Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 19

The episode starts with Vansh explaining how he and Riddhima managed to come on time and what the things they faced that made them become late.

Vansh: We were coming by the car and then it stopped and we didn’t know the reason and I tried hard to fix it, but without any result. And to make the situation more tougher, there was no signal to call any car and the place was very empty so there wasn’t anyone there to help us.

Ishani: So how you manged to come? *This was actually the question that she really wants to have its answer as she really can’t imagine how under all those circumstances they managed to come before the auspicious time ends.*

Vansh: There is nothing that could stop Vansh Rai Singhania, when I put something in my mind I don’t make anything or anyone interfere on it. I’m always ready for plan B.

Siya: How?

Vansh: My car is a special car, it isn’t like any car. It is only made for Vansh Rai Singhania. So it has a special bottom that it must be connected to an external mobile and when I’m in danger I must click on that bottom and it will give a signal to that mobile to warn him/her that there is a problem. Not only giving a signal but also giving the location of the car right now.

Angre: And that’s what have happened! My mobile was connected to Vansh’s car so when it gave the signal that they are in danger, I managed to send to them a car very quickly to the location that sent to me.

Siya: So why you didn’t told us?

Angre: To not scare anyone of you because I didn’t know what was exactly happened to them so I decided to keep quiet until they come safely and Vansh could explain everything.

Siya: I’m super proud of you Vansh. You are always ready and well prepared for any in-ordinary thing.

Anuprya: Let’s stop this conversation now and talk later as we have to start the engagement now as there is no much time. So let’s start quickly.

Ishani was super angry that her plan is failed and what makes her more angry that the one who is responsible in failing her plan is her brother!

Ishani to herself: Angre you mustn’t do what you have done. You mustn’t make them reach on time, you have destroyed my whole plan!

They made Vansh and Riddhima sit beside each other and then start to bless them and make the engagement rituals and then Anuprya gets the rings and Riddhima was surprised to see her ring.

Riddhima: Wow!

Vansh: How you liked the surprise?

Riddhima: It is adorable! It is written on it….

Vansh: Yes Riddhima, it is written on it VR, Vansh Rai Singhania, so when you always see the ring you remember that you are just mine and I’m just yours.

Riddhima: I will always be yours. I love you.

Vansh: I love you too.

Siya: How romantic! I really liked the engagement ring!

Anuprya: Let’s start exchanging rings and let’s start with Vansh making Riddhima wear the ring.

When he was going to let her wear the ring, the lights went off and Riddhima become super terrified.

Anuprya: What is going on? How the lights went off?!

Angre: I will check.

Anuprya: Please, check and fix it fast. There is only 10 minutes left for the auspicious time to end.

Angre: Okay.

Ishani was very happy as her plan B is going to win because she knows that Angre will take more than 10 minutes to fix the light and then they will be forced to cancel the engagement and even if they tried to make them exchanges rings in the darkness the bride will not control her fear and will can’t be in her senses for that.

Ishani to herself: I’m very happy to see you terrified Riddhima. I’ve made a lot of research about you that made me knew the smallest details related to you, so I’ve known that you fear from the darkness so much. So how you will manage to fulfill your engagement. Hard luck Riddhima!

A the same time, Riddhima was very terrified and she can’t control herself and Vansh was trying to calm her down by hugging her.

Vansh: Calm down Riddhima, I know that you fear from darkness, but please control your fear. I’m with you and I will not leave you, there is nothing that will harm you and I’m with you.

She didn’t manage to say anything, but she was feeling safe in his arms.

Vansh and Riddhima were hearing the voices of everyone who was worried if the auspicious got wasted, so Vansh managed to make Riddhima wear the engagement ring in the darkness when everyone was busy and then the lights turned on.

Anuprya: Thank God that the lights turned on and we still have 2 minutes, so please Vansh let Riddhima wear the ring fast.

Siya: She already wears it, they were managing to do that in the darkness. Not bad Vansh bro!

Anuprya: So it is your turn Riddhima to make Vansh wear the ring.

Then Riddhima manages to let Vansh wear the ring.

Everyone claps and they were happy that finally the engagement is done.

Ishani lefts them and entered her room and because she was really angry she harms herself when she breaks the mirror.

Ishani to herself: How this is possible?! How every time my plan was going to success it turned to be failed! I was preparing two perfect plans to stop this engagement and still it happened! I will not leave you Riddhima, I was trying to just stop this marriage without harming you, but now you are the one who forced to do that. You are so eager to complete the rest of your life with Vansh, but what happens if your life ends before marrying Vansh?! Yes Riddhima, your love to Vansh will end your life! If you didn’t put an eye on something that belongs to me, you would have the chance to live more. But you don’t know with whom you crushed with. Now the game become more dangerous! Enjoy the last moments that are left in your life!

At the same time, Vansh was worried about all the coincidences that have happened to just stop the engagement. Actually, he wasn’t the only one who was thinking with the same way as Angre came to share with him the same worries.

Angre: Boss, when I was fixing the lights, I have discovered that it is destroyed by someone. I don’t think that what have happened today is a coincidence. There is someone who wants to stop your and Riddhima’s wedding.

Vansh: I was thinking about the same before you came. I also feel that destroying the car and the lights being went off surprisingly like that is not a coincidence and is done by a person who doesn’t agree with that marriage.

Angre: But who is this person and what is his/her motive? Actually, the people who are here are all family members so who will do such a cheap thing?!

Vansh: So that appears that the one who is behind all of those plans is someone from the family!

Angre: No Vansh of course not, we can’t suspect anyone without a proof. Maybe we are overthinking and it could be only a coincidence and there isn’t a person who wants to stop the marriage.

Vansh: I hope that you are right, but we also must be very alert until we become sure that what have happened was just a coincidence.

Angre: Okay boss, I will check everything and I will not give a chance for any problem to happen.

After Angre has left, Vansh was still thinking and he was feeling that something bad will happen.

Angre was going to Ishani’s room to check on her, but he didn’t find her and he finds the broken mirror. He was shocked to see the broken mirror and he was speculating about the reason that could make Ishani do such a thing. He starts to doubt that Ishani could be that person who wants to stop the marriage.

Angre to himself: No no, this can’t happen! Ishani will not do such a thing. What her motive behind stopping Vansh’s marriage?! Actually, she respects him a lot, she will not do such a thing to him. Of course, I’m just overthinking. She would broke it by mistake. Don’t think too much Angre.

Angre left Ishani’s room, but his doubt that she could be the one behind what has happened today didn’t left his mind.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and tell me what you want to see in the upcoming updates and let’s see if Ishani’s motive will be exposed or not. Don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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