Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 28

The episode starts with Riddhima gaining consciousness.

Ishani: Congratulations Riddhima for your marriage. I admit that you succeed in marrying Vansh, but you will not succeed in uniting with him. Because he is mine and he always be only mine. You must to be now with him, celebrating your first wedding night, but look where you are now?! You will can’t celebrate your wedding with Vansh because you will be killed. Yes Riddhima, you will not survive more. You must take the punishment that you deserve after marrying my Vansh and taking him from me. By the way, I’m not the only one included in your kidnap. There is another one who helped me in kidnapping you. There is another one who is behind your soul and wants to kill you.

Riddhima got shocked to see the second one behind her kidnapping.

Riddhima: Uma aunt?! You?!

Uma: Why you are so surprised Riddhima?! Do you thought that I will leave you after insulting me?! How you believed that I will accept you?! Who are you to be accepted?! You are a cheap girl who her mother got pregnant without marriage and made an affair with a married man! You and your mother like each other: cheap and low class people! Your mother deserved to be killed, she didn’t deserve to live more after what she has done.

Riddhima: What?! Kill?! My mom got killed not died normally!

Uma: I think she must know the whole truth before her death, right Ishani?

Ishani: Let her die after knowing everything as this will make her pass through much pain and I want her to suffer a lot.

Uma: Yes Riddhima, your mother got killed by my hand. I’m the one who killed your mother! I’m the one who destroyed your whole life and forbids you from being with your parents!

Uma starts telling everything she made and Riddhima was surprised and shocked from what she has heard.

Riddhima: I will not leave you Uma. You will be punished and you will pay the price of everything you have done. Vansh will not leave you and he will punish you. You will be exposed! I will not leave after what you have done to my mother! I will let you suffer a lot!

Uma: And who will expose me? You?! You are the one who will make me suffer?! How you will do this and you are in that state?! And about Vansh, who will tell him?! No one will know that we are the ones behind your death and no one will know what I have done in the past. Everything will end by your death Riddhima darling!

Riddhima was afraid and she hopes that Vansh could find her quickly and rescue her before it become too late! She hopes that he could to her and rescue her as he always do.

Riddhima to herself: Please Vansh come quickly, I really needs you. Please come and punish those criminals and don’t let them succeed in their plan. I don’t want to die and leave you, there is still a lot of things that we didn’t complete it between each other. I have a complete faith in our love and I know that you will come and rescue me.

At the same time, Vansh got shocked when he finds the room empty and he has seen everything got messed there and that what makes him sure that something bad have happened to his Riddhima especially when he saw a paper written by Riddhima’s hand writing.

Riddhima: Vansh I had like to tell you something before we start a new beginning, I want to tell you about something that is disturbing me and scared me. There is someone in your family that doesn’t love me and is behind my soul. I’m afraid that this person could destroy our marriage, this person is so dangerous and could do anything to not see us together. I know you that you would not trust me, but trust me I’m saying the truth. Yes I don’t have a proof, but you promised me to trust me and support me. Please Vansh find this person and end my fear. This person could do anything, I could lose my life because of this person!

Riddhima decides to give this letter to Vansh when he arrives as she didn’t want to hide anything from him when they starting a new beginning and she decided to tell him Ishani’s truth even if he didn’t trust her, but unfortunately she got kidnapped before she could tell him anything. But actually this letter gives Vansh the way to find Riddhima.

Vansh to himself: This letter would make me know that Riddhima is in danger, of course that family member that Riddhima is talking about in the letter is the one who is behind her absence. My Riddhima got kidnapped! Don’t worry Riddhima, your Vansh will come to you and will rescue you.

Everyone was worried in VR mansion when they know about Riddhima absence.

Rudra: Vansh please get my daughter back. I can’t lose her after I’ve found her. Please get her back to me.

Ragini: Yes Vansh, Please get my sister back. I can’t tolerate losing her.

Vansh can’t calm them down because he is also worried about Riddhima and he is so afraid about her. He has observed the absence of Uma and Ishani and that increases the doubt that he owns towards Uma, but he doesn’t believe that Ishani could be involved in that cheap thing. He went to Angre to share his doubt with him so they can think about the situation quickly to take a move very fast before anything bad could happen to Riddhima.

Vansh: I believe that Uma aunt could be involved in Riddhima absence!

Angre: Unfortunately, I believe that my own sister could be also involved in what has happened! They are both absent especially Ishani, who wasn’t seen from the haldi ceremony till now, I really can’t imagine that Ishani and Uma aunt could do such a thing!

Vansh: Look Angre, We still don’t have a big proof so we can’t accuse Ishani, but I really suspect Uma aunt because she has a motive behind hating Riddhima and what she has done in the past is a proof against her. So let’s concentrate on Uma aunt now and when we find Riddhima we would know the whole truth.

Angre: You are right, so what we will do now?

Vansh: You must track Uma’s aunt very quickly before she could destroy it. I admit that she didn’t destroy it till now because maybe she believed that we will not suspect her so please track her mobile quickly as we can reach to Riddhima’s place.

Angre: Okay boss, I will do that quickly don’t worry.

Riddhima and Vansh were afraid that they could lose each other after they became together, but they have a big faith on their love and they believe that their love is the thing that will win at the end.

Afterwards, Vansh and Angre have reached to Riddhima’s place by tracking Uma’s mobile. Unfortunately, Uma and Ishani have started their plan to kill Riddhima.

Uma: It is time for the great enjoyment! You will die now so be eager to see your mom in heaven and be with her. Actually, you must appreciate what I’m doing to you Riddhima as I will make you meet your mother so you should thank me! You will be killed with the same way I have killed your mother with as it is the painful way and I will be every happy to see you paining.

Uma starts spreading kerosene around Riddhima and she starts the fire! Because of the vapor of the fire, Riddhima had lose consciousness.

Uma: Good bye Riddhima!

At that moment, Vansh and Angre have entered the place and they were shocked to see this situation.

When Ishani saw them, she decided to pretend that she is collapsing so she can’t be caught with Uma as she will not give the chance to Riddhima to expose her.

Ishani to herself: Thank God that they didn’t notice me yet and when they will notice me they will find me collapsing so they will not doubt me. When we return to the house, I will cause some drama and I will manage to get out of that situation even if Riddhima said that I’m included in her kidnapping I’ll still manage to get out and I will stick everything has done from the beginning to Uma aunt.

Vansh was so afraid about Riddhima so he has jumped in the fire that is around Riddhima with a big courage and he succeed in rescuing her. Then Vansh’s men came and they stopped the fire and rescued Ishani.

Uma was trying to escape, but Angre catches her.

Angre: Where are you going Uma aunt?! You will not manage to escape! You will get the punishment that you deserve. Vansh will not leave you! Come with me without a word.

They have reached to the house and Riddhima was still unconscious, but Vansh was trying his best to wake her up. He tried so hard to make her gain consciousness and finally she waked up.

When Vansh saw Riddhima wake up, he hugged her to relief his stress and fear that he was feeling when she was away from him.

Vansh: Thank God that you gained consciousness Riddhima. I was really afraid and scared to lose you. Are you okay sweetheart?

Riddhima wasn’t able to say a word so Vansh make her sit comfortably and he gets her a glass of water and after she drank it she felt better and she was able to talk.

Riddhima: I’m fine Vansh. Don’t worry.

She throw herself in his arms because she was so afraid and she was trying to calm herself down by being in his arms.

Vansh: Please calm down sweetheart, I’m with you now and nothing will harm you. When you are in danger, I will always be there to rescue you. Just relax and tell me did Uma aunt is the one who is behind your kidnap?

Riddhima: Yes Vansh, she kidnapped me to kill me like what she did with my mother!

Everyone got shocked from Riddhima’s words, they didn’t believe that Uma could do such a thing and she could be the one who is behind the death of Riddhima’s mother and she was also behind Riddhima’s soul.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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