Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh episode 17

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima enjoying their romantic date when Riddhima decided to end his old pain.

Riddhima: Vansh now we will start a new beginning, but we have first to end the past’s pain so it will not cause problems in our future.

Vansh: Please Riddhima I don’t want to come up and talk about the past. I just want to talk with you about the future only.

Riddhima: Just calm down, you must remember it so you can get rid of it and don’t think about it again.

Vansh: And how I will do that?

Riddhima: I have an idea. Just wait.

She gets to him one of the balloons along with a blank paper and a pen.

Vansh: What I will do with these things?

Riddhima: You will write everything that caused pain to you and when you finish, you will stick the paper in the balloon and then you will make this balloon fly so high. The time the balloon will fly, your pain will fly with it and you will get rid of the past that was disturbing you. Maybe you can see that this is a silly thing, but trust me it is a beneficial thing and it really gives you the peace that you were searching for. Just try and see what will happen, you will not lose anything if you tried once.

He starts doing what she told him and he starts writing everything that causes pain in his past and he starts to remember everything as it has happened yesterday, but he starts some how to feel comfortable as this is the first time he could have the chance to express his feelings. As he was always hiding his feelings to not show his weakness, but she gave him the chance to get out all the pain that he was owing.

After he finished writing, she made him stick the paper in the balloon.

Riddhima: Now you must leave the balloon to fly upward and when it will fly you must allow your pain to fly with it and then you could start a new life without the pain of your past.

He stick the paper on the balloon and then he makes it fly and he really reached to the relaxation that he lost it from a lot of years.

Riddhima: Do you feel better?

Vansh: Very much. I didn’t imagine that I could gain this relaxation. Finally, I could live my life peacefully.

Riddhima: I told you. It is a small thing, but it is really a beneficial thing. I’m happy that you finally get rid of your pain.

He is really impressed of her attitude and how she always has a solution to everything and she always do this with a unique way.

Vansh: Thank you Riddhima for making my life beautiful. Now we can start a new beginning with peace and joy.

When he ends his last word, he proposed to her and he gets a ring from his pocket.

Vansh: I want to spend my whole life with you, I don’t want to spend a second in my life and you are not mine on it. So would you accept to be my mine forever? Do you accept to tolerate my tough attitude and that arrogant way till the end of our lives? Do you marry me Riddhima?

She didn’t hesitate for a second to answer his proposal.

Riddhima: Yes.

He let her wear the ring and they hugged each other. They decided to inform their family about their marriage announcement tomorrow as they want to get married as soon as possible.

Vansh: I will tell my family this announcement tomorrow and you also must tell Sejal. When your state gets better, you will get out of the hospital and you will come to my house as I can’t leave you alone again.

Riddhima: What?! How this is possible?! How I will stay in your house before marriage.

Vansh: It is okay sweetheart, the whole family is already in the house and of course you will also make Sejal come with you so we could live all together.

Riddhima; Do you think they will accept that?

Vansh: I don’t need anyone’s permission for anything in my life. When I decide something, everyone must accept it. So don’t worry.

Riddhima: I don’t worry when I’m with you.

They hugged each other and then they start enjoying the night by dancing with each other. The happiness that they were feeling at that moment could make them change the whole world. They have discovered that from the first day they met, they were meant to be together and they were made for each other. They didn’t know how they got tired and they slept in each others’ arms.

At the morning, they wake up.

Vansh: Good morning sweetheart.

Riddhima: Good morning. It was the best night ever.

Vansh: I promise you that I will make everyday in your life with me special and the best.

He was going so close to her, but she got shy and she escapes.

Riddhima: I’ve to go to take my medicines.

Vansh: A good excuse, but you will not manage to escape from me every time. We have the rest of our lives to do whatever we want.

At the same time, Sejal has arrived and Riddhima starts telling her everything happened yesterday.

Sejal: Wow! Superb! You decided marriage very fast! I’m really happy for you both and I’m super excited for the marriage preparations.

Riddhima: What about staying in VR mansion from now on? Do you are okay with this idea?

Sejal: Of course. Did you forget that VR family are the ones who raised me? Of course I will be very happy when I could be with them like I used to do before. Actually, being in VR mansion will help me spend more time with Kabir.

Riddhima: I’m really happy that you accepted the marriage. I hope that Vansh’s family do the same.

In VR mansion the reactions were mixed with happiness and sadness. Some were super happy and other were shocked and angry.

Siya: I’m really happy for you Vansh, I told you from the beginning that Riddhima is a special girl. You are both really made for each other. God bless you both.

Rudra: Congratulations Vansh, I’m always with you in any decision that will improve your life and I can see that Riddhima is a good girl. I wish you both all the happiness.

Ragini: I’m super excited for the marriage rituals.

Anuprya: Congratulations my son, I can see the happiness in your eyes and if you are happy I will also be happy. I really like Riddhima so much and she really deserves to be Vansh Rai Singhania’s wife.

Kabir: The fun will begin now as it will an interesting thing when Sejal come to stay here. Fantastic! I’m really excited!

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! Is this the only thing that you are thinking about?! You will not congratulate your brother?!

Kabir: Oh! Sorry bro I didn’t meant it, congratulations Vansh bro.

Everyone was happy except Uma, she was super sad and worried for the entrance of that Riddhima in VR mansion. She is shocked that what she was thinking about have become truth, but she was forced to congratulate Vansh to not make anyone doubt her.

Uma: Congratulations Vansh.

Anuprya: I will come with you to the hospital as I want to check on Riddhima and congratulate her.

Vansh: Okay, let’s go.

While Vansh was in his car, he called Angre and informed him about the marriage.

Angre: You always knows how to surprise us Vansh, I’m really happy for you.

Vansh: Thank you Angre. I told you when I want to say something I will say it and that’s what I did now. Don’t forget to tell that announcement to Ishani and inform her that you both will stay in VR mansion until we finish the marriage rituals. So we can all celebrate together and enjoy every single moment. Am I clear?

Angre: Yes boss. I will inform Ishani, of course she will get very happy when she knows this announcement. See at the hospital, bye.

Vansh: Bye.

Actually, Ishani got shocked when she heard about Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage announcement, but she tried to hide her angry attitude to not make Angre figure anything. So she tried to calm herself down and she agreed to stay in VR mansion during the rituals.

After Angre left her alone, she starts to break everything around her.

Ishani to herself: Vansh you did a huge mistake by deciding to marry that girl. The girl that you must to marry her is me not her. I will not make Riddhima’s happiness last a lot. I will destroy your happiness Riddhima, just wait and watch my next move. Your marriage rituals will be the worst rituals in your life. I will not make you marry my Vansh whatever are the circumstances!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and tell me your opinion about the upcoming updates. Don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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