Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh episode 14

The episode starts with Riddhima informing Sejal about tomorrow’s dinner.

Sejal: Wow! You start forming bond with VR family more than I do! Do you still believe that you and Vansh are just friends?! I believe that you must understand your feelings and don’t lie on yourself. Don’t waste your time as discovering your feelings earlier will be better for you and Vansh as I can also notice his love to you in his eyes, but unfortunately he is doing the same thing that you are doing! You are both can’t understand your own feelings or maybe you are both don’t want to understand it so you are pretending as nothing is between you both. Ask your heart once and of course you will find an answer, but when you find the answer you must accept it immediately.

Sejal have putted Riddhima in front of the truth that she was trying to not not see it. She lefts her confused as she is spending the whole night thinking about Sejal’s words.

Riddhima to herself: Do I really love Vansh?! Do I really own feelings to him?! Why you are so surprised Riddhima?! You were owing that special feeling to him since day one, but you didn’t want to accept it! But now after you have known him well, you noticed your love to him. He is your soulmate Riddhima and this is the fact that you have to accept it. You finally found the love that you were searching for, you have to be happy! You didn’t found a normal lover, it is a unique one. Yes I accept it, I’m fallen in love! I love you Vansh Rai Singhania!

Riddhima has finally accepted her love to Vansh, but she was asking herself if Vansh owns the same feelings or not.

At the same time, there was a big confusion in VR mansion as Vansh was also thinking about Anuprya’s words and he was going through the same cycle that Riddhima was going through it, but he didn’t want to accept his feelings the way Riddhima did!

Vansh to himself: No, I’m not owing any love feelings for Riddhima, she is just my best friend no more than that. This friendship cannot turn into a love story, this can’t happen! I don’t want to be in love again, it is really hard to survive with two heart breaks! I will not tolerate if Riddhima cheated me. Yes, she is unique and kind hearten, but I don’t know if we will manage turning into lovers or not. I don’t want to lose her. No, I don’t love her, she is just a best friend to me!

At the next day, Riddhima is super excited as she decided to give Vansh some hints of what she owns in her heart to him and she is hoping that he could understand and confess to her his feelings and then Sejal interrupts her.

Sejal: Riddhima, Kabir starts flirting with me! Actually, I start to feel that he starts to love me. I start to notice that he really starts to change a lot. We were on phone call and he was really happy when he knew that I’m coming today for dinner. I hope that he really owns feelings to me. Let’s see what will happen next.

Riddhima: I hope that I always see you happy.

Riddhima is very happy and surprised that she and Sejal are in love! She hopes that everything goes well.

At dinner time, Riddhima and Sejal have arrived.

Vansh stares at her once he sees her as she was super beautiful. Actually she noticed that.

Riddhima: What’s wrong? Why you are staring at me that much?! Do I look that horrible?!

Vansh: You look super gorgeous.

She got shy and her cheeks become red.

Vansh: Oh! You got shy! Actually, you look more beautiful when your cheeks turned red. I like it.

Ishani was watching them and she was super jealous. She got to see the love that Vansh owns to Riddhima in his eyes. She really can’t tolerate seeing them together as she got really hurt.

Ishani to herself: I will not let this happen! I will not make you reach to what you want Riddhima. Vansh is mine and will always be mine. Just watch and see what I will do now.

Vansh starts introducing Riddhima to every member in his family not as doctor like they were knowing her, but as his best friend that they must treat her as a family member to them. They all liked her except Uma and of course Ishani. Uma was seeing Riddhima as a money minded girl who is just behind Vansh because of money. She was afraid if that Riddhima would have reached to what she wants by making a relation with Vansh as this will put Uma in danger for her presence in the mansion and then she will begs Riddhima to give her money as everything will be under Riddhima’s  control. But she was trying to calm herself down as she knows that is difficult for anyone to tolerate Vansh’s attitude and he actually don’t trust anyone.

Uma to herself: Don’t worry you are still safe Uma.

After they finished eating, they start chit chatting and the music started. Then Vansh takes Riddhima’s hand and they start dancing and then Kabir-Sejal and Angre-Siya have joined them.

Ishani was super angry, but she tried to calm her anger as when they finished dancing she decided to start her plan.

Ishani: Vansh, can we have a conversation alone for awhile.

Vansh: Sure, I’m coming.

Ishani: I can see the love in your eyes for that Riddhima. I know that this isn’t my business, but you know how much you mean to me as you are my childhood best friend. I’m just worrying about you, I don’t want what has happened to you at the past to be repeated again now. I know that you don’t like to open up about the past because it really disturbs you, but I wanted to make you remember that Riddhima is a middle class girl who could make the same thing that has happened to you. Don’t make her reach to your heart, don’t trust her that much. You are the one who was saying that “You don’t know when you will be cheated and from whom you will be cheated”. So please don’t forget your own words! I don’t want to see you in pain once again.

Ishani’s words waked Vansh up from his dreams.

Vansh: Don’t worry Ishani. Actually I don’t own such a feeling to Riddhima, she is just a best friend to me like you. So don’t worry.

She didn’t liked the way he sees her and  how he puts her and Riddhima in the same state, but she was happy that her plan succeed and Vansh will can’t be attracted more to Riddhima because every time he will try to notice his feelings towards her, he will remember that she could cheat him anytime. And then she will knows  how to make him loves her, but at least she must prevent him from being in love with any other girl.

Vansh was thinking about Ishani’s words when Riddhima came to him.

Riddhima: Why you look so worried?! Did Ishani told you something that disturbs you?! What she wanted?

Vansh: Why you are questioning me all of those questions?! Who are you to me to interfere in my life that much? You are just a friend to me. You are not allowed to interfere in my own business. Don’t forget your limit.

Riddhima got hurt from Vansh’s words as she felts that they are sharing the same feelings, but what she heard proved her wrong!

Then while Riddhima was shattered, Ishani starts dancing with Vansh and being so close to him that makes him uncomfortable. Watching them dancing made Riddhima jealous and more shattered.

After what she saw, she decided to leave VR mansion as she can’t tolerate more.

After they finished dancing, Vansh was blaming himself for the way he was talking to Riddhima with. He can’t tolerate seeing her hurt so he decided to go and apologize to her, but he didn’t find her.

Vansh: Sejal, do you saw Riddhima. I’m for looking her, but I can’t find her. So I thought that you know where is she.

Sejal: No Vansh. I don’t know where is Riddhima, the last time I saw her she was sad but I didn’t know the reason and then I got busy and when I tried to see her I didn’t find her.

He gets worried about her and he don’t know why he felt that she is in danger and she needs him.

He starts searching about her everywhere, but he didn’t find her. Everyone were worried about Riddhima and they were trying to help Vansh in finding her.

Sejal: Vansh please get my Riddhima back, I’m really worried about her. How she didn’t reach home till now, I called our neighbors and they told me that there no one in the house along with that she isn’t picking up the phone. I’m really worried. She could be in a danger now! Please get her back to me.

Kabir along with everyone were trying to calm Sejal down and actually Vansh was also so worried and he doesn’t know what to do.

Vansh: Angre let’s go to search about her in a large scale. I want you to track her mobile and check the last place she was on it before it switched off. We have to find her soon.

Angre: Okay boss, don’t worry we will find her soon.

Ishani was really happy and she hopes that they can’t find Riddhima so she could end Riddhima’s chapter forever!

When Vansh was getting out of VR mansion, he finds Riddhima’s earnings and that what makes him sure that she is in a big danger.

At the same time, Riddhima was terrified and doesn’t know were is she.

Flashback shows Riddhima getting out from VR mansion when someone tries to kidnap her, but she was trying to free herself from that person when her earnings fall and the kidnapper hits her to make her unconsciousness. Flashback ends.

She hears a familiar voice telling her: Welcome to hell Riddhima, Do you thought that I will leave you  living your life peacefully. No sweetie, you will get the punishment of everything you have done to me.

She got shocked when she sees her kidnapper.

Riddhima: Aryan, you are the one who kidnapped me!


The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below. As this what makes me encouraged to complete updating. Your feedback is so important to me so don’t forget it please.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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