so guy’s i posted 2nd episode today only. thanks a lot for supporting me this much.

hope you all will like it.

episode start with……

vansh camed there and hold her.they were having an eyelook.

there was a person fuming with anger he was….

aryan:whose this and what is my riddhima doing with him i know she is not mine still but i will express my feeling very soon and this man will have no chance left(anger was visible in his eyes)

back to riansh…..

vansh: riddhima are you okay?

riddhima (pain): idiot! do i look good? my foot i think i got a not.

vansh(mumering): she got hurt and then also showing anger. what a girl she is.

riddhima: you know what i have two ears and i can hear well. bring spray or do anything its painingg.

vansh:wait i will do something.but it will hurt for a second okay.


before she could complete he twisted her ankel.she shouted with pain.

riddhima:ouchhhhhh!!! stupid what youu didd.

vansh:first see you ankel and then say me stupid.

riddhima:woo its not paining anymore.thanks

she hugged him.

riddhima: can we be friends?

(thinking)wait what did i just said yes but how so easily and she hugged me? what’s happing to me. why i am so confused.

breaking his thought riddhima told him..

riddhima: okay vansh i will see you later nurse called me and i need to go okay byee.(smile)


they bid bye and left

while riddhima was checking file aryan entered her cabin…

riddhima:aryan come have a seat.

aryan: riddhima who was that guy with you. you dint introduced him with me.(acting casual)

riddhima:oh he is vansh.he is my friend.

aryan (thinking):so they are friends now i didn’t knew if she was having her this friend before i need to confirm.
riddhu is he your old?

riddhima:no aryan we met today only he helped me a lot.i think we can be good friends.

aryan(thinking):so i was correct i don’t want my riddhu with anyone else i have to do something.

riddhima:btw aryan why are you enquirying (raising eyebrows). riddhu i was just asking casually. if you are done with your work shall we leave?

riddhima:ya you go out with sejal i am coming.

aryan left from there and took sejal with him and they were waiting for riddhima.after 2 min she camed and they all left for their home.

shehgal’s mansion

riddhima entered inside and hugged her mother and left to her room.after few minutes….

anupriya:riddhu and ishu come for dinner.

riddhima and ishani camed and didn’t even looked at each other.they quitely did their dinner and left to their room.

anupriya: when that day will come when they will start behaving nicely with each other.

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Like mind games here to entertain with my writing skills... myself anjali

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