Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh episode 12

The episode starts with Riddhima going to the hospital and she was super angry and she decided to submit her resigned letter to Vansh Rai Singhania. She enters his office and she finds Dr. Siya there.

Siya: Riddhima what are you doing? Do you will easily leave your dream job just because a misunderstanding? And what about you Vansh? You will not clear this misunderstanding? Please say something.

Vansh: What I will say Siya, it wasn’t a misunderstanding I’ve knew her real identity.

Riddhima: I don’t care about your point of view on me, I will leave your hospital and we will not meet again. So it is over Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania.

Sunny was listening to them and he was really happy actually he called Aryan and he informs him about what is going on and Aryan was very happy so he decided to come to the hospital to watch this farce.

Aryan: I’m coming, I will not mess any of that fun!

Siya is surprised from Vansh’s reaction, she thought that after what she told him that he will stop Riddhima from leaving the hospital. So how he is behaving like that?!

Riddhima was going to to leave when Vansh stopped her.

Vansh: Just a second Dr. Riddhima, you will can’t resign that easily. You are not in a normal hospital or you are working with a normal owner. You will not leave the hospital, no one get from Vansh’s life without his permission. You know my rules from the beginning and you accepted it. So your resigned letter is not accepted and just go to complete your work without a word or else there are some rules in your contract that could cause to you a lot of problems, actually it may lead you to jail. So what you have choose work or jail?

Riddhima smashed the resign papers and left his office without saying a word and that what makes him knows that she accepted to complete working in his hospital. They both smile hideously.

Flash back shows Riddhima and Vansh discussing their plan.

Riddhima: Do you mean that we will not let anyone knows that we knew their plan?

Vansh: Yes, we will make them discover that they succeed in their plan and we had fall into their trap, but actually they are the ones who will be trapped in their own plan.

Riddhima: How?

Vansh: You will go and submit to me your resign letter.

Riddhima: What? You will make me leave the job?! How this is possible?! You will do what they want?!

Vansh: Hold on. Give me me a chance to complete my words. You will pretend that you want to leave the job and I will pretend that I will refuse it not because we cleared the misunderstandings, but because of Vansh’s rules who no one could have the ability to not follow it.

Riddhima: So what you will gain from that?

Vansh: At the beginning, they will be happy that they succeed in their plan and when I refuse your resign letter, they will got shocked and of course they will do something unplanned and we will caught them.

Flash back ends.

Sunny and Aryan were shocked from what they saw!

Aryan: How this is possible?! The plan was just perfect. She has to resign so that she loses the job that she was so proud of it and they both become so shattered so we can attack them, but now everything had changed!

Sunny: Do you think that Vansh knew our plan and that’s why he didn’t accept her resign letter.

Aryan: Of course not, His attitude was clear, he wants to punish her by staying in the hospital. But this isn’t what I want, I don’t want them to stay more together. I don’t know when they could become closer and clear that misunderstanding. We have to do something.

Riddhima and Vansh were contacting via massages and phone calls, they don’t want anyone to discover what they are planing. So they have to be very careful.

Riddhima: So what we will do next? Do we will wait until their next move?

Vansh: Vansh Rai Singhania don’t wait for anyone. I always do the first move. So they were planing to create misunderstanding between us and make us doubt each other, now we are the ones who will make them doubt each other. So they will easily expose themselves. Actually, I’ve learned about the illegal things that Aryan is doing. He is planing to take all my property and he doesn’t love Siya he is just cheating on her. He makes an affairs with a lot of girls and I got a lot of proofs against him. We just need them to expose themselves and caught them red handed.

Riddhima: So how we will do that?

Vansh: I will tell you.

Sunny was searching for Riddhima, when he saw her doing some work. She noticed that he is coming to her so she pretends that she is super angry.

Sunny: I’ve heard about what happened in Dr. Vansh’s office. How he so mean?! But actually I’m happy that you will not leave the hospital as I still want to work with you and spend some time with you.

Riddhima: I didn’t imagine that I will be forced to work in the job that I really love, I can’t concentrate on anything when I remember that I’m working with that arrogant Vansh Rai Singhania.

Sunny: Just relax, I’m here with you and I will not leave you.

Riddhima: And that what makes me relaxed, thank you Sunny for always supporting me and being with me when I need you.

Her words make him remember that old love that he was owing it to her since childhood that he actually thought that he forgot it.

Riddhima: I have to go now as I have a lot of work and I don’t want that Dr. Vansh to throw his anger on my face.

When she lefts, he starts thinking about her and he remembers every memory they got to share it with each other.

Vansh pretends that he was surprised to see Aryan in the hospital.

Vansh: Wow! It is a surprise to see you here. Is there is something important?

Aryan: No, I was just coming to check on my Siya and then I was going to you.

Vansh: Actually, it is a good thing to see you here as I was going to call you to discuss with you something important.

Aryan: What is the matter? I can see from your face that you are super worried!

Vansh: You were right Aryan, that Riddhima isn’t like what she appears. She is really a greedy and a cheap girl. At the beginning, she was trying to make an affair with you and when she fails she starts to put her eyes on me and then on that Dr. Sunny. You didn’t know that he proposed to her and she agreed. They will get married soon not only this, but I heard that they are trying to leave the hospital and the whole country. Of course, I will not give them the chance to do that. They don’t know who is Vansh Rai Singhania.

Aryan was shocked with what Sunny is doing behind his back, but he tried to hide his surprise.

Aryan: I told you bro, she is a cheap girl. I don’t know why you were taking her side, but finally you knew the truth. If you need my help in anything just tell me, it is my pleasure to expose that girl.

Vansh: Of course Aryan, I had just want to tell you that you were right and you didn’t broke our trust. When I will expose her, I will clear all the misunderstandings that she created in you and Siya’s lives.

Vansh leaves him while he was smiling as he knows that he throws the arrow in the correct place.

Vansh to himself: Let’s the fun starts, you are the one who started that doubting game and I will be the one who will end it.

Aryan was so angry on sunny and he was blaming himself by trusting a cheap person like him.

At the same time, Sunny was still on his dreams and he decided to stop that game and he will end it by making Riddhima release her love to him and he will not let her stay more in that hospital. Then Aryan called Sunny and they decided to meet.

When they met, they start confronting each other.

Aryan: So you are cheating me and you are playing from my back? Now you discovered your love to Riddhima. Where was that love when you planned with me to get her out of the hospital just because of the money? You had forgot that she is your childhood best friend so how you changed your motive very quickly?

Sunny: The one who is cheating everyone around him is calling me a cheater and what about what you have done to your wife? Poor Dr. Siya, I’m really so sorry for her. You have playing with her feelings since day one, you don’t love her you just love her brother’s property. You are not only thinking about taking all the property but also you are cheating on her by making many affairs with any pretty girl you meet. Actually, your ego got hurt when Riddhima refused and slapped you. So you decided to create that plan with me. So don’t pretend that you are innocent Mr. Aryan.

At that moment, the mastermind of that plan appeared. Aryan and Sunny were shocked to see him.

Vansh: Why you are both so shocked? You didn’t discover yet that it all was my plan!

Riddhima: Yes, we discovered the cheap plan that you were both making and look you are the ones who are trapped on it!

Siya: I didn’t imagine that you are so cheap like that Aryan!

Aryan: Siya baby please listen to m….

Siya: Just shut up, enough, no more lies. I’ve heard everything, actually I saw all the proofs against you Aryan that you will can’t refute it.

Vansh: You have made a big plan, but look it is all destroyed! What you will do now?! How you thought that you’ll fool me easily?!

Siya: I don’t want to stay in this relation anymore, I want a divorce.

Vansh: And about the divorce papers, they are ready.

Aryan: Wow! You have planned everything very well! Who told you that I will agree on signing that papers?!

Vansh: No Aryan you will sign it. As if you didn’t do that, you will not get anything from your property and still Siya will take the divorce, but you will not take your property even in your dreams.

So forcefully, Aryan has signed on the divorce papers believing that he will take his property and everything will end, but he got another surprise!

Vansh: Come inspector, here are those who were  cheating on us and causing a lot of mess here.

Aryan and Sunny were shocked to see the police there. As they didn’t imagine that the game will reach them into jail.

Inspector: You are both under arrest Mr. Aryan and Dr. Sunny for what you both have done. For Mr. Aryan: you were cheating on your wife, trying to snatch someone’s property, and making a plan to make someone leave her job and everything is proofed with multiple proofs so you will not manage to get from it. While for you Dr. Sunny: you were cheating your owner, causing problems in the hospital you are working on it, and being involved with Mr. Aryan’s plan. So please come with me without causing any problems.

Aryan: I will not leave you all. I will come back, I will destroy your lives! It is my promise to you all.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and let’s see if Aryan will fulfill his promise or it will be ended by jailing him. Don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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