Fan Fiction

Love has no Limitations {kkb} Episode 8

sorry guys for very very late update as exam where going on in school so i cant update nd nd festival are aslo coming nd having ganesh Chaturthi then navrat maha lakshmi nd all in upcoming festival so i cant update regular . and one thing as i will not give previous percap today as i have change story little bit

lets start sorry directly without any bak bak
all were having dinner after dinner ram tell nile tat now we should leave from here as its quite late . nile, ok but just inform us if all of u reach safe . ram said surely i will inform u .ishani hug her mom dad nd say after bulbul marriage i will surely come to lur house to stayed for few days nd look at rv . rv nodded . priya, ok beta but i was thinking u to take today itself but u have arranged for your devar engagement right so after marriage only u come. Ragini, priya ji if u wamt to take ishani u can as maa beti united after many years nd for rabul engagement my pragya is there na nd said right shona{pragya nick name by nile nd ragini} but our pragya where busy to talk with abhi she not hear only ..Ragini, shona hey shona . pragya came to sense nd ask wat hap rag . Ragini, u will arranged na for rabul engagement. pragya, wen is bhai engagement u not tell me aslo wen this fixed. abhi, not fix but it will fix soon na md u know how this old people think about upcoming days so chill baby . all laugh. ram said if i am looking u like old . abhi, yes nd maa paa u both are having children whose came to marriage age.

ram ,oh shut up nd said ok we will go now . nile noded nd hug him nd said soon we will fix engagement . ram noded . abhigya rabul feel sad tat they cant see each other now but not show on face but in rabul face its clearly visible tat they will miss each other . abigya came to rabul . nd said dont worry bhaibhi u will get married each other soon so sont take tension nd abhi said dont miss each other just enjoy Bachelor life after married u have to bears my sister . bulbul, bhai app bhi na see om your time i will show u . abhi, show baby i like tat . bulbul, ok ok dont over react nd come paa maa will scold u . abhi , oh then come . abhi hug purab nd pragya to bulbul nd greet each other said bye . purab bulbul went nd abhigya remain backside pragya wave her hand said bye . abhi , bye . pragya, bye . abhi ,bye nd gn sweet dream nd take care . . pragya, same to u nd abhi went from there pragya feel sad nd went to her room .
next morning .
ishveer room .
arnav, hey mom dad i will go to pragu bye .
ishani, ok go but if she is sleeping then dont disturb her . arnav nodded nd went . rv come from washroom nd hug ishani from backside nd said oh oh my beautiful wife is looking s*xy as usual in this dress but today she is looking more nd more s*xy ahhh . ishani blushed nd said ranveer wat r u doing just leave me yaar nd door to is open . rv, oh coz of door is open u r not feeling comfortable wait nd went to close door nd come nd hug her ishani pushed him nd start cleaning bed neat nd clean . nd said rv its not time to romance said while blushing . ranver, oh so here is someone is blushing hard com on ishu i am your husband nd u should not shy to look your s*xy husband nd come to her nd catch her duppata nd drag her towards him but ishani pushed him nd was about to go rv said u r sooooooooo unromantic u know .

ishani became irked nd said i am not unromanti understand. rv, oh really then prove me tat u r romantic . ishani come forward to rv . but rv got fear ishu was moving to rv nd rv were going back ishani said now wat happenedy romantic husband cupped his face nd kiss his cheek . rv where shivering. ishani hold his face with her palm nd kiss him on lips . she broken kiss in 5 second only . ishani were about move but rv pinned her to wall its my turn now said in soft voice nd was about to kiss her purab knock door . nd said bhaibhabhi come fast to breakfast if your romance is over. ishani rv feel embracement . rv , ab toh ye saala mere haato se gaya . now this boy gone for my hand purab listen nd run to pragya room .
pragya were comb ing her hair nd thinking about her nd abhi first meeting then there friendship …..
purab came there nd said hey shona wat r u doing . pragya , u cant see i am combing my hairs . but my hands are paining while combing only . purab, then it will pain only na u having such long hairs . but i can do favor i will comb your hairs give me . pragya , arey u r my greatest bhai in childhood aslo u or rv bhai only use to comb my hair nd give him comb . purab start combing her hairs .

mehra mansion .?

all were having breakfast .
while eating abhi ask papa dadi is going to cone na for gudiya engagement . ram , i domt no beta but for marriage she will surly come nd she will stayed here itself from onwards . bulbul,really tat is good new i am egerly to meet dadi ?
robin come there nd said abhi sir Pandit ji has come he said tat ram sir has called him can i get him inside . ram, ya called him inside . robin went nd call pandit . ram greets pandit ji nd ask him to say seat . Robin bring water to pandit . pandit take nd dring . pandit seat quite nd not uttered a word . abhi bulbul wjere standing . abhi drag bulbul to him nd say he want something else or want to do breakfast we called him tell date but just seating quietly there . bulbul, bhai u not leave a chance to tell complaint about pandit ji .

abhi said then see came nd seat drink water ndi think he us excepting breakfast too here . bulbul, y u think so like this . .. abhi, u itsrlf see looking towards to dining table nd nd i think once again he wife not give him breakfast or to eat something . bulbul , bhai plz dont jome nd by the way he is not looking towards dining table . he is seeing paopacoz paa is standing there . abhi , watever . pandit break silence nd remove something from his bag nd see a muhurat paper nd tell after 2 weeks there is nice time . to engagement marriage nd i think u should do marriage tat day itself as muhurat is nice . ram , ok panditi ji but about marriage we will ask groom family first . nd thank u for coming . pandit nod nd weny from there .

ram get urgent call from office nd ask abhi to inform khanna about thisnd tell abiutmarriage too abhi noded nd dial his number to khannahome phone . pragya where doing skating phone ring nd pragya go there while skating nd seat on sofa nd take call nd said hello who is this . while listening pragya voice laid down on bed of his room nd said hello i am abhi . pragya become happy they both were holding phone but not talking ragini ask pragya whose call is . nd come to her pragya give her nd said hello khanna speaking . abhi , ya aunty i am abhi . Ragini , ya beta y u called now is there any problem . abhi , no aunty no problem priyacame abhi . abhi was about said but pragya said to ragini ,ragini i am going to rimjhim mall today in evening ok Ragini nod. while listen ing this abhi said aunty just a second talk to maa . Nd give phone to her . priya tell everything ragini accept nd sai so i think we should start doimg preparation for both engagement nd marriage .

priya,nd wat about nile bhai . Ragini, yesterday only he said to me if there call xame just accep it so je is aslo already accept so start preparations. priya nod nd cjt call nd tell abhi to inform to All nd sspecially your dad . nd ragini to said same . pragya tell nile . nd all nd in last purab about his marriage . he becomes mad nd thought wow bulbul nd me going married on engagement day only . nd said this much soon i think marriage will happened after2 months . but he not show his madness . but pragya understand nd say chal chal aaya bada thinking something else nd telling some thing else . purab, u have mind reading knowledge too . wow mate nd joint his nd hand?? danyaa ho app . pragya kush raho beta ? nd lAugh same thing happened worh bulbul nd abhi .. ….
episode end here itself

soory to say tat for making rabul marriage soon coz after this marriage i will concerted on abhigya lovestory nd after coming dadi pragya have to give anwer of dadi questions let see how will pragya face dadi


Someone very close to my heart is very far away from me . Miss u nd love u ru....

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