PREVIOUS EPI : Episode 2
Recap : SwaSan awkwardness,Twinkle sadness kunj over hearing it,Sanj convo…!!
Episode starts from birds are cripping..!! The morning breeze is making the peeps energetic..!! But here in mm in a room..!! Two boys are sleeping cuddling into eo..!! They ofcourse our SaNj are sleeping..!!
Like Kunj’s leg is in Sanskar’s back while hugging the pillow..!! Nd Sanskar’s hand is in Kunj’s head..!! Ok wait a minute the Sanskar is saying something..!! Actually he is murmuring something..!!
” hey beautiful..!! Come on give me a kiss..!! Come on..!! Ummm…!! ” saying so Sanskar pulls Kunj who is in a deep sleep..!! Sanskar was about to kiss him…!! But Kunj opens their eyes duet a sound..!! Which makes Kunj horrified..!!
Twinkle who came with coffee..!! Sees the scene nd puts the tray down..!! Nd closes her eyes..!! This is the sound which wakes up Kunj..!! Kunj sees their position..!! Kunj getsup with a jerk..!!
But again Sanskar pulls him nd was about to kiss him..!! Kunj puts a pillow in front of his mouth..!! ” Big brother..!! Get up..!! ” said Kunj..!! While throwing a pillow on him..!! Sanskar getsup while rubing his eyes..!!
“Gud mrng..!! ” Sanskar said nd Kunj glares him..!! While Twinkle bends down to clean it..!! Kunj gets down from the bed to help twinkle..!! But stops hearing a voice..!! Sujatha came in while shouting..!!
” Aye ladki..!! U useless girl..!! Dont u know how to handle a tray..!! Chi ek ladki hai tu..!! U cant even a manage a work properly..!! What if u pour this on my sons…!! Idiot clean this mess nd get out of here..!! ” said Sujatha..!! Which makes SaNj angry..!!
” Maa what is this..!! Is this a way to talk with a girl..!! What she done..!! She just put it by mistake..!! Whats the big deal..!! Why are u scolding her this much..!! Maa i didnt xpect this from u..!! From now onwards maa dont talk with her like this..!! ”
Said Kunj while his finger pointing towards sujatha..!! Sanskar getsup from the bed ” Shut up Kunj is this the way u talk with our maa..!! I admit she is over reacting..!! But this is not the way to talk with elders..!! ” said Sanskar, Kunj bows his head..!!
” but maa..!! This is not rite..!! U know na how much Vikram uncle had helped papa..!! Infact coz of Vikram uncle only we are here in this stage dont forgot that..!! Nd maa she has the rights to stay here..!! This not rite..!! Ask sorry to twinkle..!! ”
Said Sanskar in a stern voice..!! Sujatha being helpless asks sorry to Twinkle..!! ” Kunj say sorry to maa..!! ” said Sanskar..!! Kunj wisphers sorry to Sujatha..!! ” i m sorry maa..!! ” Sanskar said to Sujatha..!! Sujatha leaves making faces..!!
” we are sorry Twinkle in the behalf of maa..!! ” SaNj said in unision..!! Twinkle just wipes her tears nd again starts to clean the mess..!! SaNj helps her in cleaning..!! Twinkle left..!!
Kunj hugs Sanskar nd wisphers ” i m sorry bhai..!! I dont know why i bcm hyper..!! ” said Kunj..!! Sanskar broke the hug ” lagtha hai my little brother is falling for someone..!! ” said Sanskar..!!
Kunj smiles ” nothing like that big brother..!! ” said Kunj..!! ” i can only say be carefull little brother..!! LOVE IS PAINFUL..!! i had xperienced it already..!! I dont want u to xperience that pain..!! It really hurts Kunj..!! ” said Sanskar..!! Kunj cant say anything against his brother..!!
He just nods..!! Day passes like this , like Sujatha is scolding Twinkle and SaNj is taking Twinkle’s side..!!
Next morning @11 am
SaNj is sleeping in their room on their regular position..!! Sanskar’s phone is ringing continuously which is in Sanskar’s side..!! Sanskar hits Kunj’s butt ” aye little brother phone uttao..!! ” said Sanskar in sleepy tone..!!
” big brother it is on ur side..!! ” said Kunj while nuzzling in the pillow..!! Sanskar bcm irritated nd takes his phone ” whomever it is plzz call later..!! ” said Sanskar nd was about to cut the call but stops hearing the os..!!
” oh so thiz is the man who told me that he ll be waiting for me in airport before an hour..!! ” said Swara from other side..!! ” Oh shit..!! shona tum..!! ” said Sans..!! ” u idiot u know whats the time its 11 am.!! ” said swara..!!
” Shona sorry dear..!! U trio wait there ok we ll be there in sharp 15 mins..!! ” said Sanskar nd cuts the call..!! Nd throws pillow on Kunj..!! ” little brother wake up ur saru has arrived..!! ” said Sanskar while getting up..!!
” oh shit…!! ” said Kunj nd wakesup with a jerk..!! ” if we go late than i m sure..!! She will eat us alive..!! ” said Kunj..!! Nd SaNj ran to washroom..!!
“Beta aur kitini dher..!! We can call the cab na atleast..!! ” said Shekar being fedup..!! ” baba just 5 minutes they will be coming..!! ” said Swara while calming Shekar..!! ” Shona , Shekar where we going to stay..!! I mean which hotel..!! ”
Asked Shomi..!! ” hmm lets see shomi..!! ” said Shekar..!! Just than our SaNj came runningly..!! Sanskar hugs Swara twirls her by lifting..!! After that Kunj hugs her nd pecks her temple.
!! SaNj takes blessings from shekar..!! Nd they kisses on either side cheeks of Shomi..!!
” how much late guys..!! ” said Shekar..!! ” sry uncle ab chale..!! ” said Sanskar while taking bag from Shekar..!! Kunj takes the bag from Swara..!! Nd they leaves in car..!!
” Sanskar stop here..!! I this hotel must be nice..!! ” said Shekar while looking out at a hotel..!! ” No ways uncle u guys are staying at Mm only..!! Thats it..!! ” said Kunj..!! ” but beta..!! ” said Shekar but Sanskar interrupts..!!
” uncle i have asked ur frnd also..!! He will be waiting for u..!! If u dont come na than me Kunj and ur frnd ( rp ) will not talk to u..!! ” said Sanskar..!! Swara giggles nd shekar bcm numb..!!
SwaSaNj , SheMish enters mm..!! Rp who is sitring in the sofa gets xcited nd hugs Shekar..!! ” kaiso ho my frnd..!! ” said Rp..!! ” han fine but i think u r not fine..!! ” said Shekar..!! ” kyuon..!! ” asks Rp..!!
” dekho SaNj ur papa..!! How fat he bcm..!! Than how can he be fine..!! ” said Shekar..!! Rp hits his stomach playfully..!! All laughs..!! Sujatha came there she welcomes them with fake smile..!!
” sujatha..!! Shekar nd his family is going to stay here only..!! ” said Rp..!! Which makes sujatha shouts ” kya..?!?! ” SaNj bcm irritated..!! ” dont worry aunty just for two days coz our house in under renovation..!! ” said Swara being annoyed..!!
” arey arey..!! Chori aise kuch nhi i m just asking..!! ” said Sujatha while covering the topic.!! Swara just smiled..!! SaNj assures Swara through their eyes..!! ” aye ladki chai lekar aa..!! ” shouts sujatha..!!
Twinkle came there with tea..!! Swara hits Sanskar arms nd asks through eyes..!! Sanskar nods..!! Swara giggles..!! Twinkle gives tea to Swara but her hands slipped nd tea fell on Swara..!! ” sorry..!! I m really sorry..!! ” said Twinkle while cleaning her top..!!
” no its ok..!! ” said Swara..!! ” lo yeh ladki phir bhi..!! Aye Twinkle tu na ek kaam kar..!! U be in ur room itself dont come out it will be better for everybody..!! Huh useless idiot..!! ” said Sujatha which makes everyone shocked..!! Tears makes their way from Twinkle’s eyes..!!
” Bas ma…!! Bohot hagaya abhi..!! Maa i already told u not to talk with her like this..!! ” said Kunj..!! Sujatha makes faces..!! Twinkle ran frm there Kunj ran behind her..!! Sanskar takes Swara , SheMish to their room..!!
Sanskar left SheMish in their room..!! Nd walking with Swara…!! They reached the room..!! Sanskar forwards his hands ” here u go..!! ” said Sanskar..!! Swara hugs him..!! Sanskar smiles nd hugs her back..!! She hides her face in his chest..!!
” kya hua shona..!! ” asks sanskar while caressing her hairs..!! “Kuch nhi..!! Bas feeling bad for twinkle..!! ” said Swara..!! ” we are here na..!! Will make her life settled..!! ” said Sanskar..!! ” not needed..!! ” said Swara nd breaks the hug..!!
” kyun..!! ” asks Sanskar..!! ” Coz Kunj is there for Twinkle..!! ” said Swara..!! ” what do u mean Shona..!! ” asks Sanskar..!! ” i can see the Love in his eyes for Twinkle..!! ”
” but shona..!! I think u MU..!! I mean if there is anything..!! He would tell me first..!! ” said Sanskar..!! ” its love Sanskar..!! U know na what it feels..!! Give him some time i m sure he will tell u first before ur parents..!! ” said Swara..!!
” but LOVE IS REALLY PAINFUL shona..!! Manthahu me Twinkle is a nice girl..!! I know her from childhood..!! But this love it can give pain to him shona..!! My bhai cant handle it..!! ” said Sanskar being tensed..!!
Swara cups his face ” shhh..!! Sanskar calm down..!! Kuch nhi hoga..!! He is not a kid he know what he is doing..!! Moreover u r with him..!! I know u wont let anything affect ur bhai..!! Hai na..!! ” said Swara..!! Sanskar nods..!!
Swara hugs him..!! Its a passionate hug to calming the situation they are thinking this as a frndly hug..!! But sanskar doesnt know this is more than that..!!
Heya guys…!! I know there is less pair scenes but in nxt epi i ll surely give..!! Sry for the late..!! Do cmnts babye..!!
Lovely dear
thank u dear..!! :-*
Hey maha…
Just loved it…
Too good..
thank u presha..!! :-*
thank u a..!! :-*
nice epi
poor tw
waiting for next epi
nice epi
poor tw
waiting for next epi
sanj scenes r very funny
It was outstanding!
Feeling bad for Twinkle.. this Sujata na, has problem with everyone!??
I’m loving both couples but waiting for SwaSan’s love story..??
Update soon, take care!!
loved it dear
Amazing awesome…feeling bad for twinkle…..eagerly waiting for next part
Awesome dear
Nice but feeling bad for twinkle
do show more TWINJ scene
awesome epi feeling really bad 4 twinkle hope swasanj help her
Awesome dhool ?? but i hate sujatha ?? smack her face r else i will do sisoo?
Awesome thangachi ????
Flng bad for twinkle…….sujatha face ??????onnu kudukkanum pola irukku?????next one soon….
Awesome epi… Feeling bad for twinkle…. Hope everything sort out soon…. And plzzzz give more twinj scenes plzzz and plzzzzz pst nxt asap… Luv u…
ohhh god oved it soo mch…….♥
hear touching cute amazing….♥
lods of love…..♥
srsly hahaa sanj ka kssing wala ohh god….♥
cant wait post soon….♥
Awsm… Update soon next part
loved it
Maha awesome amazing superb
Feeling bad for twinkle but
Sanj r taking her side is gud
Loving it
nice dear
Now nly i read all the epi of this ff ….its amazing dr???
Hallo maha… Ur ff is Fabulous…???????.. I’m cmnting 4 the 2st time in ur this ff plsssssssssssssss pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls its humble rqst post next soon. And give Twinj scean more plssssssssssssssssssss……?????????????
Sujata is irritating
loved it dear