Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh episode 10

The episode starts with Riddhima waiting for Vansh’s answer.
Riddhima: Dr. Vansh, I’m asking you something. As every time you ask me something I always answer so please I need your answer as I really got disturbed from your angry attitude that you were talking me with.
Vansh: I don’t know why you are surprised with my question. As I already gave you a chance to gain my trust so how you will gain my trust if I’m not knowing everything about you. By the way if you weren’t answer this question you were lost that chance. I don’t want you to be disturbed from my attitude, I just wanted to know the truth. Actually you have to get used with my attitude as that is Vansh Rai Singhania.
She weren’t satisfied with his answer as she is feeling that there is another answer that he is hiding it that it is much important than what he has offered, but she is still happy that he starts to care about her feelings as he doesn’t want her to be disturbed from him.
Riddhima: You still will not tell me the reason of doubting everyone the way you are doing?!
Vansh: Of course one day you will know everything, maybe when you gain my trust or I could leave it as another challenge to you. Which you can discover it by yourself!
Riddhima: It is not fair Dr. Vansh! Two challenges in a day! Okay, I accept it. Actually I believe that this challenge is easier than the other one and I think that I will reach to it as soon as possible!
Vansh: Of course Dr. Riddhima wining my trust is the most difficult thing and let’s see which one you will fulfill first. Or you will not fulfill anyone of them?!
Riddhima: Of course not, you still don’t know who is Riddhima Anupam. I will not live peacefully if I didn’t win those challenges and especially wining your trust as it is the most important thing to me.
They have an eye look after what she has said, they felt so connected to each other.
Kabir’s voice is what makes them get from that silence.
Kabir: Vansh bro, can you please come with me to see the first couple of rooms that we have finished its decorations to tell us your feedback.
Vansh: Okay, I’m coming with you.
He go to see the rooms and he was really impressed with Sejal’s talents and creativity.
Vansh: Wow Sejal! It’s really an awesome work. Keep it, as I hope to see all the hospital’s decorations amazing like that.
Sejal: Thank you Dr. Vansh, I hope that you always be proud of my work.
Riddhima was watching him from a far area and she was surprised of how you could be so kind like that and always tries to give everyone his/ her credit that he/ she deserves and at the same time he could be very rude and disrespectful! He always impress her with his unique personality. She wonders how new shades she will discover in Vansh Rai Singhania!
At the same time, Vansh is still uncomfortable from that Sunny. Regardless that he is happy that Riddhima told him the truth as he has checked the information that she told him with Angre to know if it is the same or not and he has confirmed the same. So that makes him feel that she will win his trust soon. He just hopes that this doctor doesn’t cause problems as he still feel insecure when he see him with Riddhima. So he decides to go to Siya and ask her why she transferred Dr. Sunny from her team to his team.
Vansh: Hello Siya dear, are you busy with something or I can talk with you a little bit?
Siya: You don’t have to ask me, I will always be free to listen to you. Tell me what you want.
Vansh: You know that we don’t transfer the doctors from our teams after we have arranged them so why you have transferred Dr. Sunny to my team?
Siya: I discovered that he shares the same talents that you and your team shares especially the talents that he shares with Dr. Riddhima actually I have noticed in his CV that he is her childhood best friend so I thought that they will could do a great work with each other along with your supervision.
Actually, I saw in his CV certificates he have taken in how to deal with critical surgeries so I thought that he will be more useful to you than to me. You know I don’t participate in the critical surgeries as it is really sensitive to me, but I just want to ask you the reason of your question. Is there something wrong has happened?
Vansh: No, I just wanted to know the reason. Because it is the first time to happen in the hospital.
The uncomfortable feeling starts to increase more and more. He really doesn’t know the reason, but he was worried.
Afterwards, Riddhima starts to feel very tired as she didn’t have rest since the long surgery that she has done.
Vansh sees her from far and he feels that she is not well so he starts to go to her to see what is happening to her.
Riddhima starts to lose her balance and she faints. Before Vansh can go to get her up, he finds Sunny holding Riddhima and trying to wake her up. This what makes Vansh very jealous, he didn’t likes the way Sunny was holding Riddhima with. Actually he doesn’t want him to touch her and then Riddhima starts to gain consciousness again. At that moment, Vansh didn’t control himself when he hugs her tightly. Actually, Riddhima got surprised from his reaction, but she felt better when he hugs her. Her surprise didn’t end on that hug only as he holds her to make her rest in the doctors’ room.
Riddhima: Dr. Vansh what are you doing? Why you are holding me? I can move if you don’t know!
Vansh: Can you please don’t say a word?! I’m taking you to the doctors’ room so you can take rest. How you could be so careless?! You haven’t relaxed since we finished the surgery!
Riddhima: I’m fine, I’m totally fine. Can you please leave me!
He lefts her and makes her sit as he orders a food to her and a juice as he knows that she didn’t eat anything since morning!
Vansh: You’re so careless Dr. Riddhima. How you can spent the whole day without eating?! Regardless that you are a doctor, but you are behaving as a child. So I will use the same attitude and I will not leave you until you finish your food. So if you don’t want to stay with that arrogant and doubtable guy much longer, you have to finish your food quickly or else I will not leave you.
Riddhima: It’s my pleasure to stay with you Dr. Vansh. The ones who are near you will always gain a lot of knowledge.
He gets happy from her words. Actually, she also gets happy from his caring attitude as this is the first time to see that caring Vansh Rai Singhania. She starts to eat, but she makes him eat with her as she also knows that he he didn’t eat since morning!
Riddhima: So we are also similar in that thing?! We both didn’t eat since morning! So we have to share the food with each other.
Vansh: Okay let’s eat.
They were spending a great time with each other, but then Sunny has interrupted that romantic moment.
Sunny: Riddhima, are you feel better now?
Riddhima: Yes Sunny, thank you for your care.
Sunny: Don’t be silly, you are my childhood best friend. So do you still have work or you will leave?
Riddhima: No, I have finished my work and I will leaving.
Sunny: Okay, so come with me and I will arrive you home.
Riddhima: No it’s okay, I will manage it.
Sunny: Riddhima please don’t be stubborn. You will can’t manage arriving alone with this state, so let’s go.
Riddhima: Okay. Excuse me Dr. Vansh, I’ve to go. Do you want anything from me?
Vansh: No, you can go. Just take care about yourself and if you want to take tomorrow off it’s okay.
Riddhima: No, no. It is not a big matter, I will be okay and I will come tomorrow.
He hopes that he could stop her from going with that guy. He hopes that he is the one who arrives her to her home. Actually, he was planning for that and he was going to offer that to her when that Sunny came and destroyed everything!
After Sunny arrived Riddhima, she offered him to enter the house and have some tea. They start chit chatting and while talking the tea falls on Sunny’s shirt so she goes to wet it. Then Vansh saw them and he misunderstands her as he was going to her home to check on her, but he was surprised when he saw them so close!
He enters the house and he starts to fight with Sunny. Hardly, Riddhima succeed from separating them, but she got super angry on Vansh.
Riddhima: What nonsense are you doing here? You have caused a lot of mess! What the need to fight with Sunny?! What he has done to hit him that much?!
Vansh: You were so close to him and you are asking me why I hit him. He just arrived you, so why he staying in your house shirtless??! I didn’t think that you are so cheap like that Dr. Riddhima! I thought that you are different and you deserve to be trusted, but no you have proved me wrong! You are a cheater Dr. Riddhima Anupam!
Riddhima: Just stop that hurting words, you will not understand anything. You don’t understand anything than doubting. You have a trust issues Dr. Vansh and you have to fix it. Everytime I believe that I start to make a place in your life you just prove me wrong. If you are thinking about me with that cheap way so I will not defend myself to you. Actually why I will defend myself to you. Who I’m to you?! And if you will say that I’m a doctor in your hospital and you must know everything about me, I want to tell you that I’m resigning. I will not compete working with a person who thinks about me with that cheap way and my resigned letter will be delivered to you tomorrow so please leave now.
He was shockingly leaving and after he lefts, Riddhima apologizes to Sunny and he leaves.
Sunny went to meet someone.
Sunny: Everything have happened as we were planing. Mission is successful Mr. Aryan.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and tell me what you prefer to see afterwords and don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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