vansh was in siya’s room and was thinking about riddhima…

vansh(thinking):what the hell happened to me i am thinking so much about riddhima we just became friends. i need to sleep now otherwise i will be late for tommorows meeting.

other side kabir and ragini were planning their next move…

kabir:ragini so ready for next move?(smirks)

ragini: of course kabir i think this plan will cause much trouble to them.

next day riddhima along with sejal and aryan entered the hospital and left to their cabin.

riddhima’s cabin

riddhima:so siya’s report camed. hmm she is alright and they can take her to home but ask one of them to visit to me today itself. (to nurse)

nurse:okay doctor i will inform them.

nurse left from there and reached to siya’s ward and told dadi about her report.

dadi:thank you nurse i will take siya with me.

dadi called vansh but his mobile he was not picking. then she called angre.

angre took them from there and left for vr mansion.

after meeting vansh checked his phone and called dadi.

vansh:hello dadi sorry i was busy so i didn’t checked on my phone.

dadi: it’s ok beta you talk to riddhima about report and check if there is any problem or not.

vansh: hm ok dadi i will talk with her you take care of yourself and siya.

dadi:ok beta bye.

vansh entered the hospital and was searching for riddhima just then….

some goons entered hospital and took everyone in captive…

g1: no one will move otherwise i will shoot you all.(here g1 means goon 1)

luckily vansh was hiding and watching their move and was duking and searching if there is anyone who is hiding.

other side ragini and kabir were shocked to see the news..

ragini: kabir what about our plan now?

kabir: ragini chill this attack is also not that bad. (smirk).

done with today’s update please do comments and tell if there is any suggestions.


Like mind games here to entertain with my writing skills... myself anjali

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