheek . but she not got any pain nd say u r sooook dramebaaz .
purab came from backside
purab, from childhood he is dramebaaz bhabhi. u know come to know he is dramebaaz yes na bhai .
rv, yes mere bhai{my brother} .
purab, see bhabhi how saying yes .
ishani,shameless .
ranver, come i will show u wat is mean by shameless come na . purab stop him nd say bhai first i will go out then u show . nd was about to go . rv stol him nd say but tell me y u come here.
purab, ya i almost forget. mr, patel {client} has call nd say he want to meet u regarding about work .so u have to go .
rv, tat fine but wat about u r not going to duty .
purab, ho ho bhai i have take leave till marriage i am not going anywhere.
pragya, no leave today u nd me have to go as kadus uncle has call me nd say come on duty . so we have to go .purab, offo wat is this.
rv laugh nd say now laugh laugh na go now get ready nd Pragya laugh . rv say madam u have to give invitation card or wat now go . purgya pout nd went . ishani, u too go .scolding them now go . rv, where is arnav i wil make him bath .ishani no need of tat understand u go i will manage .rv pout nd went while say jaise bharni vaise karni .ishani laugh .
in mehra mansion .
abhi was sleep .
bulbul came nd wake up him nd say bhai wake up wake up its morning wake up .
abhi , gudiya let me sleep na dear .
bulbul, no wake up today u have to go office nd check how work is going.
abhi, but u nd aliya manage na then go nd see wat is going.
bulbul, oh just shut up bhai in world there is brother who not let her sister do work but u r ordering me.
rv, pragya bring my breakfast fast . i am getting late .pragya say , ask bhabhi to bring.
abhi, no every brother r like this only. nd get up from bed nd went to bath .bulbul seat on bed
rv, arey bring she is busy now .pragya refused she tell i am too busy .
abhi come out of wardrobe nd seat on bed nd take his sock nd shoes.
rv, wat this is u r busy . pragya ,see i am wearing sock na then .
bulbul, ohh u r most lazy guy u camt to work properly .rv say to pragya, wat i am lazy u r too lazy. . pragya, u r lazy i am not while tieing leather of shoe .
abhi , u no wat gudiya u sister always make your poor bhai work .
pragya ask purab bhai to bring breakfast…. ……. .. …
bulbul, u r telling like you brother do our work .
purab come there nd say dont argue plz .maa is bring breakfast
abhi, so y should bring but we love nd care our sister how much we argue we love our sister . purab nd rv . haa come now finiah your wearing shoes . pragya , haa bhai coming .
abhi, now come we r getting late .bulbul, okcome fast bhai .abhi smile seeing her talk but he will miss this talk laugh argument so soon he was feeling so sad tat he siater will leave this house soon .
purab pragya come to office .
purab ,sir i will take half day leave k
ankush, ok dear u take first only na then i dont have any problem.
pragya, i too want sir .
ankush, no u will not u have round till 9 clock understand nd went .pragya, wat problem with him . dont no hoelw tenu {his daughter} manage him .
its afternoon .
purab call rv nd rv call abhi tgey having conference call .
Abhi , wats app guys how r u .
rv , fine how r u .
abhi, cool as usual . is any work there .
purab ,arey abhi u forget we having party na 2day so we will meet at 8 clock in pub .
abhi, ohhhwow superbbbb then i will come to pub .
rv, arey we will go together only .
abhi, ok i will come to your office at 7:30 then i to purab .
purab , no need tat abhi wen u will come to pick up bhai i will be tgere as i have taken half day leave now i am going out of this so ask bulbul to cone xyz hotel . abhi, ok bhai i will tell .nd wat about girls i am sure they will aslo come with us .
rv, yaa abhi its party of both girls nd boys so girls can .
abhi, no different party for girLs nd boys .
rv , yaa right no differents party.
purab, i think pragya nahi aayegi.
abhi , why .
purab,as ankush uncle not give leave to her so.
rv, ok no problem she will come nd however she wil convince uncle ok.
. in xyz hotel .
purab nd bulbul where seating its seem tat bulbul is angry .
purab{in mind} beta purab u not did any mistake na y she is looking so angry in beautiful face .
purab, sweetheart wat happened to u jaan .r u angry on me
bulbul,not angrt but so much angry.
purab, for wat u r angry.
bulbul, arey idiot y u say bhai tat send bulbul to xyz hotel .
purab, so sweetheart wat having any problem in tat .
bulbul, yes having he was teasing me sooooo much nd aliya to tease mee .
purab, oh now i understand .
bulbul, u not understand u know i feel embrace tat time.
purab, ok sorry i wilk not do this again .
bulbul, melting me in u so easily tat my weakness yaar wen i see your face i forget only my anger . purab, so tobe mrs bulbul. u have weakness of my face or i am fully your weakness .bulbul, whatever u want to think u think i will not mind .purab, then u will not mind me to kiss u right .bulbul ,shut up its public place idiot.purab, then come to khopcha{corner} bulbul, shameless come we will go . purab , where? in khopcha bulbul, no come we wilk go here nd there mean we will roam .purab nod
abhi call pragya nd say hey u not coming to party today .pragya, who idiot say i will not come to party .abhi, tat idiot is your brother purab say e
me tat u dont have leave . pragya, suno dont take tension this pragya know how2take leave.wait nd watch
abhi ,ok bye .pragya, bye ..
Abhi think wat she is going to do
Screen freezes to abhigya face
Guys i want give long episode but but no have enough words . So i give this much only .
Nice episode dear I really liked it update the next soon dear
super dear nice
Supeb shriti lot of fun,emotional & romantic epi am really loved it keep rocking eagerly waiting for next epi
Nice dear????
This is already long loved it sooo much keep it up keep rocking…and how can I call …and I am 15
Super dear……
Hi Shriti the episode was tooo good and it was enough long not short eagerly waiting for the next episode ?