Fan Fiction

LOVE (RagSan) Part-6

Hii guys smily here back with another update nd its the 7th episode… thank you guys for all your comments.Here is the next episode.

Its evening and ragini is sitting beside sanskar , all the time checking him and taking care of him.Sanskar recovered to some extent but he is still weak.slowly sanskar gets up and sees ragini sitting beside him on the bed.

Ragini-sanskar how are you feeling now?

Sanskar-somewhat fine ..saying so he tries to get up and ragini helps him to sit on the bed by placing a pillow at the backof head its paining ragini

Ragini-oh wait i will bring something for you to eat you are so weak thats why its paining ..saying so she rushes to the kitchen and after a while she brings a tray which consists of a bowl with some food and a glass of milk.

Ragini-chalo sanskar first you go and wash your face you will feel fresh.she helps sanskar and leaves him in washroom.after sometime he comes out and sits in couch as he was now feeling somewhat fresh.
Ragini feeds him and slowly asks what is bothering you

Sanskar gives her a fake smile and says nothing ragini

Ragini-sanskar ,it can be clearly seen on your face ,now tell me what are you thinking it about your past?

sanskar listening to these words once again thinks about kavitha and then he hugs ragini tightly,his eyes are so red.Ragini is dumbstuck at his action and slowly she consoles him by rubbing his back..

Ragini-sorry sanskar my intention isnt to hurt you, i just asked it because maa was bothered about you..sanskar is not answering but unknowingly tears rolled from ragini’s eyes and after sometime sanskar broke the hug and said my head is still paining.Ragini made him sleep on the bed and still she was crying looking at his condition.

Ragini’s pov-whats happening to me/why am i crying looking at his state?he is my friend yes,so thats why i was crying and nothing else..she wiped off her tears.


Someone is entering mm,he is talking in phone.
person-mrs.ragini im here at your entrance
Ragini-okay dr.roy i wil be coming down

Ragini comes down and a person (he is dr.karthik roy) is standing near the entrance.She welcomes him and asks him to sit in the sofa.As its morning dp,rp,adarsh nd laksh had there breakfast and they saw karthik.Ragini introduces him to family members and says that he came there to treat sanskar.They thank him for coming and asks him to make sanskar normal asap.they leave for office except laksh as he is having a meeting in the evening so he went to his room and saw swara standing near the window.he went near her and hugged her from back and said what are you donig mrs.swara laksh maheshwari.. ? thinking deeply about whom ha?(he said this in a teasing manner)
swara-Laksh i was thinking about sanskar and ragini.. it all happened so early that im unable to talk to ragini and im sure she is hiding something.. and sanskar’s health is also not good these days
Laksh-yes swara i think we should once talk to ragini…we will talk to her but for now please dont keep sad face i cant see you like that you look like a monkey
Swara-what/ me monkey… she starts hitting laksh and he pulls her close to him by her waist ,they are now so close to each other and have an intense eyelock.

And now the scene shifts to the hall.
Karthik-Ragini can you bring those reports i want to have a look .
Ragini-yes,i will bring it

Karthik sees the reports and asks ragini to take him to sanskar.She takes karthik to sanskar’s room.Sanskar slowly wakes up and sees karthik there.he was surprised to see him there and tries to get up ,karthik signs him to stay there only ,he himslef goes near sanskar and hugs him tight. come you are here?

Karthk-your wife called me here as you were ill and she got to know about your illness. sansjkar is shocked to know this and ragini makes an excuse and goes out of the room giving them privacy to talk.

Sanskar-but how come she know about it/
i dont know ‘karthik

sanskar-its okay. i will find it
karthik-sanky im happy for you that atlast you moved on..

Sanskar-moved on!!
Karthik-ya.. you are married ryt..
Sanskar-oh plz karthik its just a dummy marriage ,she is here only to help me to take my revenge
Karthik-sanky plz stop your revenge drama, just for the sake of revenge you ruined a girl’s life
sanskar-plz karthik stop it i dont want to listen to anything,we will talk about it later

karthik-hmm fine,by the way tell me what happened to you yesterday ragini called me and said everything.
Sanskar-i dont know karthik. i was just unable to control myself.
Karthik-how many times i told you not to think much about your past… it just makes you ill and nothing else saying this karthik checks sanskar’s eyes and gives him a injection.
Immediately sanskar dozes off on bed.

After a while ragini comes there and sees sanskar asleep she asks karthik whats the matter ?why was he behaving like this? is there anything serious.

Karthik-whoa! just calm down there is nothing serious its just a mental disorder nd i gave him an injection,after 2-3 hrs he will wake up

Ragini-whats the reason for his behaviour?he was completely allright before and suddenly he started to behave as a mad person.

Karthik-okay i will tell you and who else knows his reality that he came here to take revenge?

Ragini-only me and maa

Karthik-okay then i will speak to you … its all because of his past

Ragini-past but how come

Karthik-when kavitha died he brokedown completely and was unable to come out of kavitha’s thoughts.I slowly started diverting his mind…and then everything was going well but one day he suddenly started screaming louder and throwing things here and there.Whenever he thinks deeply or remembers his past his brain gets out of control unable to handle all these he starts screaming louder and louder and throwing things.

Ragini-Oh my god!(she is somewhat crying.. tears can be seen) there any solution for this problem?
Karthik-yes ofcourse,he should not think much about his past,he should be kept busy and shouldnt give him stress and along with the treatment and then he will be fine.And the treatment works only when he heartfully accepts it.

Ragini-please doctor ..make him alright,please help me in making him normal.
Karthik-okay ragini i will help you,dont worry

Ragini-by the way how do u know about kavitha… are you his friend?

Kaethik-no ragini,im kavitha’s brother .

Ragini is shocked hearing this and she thinks that he is here to take revenge of his sister’s death
Ragini-please karthik ji if at all you are also with sanskar in taking revenge please go from here,i will not let anything happen to my sister,please dont do anything to our family
whats your next plan?is is something big,plz dont harm them.
Karthik-ragini what you are not here to seek any revenge ,infact im against sanskar

Karthik-yes ragini,i knew that his brother cheated him, but i know that its not maheshwari’s who killed kavitha im sure about it but i donno who killed her… but im not with sanskar in his revenge
Ragini-yes,i knew it that bade papa cannot kill a person but why sanskar is not understanding this

Karthik-what? aren’t you helping sanskar in taking revenge
Ragini-actually im here for that but that was just a drama so that i can be here and protect my sister and the family
Karthik-oh then you are here to change sanskar
Ragini-yes karthik ji, nd please could you help me in doing that
Karthik-yes ofcourse ….. if he stops taking revenge then i will be happy and my sister’s soul rests in peace as she also dont want this, if at all she is alive she would never let sanky do such things.but anyways she is not there now and im alone and cnt stop him

Ragini-from now we both will be there to stop him
Me too they heard some voice its laksh and swara from back.

Ragini and karthik are shocked to see them.

Ragini-swara,laksh tum log,when you came here ?
Swara-when you both were talking about sanskar’s condition.
Laksh-im happy ragini that bhai is alright and he was just acting

Ragini-are you not angry at him,he is here to take revenge from you and badepapa.
Laksh-i know it,it was my fault that i told papa but trust me ragini he havent killed kavitha
Ragini-how can you say it for sure.

A flashback is shown
in dp’s room no one is there except laksh and dp
Dp-laksh what are you saying sanskar is going to marry kavitha
laksh-yes papa,its all bcoz of you he is marrying in a temple as an orphan, though he has such a big family.papa i know you love him so much more than me then why papa you did this to bhai.You have thrown him out of the house just bcoz he loved a girl who is not of our caste.What if i too did the same would you behave in the same manner… in todays world who the hell cares about caste and all… Bhai loves her and she too loves him and what else is needed for a relationship.I hate you papa,hate you im leaving this house forever

Dp-laksh saying so he collapses down and laksh comes running towards him.
Im sorry beta i never knew that i was doing a mistake in the view of what others think,i thought our name ,fame will be ruined if other caste girl is married to our son but i dont know that i was punishing my children for others,im really sorry betaa
Flash back ends.

After that i and papa went to the temple but no one was there and then we searched a lot for bhai but we didnt found him…

Ragini is happy in order that she got conclusion that dp nd laksh are not responsible for kavitha’s death.
Laksh-im sorry ragini bcoz of me ur life was ruined
Ragini joins hands and says im sorry laksh and swara
Laksh Swara-for what ragini?
Ragini-you guys only know half truth and now its time for me to say the truth.the person who wanted to separate you and laksh is none other than me,i was the one who tried to defame swara’s character by giving her sorry swalak i was so obsessed to get you not knowing that it was just my madness and not love.Im really sorry i was neother a good friend nor a good sister …saying so she cries and falls down

Swara with tears filled in her eyes-nahi ragini it was my fault that i never tried to understand ur feelings i was so happy in getting my love that i ignored ur emotions.. sorry ragini .but because of me u married sanskar forcefully and who can do this except a sister.. a soul sister saying so she hugs ragini

Laksh-im also sorry ragini i never cared abt ur feelings and used you for my sake..please forgive me ragini

Swara and laksh forgive ragini and ragini also forgives swalak.

Swara warns ragini not to say again that she is a bad sister saying so she hugs her tight and swaragini bg plays.

Karthik interrupts and says now that the family is one i think now you guys can make him normal.
Laksh-no karthik plz you also stay here and help us .. swaragini and laksh pleases him to stay and he agrees.

They all join hands together and swalak says mission sanskar starts now in a jovial manner.Everyone laugh…..The epi ends here.

Precap:start of sanskar’s treatment and swalak and ragsan moments.

Guys.. its a change over bcoz ppl wanted swalak scenes too nd guys comment your views about todays eoisode and i wish to say that soon love will blossom btwn ragsan…. sorry for the typos and thank you for all your comments


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