Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 23

The episode starts with Riddhima applying the mehandi and being in so much pain, but she was trying to hide it to not make anyone figure out and make Ishani reach to what she wants and destroy the wedding ceremony.
Actually, Vansh was observing Riddhima’s reactions and he was feeling that she isn’t okay and there is something that is disturbing her and when he was going to see what
is happening to Riddhima, Ishani stopped him.
Ishani: You can’t be more closer, you must not see Riddhima’s mehandi before it ends. Just wait until she finishes applying her mehandi.
Vansh: Okay I will wait.
Ishani was very happy that she succeed in preventing Vansh from being with
Riddhima even for awhile.
Ishani to herself: Very soon I will prevent you Vansh from being with Riddhima forever and you will with me, just with me!
At the same time, Riddhima was facing through a huge pain, but she was trying to calm herself down by looking at Vansh.
Riddhima to herself: I could do anything for you Vansh. I don’t care about that pain, you are the one who I care about the most. I would not disturb or cause any problems in our wedding rituals, I will do everything in our wedding rituals completely without
leaving any ritual incomplete.
While Riddhima was applying her mehandi, Sejal and Kabir were announcing their surprise to Riddhima and Vansh.
Kabir: Sejal and I have prepared a beautiful surprise to Vansh and Riddhima.
Everyone was waiting for Kabir and Sejal’s surprise and Riddhima was trying to forget her pain by focusing in what Kabir and Sejal are preparing.
They got a screen and they announced that they decided to make Vansh and
Riddhima’s mehandi ceremony more interesting by making them remembering their memories together and their childhood pictures.
Kabir: We decided to make Riddhima and Vansh enjoy their mehandi ceremony by watching their pictures and remember some cute memories.
They start seeing Vansh and Riddhima’s childhood pictures and how they were so cute when they were young and then they start seeing Vansh and Riddhima’s pictures together and the romantic moments they have shared together.
While everyone was watching the pictures and enjoying seeing those pictures, Kabir expressed his happiness of seeing Sejal wearing the dress that he bought it to her.
Kabir: I’m really happy that you wear the dress. You look so beautiful.
Sejal: Thank you and I really liked the dress.
Kabir: But I like you more.
His words made her got very shy, but she was happy to feel his love to her.
Those pictures draw a smile on Vansh and Riddhima’s faces.
Sejal: We decided to show these pictures to draw that smile that is shown in Riddhima and Vansh’s faces and we hope that you both liked our surprise.
Riddhima and Vansh at the same: I like it so much, thank you.
Everyone got amazed from the chemistry that is between Vansh and Riddhima. They were all happy for them and they were satisfied seeing their happiness.
After Riddhima finished applying her mehandi and she waiting for it to dry up, she was trying to calm herself down and trying to forget that pain by drinking water. But she wasn’t able to manage taking the glass of water to not destroy the mehandi.
So Vansh came and helped her by giving her the glass and making her drink the water by his hand. They were enjoying the romantic moment together.
After she finished drinking water, there were some droplets that were on her mouth so he removed them with a romantic way.
Riddhima: Thank you Vansh for always being here for me when I needs you.
Vansh: I will always be here for you before even asking for a help. By the way, I’m super excited to see my name on your hand!
His words make her worried as everything will be exposed when they see her mehandi.
After some time, Anuyprya requests Riddhima to go and wash her hands to see her mehandi.
After Riddhima washed her hands, everyone got shocked to see her hands.
Anuprya: Oh my God! There is a lot of wounds in your mehandi! How this is
Siya: Your hands are really got hurt!
Uma: It is a bad omen!
Ragini: But how this is possible?!
Everyone was looking at Riddhima and waiting for an answer while Ishani was very happy seeing Riddhima in that situation, but Riddhima managed to handle the situation to not cause any problems.
Riddhima: Actually, I’m suffering an allergy from the mehandi and I think this is the reason behind that wounds, but don’t worry about me. I’m okay.
Anuprya: It is okay Riddhima darling. Actually, it is not a bad omen like you have said Uma. Look at Riddhima’s mehandi, it is super glowing and the color of the mehandi is dark like I was expecting.
Siya: Yes mom, you are right the mehandi is very beautiful. The color of the mehandi being that dark let us know how much Vansh loves Riddhima, right Vansh? *she winks at him*
Vansh was happy to see Riddhima’s mehandi, but he didn’t understand why she didn’t say that she suffers an allergy from the mehandi?! He would never makes her applies it, if he had known that before! He would never make anything hurts his Riddhima, even if this is their wedding mehandi!
Everyone was amazed to see how beautiful Riddhima’s mehandi is, but Ishani was very sad with the way Riddhima manages to get out of what she plans to her.
Riddhima goes to Ishani and she starts confronting her.
Riddhima: What have happened to you Ishani? I can see that your face become very pale! You are surprised of how you didn’t manage to destroy my mehandi ceremony right?! Don’t be so surprised, I would do anything to complete the marriage even if I will face any
pain. Look how those wounds made my mehandi more beautiful! Every time you will try to destroy my happiness, I will manage to get out of it and refute it. I will not lose in front of you Ishani because Vansh’s love is my power. So I think you must get used to failure!

Riddhima’s words incresed Ishani’s anger, but she decided to prepare for her next move and don’t give up until she give that Riddhima a big lesson. So she don’t think to play with her once again!
Vansh came to Riddhima to ask her about the reason that made her tolerate all of that pain.
Vansh: Why you completed applying the mehandi and you were aware of your
allergy?! Why you tolerated such a pain?! You would merely refuse applying it and I would understand that.
Riddhima: I can’t miss such a ritual in our marriage, I would like to do every ritual and enjoy it. So how I would miss this beautiful ritual?! I don’t care about that pain as now a big happiness replaced it.
He got to emotional from her words and he takes her hands and kissed them.
Vansh: I think the pain vanished right?
They both smiled and they have a hug.

Riddhima: You didn’t tell me, how is my mehandi? Just look at your name and how it is glowing in my hand!

Vansh: It is really adorable, it is more glowing than I was expecting!
Afterwords, Vansh decided to reveal the shocking news now so he can arrange
everything properly.
Vansh: I want everyone to concentrate with me as I’m going to say a very important thing. Actually, I’m going to reveal a shocking truth. So please listen to me carefully.
His words graped everyone’s attention as they were feeling that what he is going to say will cause a huge shock.
He starts telling them the relation between Riddhima and that family even before they known each other.
They were all shocked to learn that truth and that poor Riddhima was very shocked and she wasn’t believing what she is listing.
Vansh comes to be beside her and support her to let her feel that she isn’t alone.
Vansh: I know that the truth isn’t easy to be believed, but that’s the truth. You are a daughter of that family. You are the second daughter of Rudra Rai Singhania, you are not Riddhima Anupam you are Riddhima Rudra Rai Singhania. You have all to accept
this truth.
Rudra was unbelievable, he didn’t imagine that he will find his second daughter who he was forced to not see her and raise her. He didn’t believe that after all those years he got to find his second daughter. He goes to hug her, but she get away from him.
Riddhima: You are coming to hug him as if you didn’t do anything! Where you were when I was in the orphanage?! Where is that love when I was dreaming so much to have my father’s love?! Now you remembered that you have another daughter and you
have to care about her! Why you left me?! Answer me and don’t be quiet!
Vansh: Yes Rudra uncle, you must answer Riddhima’s questions. Actually, I also have a lot of questions that you must answer them all. Not only me but also the whole family owing a lot of questions to you that you have to answer them immediately!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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