Man: i am rohit remembered?

Riddhima: omg rohit! How are you we are meeting after almost 5 years.

Rohit: yes riddhu actually i was here as i was having a meeting.

Sejal and aryan reached there and asked riddhima…

Aryan:riddhu you okay? Who is he?

Sejal:yes riddhu who is he any patient?

Riddhima: no guys you remembered rohit our friend in college?

Sejal: yes rohit i know him what about him?

Rohit: arre its me rohit sejal!

Sejal: oh god rohit you here i am very happy to see you.

Aryan(to himself):but i am not i remembered how he used to like riddhu but he never proposed her thank god he dint otherwise he was dead that time.

Riddhima:i will take leave sorry guys but i have appointments. Byee

Sejal: yes riddhu i also have many bye guys.

Aryan:what do you think i don’t have any i will also hurry bye bye.

They bid bye and left to their cabin.


Vansh: sneha get me my file fast.

Sneha is vansh’s secretary

Sneha: here it is sir.

Vansh:hmm so how many meetings today i have.

Sneha:sir there was only 1 meeting today no more we have.

Vansh:okay so i will take leave today.

He left from there and thought..

Vansh(thinking):i will visit riddhu today she will be happy.


Riddhima done with her patients and it was lunch time she was about to go out she heard a sound from behind

Vansh: riddhu!

Riddhima: vansh what a pleasant surprise i was thinking to have lunch out with you and you are here.

Vansh: oho seems like someone really missed me.

Riddhima smacked his stomach.

Vansh:what was this for?

Riddhima:ahh vansh i am hungry. (puppy face)

Vansh smiled at her look.

Vansh:come lets go.

Suddenly someone called riddhima

Rohit: riddhu hi.

Riddhima:hey Rohit you still here?

Rohit: yes actually i thought we could have lunch together.

Riddhima:vo actually….

Before she could complete

Vansh: actually mr we are going for lunch together so if you excuse us. (irritated)

Rohit: riddhu who’s he?

Riddhima: he is vansh my best friend.

Vansh(whispering): i thought i was your boyfriend. (winked)

Riddhima (whispering):youuu i will see you later.

Rohit: oh hi mr?

Vansh: mr.vansh raisinghania.

Rohit: okay so vansh i am rohit.

Vansh(mummers):who asked you loser.

Rohit: you said something?

Vansh: nah so i was saying we are going together for lunch.

Rohit: oh ok no problem i guess we can have dinner together then riddhima?

Vansh(himself):ohh god who is this chipku i have to do something otherwise he will not let us go. (jealous)

Riddhima: i think……

Before she could say

Vansh: she can’t i am sorry rohit she has to attend my sister actually she need some exercises.

Riddhima was surprised with his words.

This all was witnessed by aryan

Aryan(to himself):they both are trying to woo my riddhu ahhh she is going out with vansh. (fuming with jealousy)

Rohit: okay no maybe any other day ok bye riddhu.(avoiding vansh)

Riddhima: bye

Vansh and riddhima left to a restaurant.

Riddhima:so at what time?


Riddhima: idiot at what time should i come to your house for siya!

Vansh:oh for that come at 8 pm.


They finished their lunch and left from the restaurant.

Vansh:so riddhima are you free now?

Riddhima:yes i have done my work what about you?

Vansh: i am also free. Lets go somewhere.

Riddhima: sure! Um hm amusement park!

Vansh: so lets go.

They were followed by 2 people.

Then riansh reached and entered inside then suddenly….

From nowhere the two people camed from different direction.

Riddhima: hey what are you guys doing here?

Vansh was fuming with jealousy and anger.

Rohit: i was thinking to come here. Then i saw you both so i camed here.

Aryan:i was waiting for my one friend he dint camed and then I saw you so camed.

Vansh(to himself): these both monkeys are irritating us and spoiling our day.

Riddhima:cool come lets go to rides.

Riddhima saw cup rid and asked..

Riddhima:who will join me?

Vansh,aryan and rohit(together):me

The trio made them sit in different cups and were waiting whom will riddhima join.

Vansh(thinking):riddhu please me.

Rohit(thinking): of course she will join me.

Aryan(thinking):riddhu please me.

Then riddhima joined…..

Haha stay tuned to get to know whom she will join. I will upload tommorow after 20 comments same target so lets see riddhima’s choice and ya guess who that lucky person is.


Like mind games here to entertain with my writing skills... myself anjali

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