Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 29

The episode starts with Riddhima telling VR family everything has happened to her and how Uma acknowledge what she has done in the past and how she killed her mother with cold blooded and how she didn’t stop at that only, but she was also behind Riddhima’s soul and how Uma wants to kill Riddhima whatever is the circumstances.
Rudra: I will not leave you Uma, you have done a lot to me and my family. You don’t deserve to be a mother. How a mother could forbids another mother from being with her daughter?! How you could kill a person and you can live peacefully like that?! How you were living normally after you have killed an innocent woman and forbids a young girl from living with her mother?! You don’t deserve to be called as a human, even animals don’t do such a behavior! I did a huge mistake in my life when I got married to an inhuman woman like you! I’m sorry Ragini dear because I chose her to be your mother! I’m really sorry for everyone that I chose such a woman to the family! I’m sorry Riddhima dear for everything this woman has done to you and your mother. Your mother is the one who deserved to be my wife not that Uma. I’m sorry that I didn’t protect your mother Riddhima. I’m really sorry for everything.
Uma: Don’t act as if you are so innocent! You are the reason of everything has happened. You are the one who made me do all of those things. If you didn’t cheated me with that woman, I would never do such a thing! Do you believed that when I know your cheat I will cry so much and just be satisfied that you broke the relation with that woman?! No Rudra darling, I’m not that type of weak women that’ll give up and don’t fight so dangerously. Actually, you didn’t even left that woman for my sake you left her just for your family’s sake. So how I would leave that woman to live peacefully?! You are the reason behind every action I’ve done. So don’t pretend as if I’m the only one who is evil in this family!
Vansh: Enough! Enough is enough Uma! You have done and said a lot of things Uma! Actually, you don’t deserve to be called an “aunt”. You are not deserve to be a mother, a wife, or a an aunt to anyone! What you have done will not be forgiven. You will take the punishment that you deserve.
Uma: I’m not the only one who is included in this thing! I will not get the punishment alone.
Ishani was worried that Uma could expose her and tell everyone that she is included in everything has happened so Ishani decided to start her drama.
Ishani: Vansh please punish that woman. I was suspecting her since the music ceremony. I was suspecting that she is that person who was causing the problems that has done since the engagement ritual. I suspected her that she is the one who was tried to kill Riddhina in the music ceremony. When I’ve known Uma’s motive and I was trying to stop her and rescue Riddhima from her, she kidnapped me along with Riddhima to forbids me from exposing her in front of you all. She is an evil person, please punish her!
Uma was shocked from Ishani’s attitude and how she decided to stick everything to her and Uma was very angry from Ishani, but what makes her decided to not say a word against Ishani is that she knows that Ishani will not leave Riddhima and will kill her whatever are the circumstances. As if Uma exposed Ishani in front of VR family, no one will be in VR mansion to destroy Riddhima’s happiness. Actually, Uma already knows that she is already exposed and she knows that she will can’t get out of that trap because her truth is already exposed. So she decides to leave Ishani pretend as if she is so innocent to let her succeed in their common motive which is killing Riddhima and destroying her life.
Riddhima was surprised from Ishani’s attitude and how she is trying to pretend as if she so innocent.
Riddhima: No Vansh, don’t trust that Ishani. She is also involved in what has happened to me, she also wants to kill me! Don’t trust her, she is trying to fool you! Don’t leave her and punish her, she will not leave us living peacefully!
Ishani: Riddhima darling of course you have a misunderstanding. I have came to help you not to kidnap you. Vansh, I haven’t done anything. Maybe because of what has happened to Riddhima she can’t differentiate between who wants to kill her and who wants to rescue you her.
Vansh: Please Riddhima calm down, Ishani wants just to help you she isn’t like that evil Uma. Just calm down.
Riddhima: Vansh don’t trust her, she is lyi…
Before Riddhima could complete her words, she fainted.
Then Vansh takes her upstairs to make her relax.
While Vansh was with Riddhima in their room, Ragini was shattered and she was confronting Uma for what she has done.
Ragini: How you could do such a thing?! How you could kill an innocent woman?! How you could separate a daughter from her mother?! What if I was in Riddhima’s place?! How you believed that what you have done will not be exposed?! I’m really ashamed and embarrassed that you are my mother! Actually, you don’t deserve to call you mom!
Ragini was shattered and heart broken so Rudra starts calming her down and then Vansh came to the hale of the house.
Vansh: Riddhima’s state is because of what you have done to her Uma and I will not leave you. You have done a big mistake to Vansh Rai Singhania’s wife. You will must be punished.
Anuprya: We must send her to jail immediately!
Vansh: Not that easy mom! Yes we will send her to jail, but first I must make her face all the pain that Riddhima faced because of her. I hope that what I will do to Uma will not hurt you Ragini. I know that Uma is your mother, but I can’t forgive her. What she has done to my wife and her mother must let her take punishment for it!
Ragini: Don’t care about me Vansh, punish her because she really deserves that.
Vansh: Uma you will be put in a forced working institution so you could take the punishment that you deserve and then you will go to jail. You will spend your whole life taking the punishment for what you have done. The jail is the government’s punishment for the murder of Riddhima’s mother while the forced working institution is my punishment to you. This is Vansh Rai Singhania’s punishment to you Uma. You will suffer a lot in that institution, you will blame yourself everyday that you have messed with Vansh Rai Singhania’s wife.
Then Vansh’s men came to take Uma to that forced working institution to take her punishment.
Vansh: I’m sorry Ragini for what your mother has done. I know that what you have known is very hard go you to tolerate it. Please go to relax and everything will be fine.
Ragini: I just want to go to Riddhima and check on her. I want to take care about my sister.
Vansh: Okay, come with me.
Ragini went to Riddhima to check on her and Riddhima was already gained consciousness.
Ragini: Riddhima dear are you okay?
Riddhima: I’m okay Ragini. Don’t worry.
Ragini: I’m sorry Riddhima for what my mother has done to you and your mother, I’m really ashamed that she is my mother. Please forgive me.
Riddhima: You don’t have to apologize for a mistake that you didn’t make it. You didn’t do any bad thing to me so you don’t have to apologize. Whatever your mother is done, I can’t punish you for what she has done. You are my sister and I will always love you. So don’t be ashamed for something that you didn’t do.
Ragini: I love you so much Riddhima di. Take care of yourself and I will leave you now to take some rest and I will come to check on you tomorrow.
After Ragini lefts, Riddhima was terrified from what she passed through. She was happy that her mother’s culprit got exposed and she will take the punishment for what she has done, but she was sad that Ishani didn’t get exposed. Riddhima is worried from what Ishani will do now as Riddhima knows that she can’t come up with Ishani’s truth again to Vansh because she doesn’t have any proof against her as Ishani sticked everything has happened from the beginning to Uma. But Riddhima will not give up until she punish and expose Ishani in front of Vansh. Then Vansh have interrupted her and gets her out from her thoughts.
Vansh: Come on sweetheart, don’t over think and be so terrified. Your husband is with you so how could someone harm you?! The one who disturbed you and was trying to destroy our marriage is now punished. Don’t worry, she will can’t do anything to you from now on. Now we can start a new beginning and live peacefully.
He hugged her so tightly to minimize her fear and she was trying to forget everything has happened to her by being in his arms.
Riddhima to herself: We can’t live peacefully if Ishani’s motive isn’t exposed, but I promise you Vansh that I will not make her interfere between us again and I will fight against her very bravely.
Because they were super tired, they fall asleep in each other’s arms. They were happy that they have the chance to be together once again and they didn’t give the chance to anyone or anything to separate them from each other.
At the other hand, Ishani was very happy that she forbids Vansh and Riddhima from celebrating their wedding night and she was planning for her next move.
Ishani to herself: What is the problem if I didn’t succeed in killing Riddhima that time? Of course the next time I will succeed in killing you Riddhima. At least I succeeded in forbidding you from having the chance to celebrate your wedding night with Vansh and I will not make you do that whatever are the circumstances because Vansh is only mine. So I must keep an eye on you Riddhima and I must prepare for my next move very quickly to get rid of you as soon as possible!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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